A mobile radio station P-166-0.5 has been identified for the first time in war-torn Luhansk and Donetsk regions. This communication system has been installed by the Russian military on a modified BTR-80 K1sh1 vehicle chassis for greater combat protection.

File Photo: http://www.wallpaperup.com/352918/2014_Victory_Day_Parade-in-Nizhny-Novgorod_Russia_Military_Russian_Army_Red-Star_armore_R-166-0_5_signal_vehicle_on_K1Sh1_base_3_4000x2667.html
The P-166 is designed to provide duplex or simplex channels of communication simultaneously in two independent radio networks, HF and VHF bands. It provides a range of up to 2 thousand kilometers on HF (reduced to 750 km while the vehicle is moving) and up to 250 km in the UHF band. Its primary purpose is to allow for long range control of tactical groups by command stations. In other words the Russian forces can stay in direct touch with the Kremlin or The Russian Joint Staff right from the ‘comfort’ of their emplacements around Donetsk. While the technology was first unveiled in 2005, its deployment began in earnest 2011 and 2012. This system replaces the older Zil-131 communication system.
If one looks at the video (published on YouTube 10 Novemebr 2014) below which show a Russian convoy in Ukraine, one can see the Communication BTR K1sh1 at exactly 1min,10sec. into the video.
The radio station can also be based on a Kamaz truck, either variant 4310 or 43114.
Written for InformNapalm by Christopher Garfield (Based on an article by Al Gri, Translated by Eugene Ivantsov).
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