The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) documented illegal actions of an engineer of a state institution working in the field of radio communications. The engineer carried out subversive activity against Ukraine following orders of Russian special services.
The 41 years old engineer had access to information that constitutes the State secret with “secret” and “top secret” degree of secrecy. It was established that in March 2014 he was recruited in Ukraine by a staff member of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Federation.
By order of the Russian intelligence the traitor illegally tapped conversations within ATO with the help of special equipment which he used as an employee of the state institution. He then passed this information to the Russian saboteurs: “Abwehr” (Sergey Zdrilyuk), “Nos” (Viktor Anosov), and “Strelok” (Igor Girkin).
On August 29, the investigatory department of the SBU branch in the Kharkiv region initiated criminal proceedings against the detainee in terms of Article 111, Paragraph 1 (High Treason) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Edited by Larry Field