After the latest meeting in Minsk many people might ask a question: Why, instead of the separatists, the negotiations included the head of a country, which, by his own words, “is not a party to the conflict”? And why does the President of RF agree with relocation of “separatist weapons” to the territory of Russia? Perhaps, they don’t actually belong to the separatists?
The answer is simple. There are no “separatists”, but there is Russian Army, which is invading Ukraine. Here are a few items to add to the evidence presented previously.
There have been multiple observations of the Russian BMP “Vystrel” in the occupied territory. This time, this armored vehicle was identified right in the middle of the combat zone near Debaltseve. This is Russian Army in action, surrounded by “snowmen”.
Well-equipped fighters on a Russian BTR-80M.
Four 122-mm “Gvozdika” self-propelled howitzers without identification marks and with non-standard numbers deliver intensive fire. Two unidentified servicemen give the orders to fire. So, up to that moment the legend of “DNR army” holds firm. But in the picture, in background, there’s a military truck carrying the symbol of Soviet Guards, inherited by Russian Army.
I don’t think it is necessary to comment on these videos. Everything is too evident to continue with the comforting thoughts of some poorly organized “militia”, whose goal is to protect their “homeland”. It is the leadership of RF, which will bear the responsibility for their actions, and not the puppet leaders of the Russia-proclaimed republics.
This material was prepared by Al Gri. The reference to the source and the mention of the author are required when using the information.
Translated by Andrii Gryganskyi.
Edited by Max Alginin
One Response to “Assault on the Debaltseve Bulge: Russian Military Equipment in the Camera Lens”
Wie viele Panzer besitzt das Terroristenbataillon "August"? - (Deutsch)[…] beschädigten BMPs in unglaublichen Mengen, “August” auch einen absolut russischen BTR-80M besitzt, von dem ich in meinen Nachforschungen schon berichtet […]