About Us

INFORMNAPALM volunteer initiative is quite versatile. In addition to media coverage of events concerning the undeclared war against Ukraine, annexation of Crime, terrorist activities of the Russian special services as well as the fanatically-minded militants of so-called ‘DPR’, ‘LPR’, ‘Novorossiya’ and so on, the team members are engaged in a wide range of volunteer activities.

InformNapalm’s team consists of former military, journalists, analysts, translators and activists who work on a voluntary basis. In civilian life, each of us does quite different job, but with the advent of war in Ukraine, we all became soldiers – soldiers of the information front.

Some members of the team have been repeatedly rotated to the ATO zone, many of us live in the occupied territories, some provide all possible assistance being abroad. We all are ordinary people who love Ukraine and wish it freedom and prosperity. The fate of Ukraine depends on us, and not on politicians, bureaucrats and oligarchs.

As for the INFORMNAPALM.ORG site itself – it is dedicated to media coverage of the Russian aggression. On its pages we show the true face of the Kremlin’s fascism and activities of its followers. We publish unique analytical articles and materials that have been collected in the course of monitoring of open information sources, messages by insiders and direct participants of the events.

Only together we can stand and win!


Ignis vincit tenebris
© InformNapalm
