On January 18, administrators of one of the public accounts on the pro-Russian social network website Vkontakte asked to repost the following statement as much as possible. We found the statement so interesting and exemplary that we want to quote this opus:
On the treacherous activity of Plotnitsky’s gang.
This morning, Igor Plotnitsky [the head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic], known by his “feats” of destroying combat commanders, ordered to mop up the Sverdlovsk garrison of the Cossack national guard “Rim”.
This is a combat unit located on the front line, 500 meters from the contact line.This act destroys the defense of the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) for selfish greedy goals of Mr. Plotnitsky, in particular, shipping out coal and uncontrolled theft of the humanitarian aid from Russia.
We appeal to the entire community of the Luhansk People’s Republic — to civilians and politicians, to all who are not indifferent to the fate of the young Republic and their native land — to put pressure on the government of the LPR represented by Plotnitsky, that has gone too far, and to force him to stop the bloody lawlessness, otherwise God only knows what will happen.
Plotnitsky uses terrorist methods of management in the LPR. Principles of the People’s Republic are based on the people’s rule, which is carried out by two houses of parliament, and that is written in the constitution of the LPR: people is a source of authority of the LPR. Plotnitsky, having seized the power in the republic by deception, wants to build a recognized by nobody kingdom, a terrorist state.
He follows the main features of a terrorist organization in his activity. He hides in Luhansk with personal guard consisting of members of PMC (private military companies), uses civilians as a shield, and uses a small group of people with heavy weapons to attack the true defenders of the native land, who are indigenous population, in other words the people of the Luhansk Republic. The Cossack national guard is on the side of people’s interests. We consider terrorism the main threat all over the world at this time. Any terrorist organizations that do not submit to the authority of the people of LPR will be considered an enemy.
While the Ukrainian army is pouring fire at the cities in the front zone and trying to break through [the front line], the authorities of the LPR are trying to disband and disarm units that have been fighting for liberation of Donbas since the first day of this bloody war. Why are the newly-minted rulers, at the time of an obvious threat of counterattacks by the Ukrainians, doing everything to weaken the front? In fact, those units that get in the way of the new government, do not sit in the cities and do not loot, but they are at the forefront. Why is this done right now when the [Ukrainian] “junta” has received a huge amount of equipment from the United States and Europe and is going to wipe out the entire Donbas with its inhabitants? Why have the best units that fight enemy not for money but defend their homeland with honor and conscience, been accused of all sorts of sins? In fact, military commanders of these units are not striving for power and has proved their bravery in battles lasting for many months? So why have they got on the way [of the new government] just now? Does the government of the LPR not understand that this would greatly weaken the front and bring discord among the people. It is worth noting that the cities that are under constant fire of the Ukrainians, as well as the defenders of the homeland fighting on the front line, do not get any humanitarian aid delivered to Luhansk. There is a feeling that it simply disappears or, well, or goes onto the stores shelves. At the same time, the units that stay in Luhansk get a very decent salary and live a happy life without feeling any hardship of war.
So, what to do, dear leaders? Where is your conscience, and how you are going to face the people? Weakening the front line, you put the cities of the Luhansk People’s Republic at risk of destruction by the Ukrainians and mass death of people who hoped that the new government would protect the interests of the common people and would not be made of liars and traitors who are filling theirs pockets with money. Or do you suppose that the long-suffering people will allow you to surrender the LPR to Ukraine and, therefore, betray the memory of those who lost their lives in this war? This will not happen. People will not let deceive themselves and denigrate those who really fight for the freedom of people and not sit in the offices dreaming about absolute power.
We on purpose quoted the entire text of the message to show what a mess is in the heads of the militants and separatists. Some of them honestly believe in the “people’s republic” which a priori is not needed and not interesting for Russia, others do in their high mission in the fight against Ukraine, yet others believe in money and eliminate the two previous categories for it. In this scheme, Ukraine stands aside: the bickering of crabs in a barrel is inevitable and is uncontrollable. It can only be stopped by mopping up all idealists and pro-LPR Cossack missionaries. It is exactly what Plotnitsky has been doing under the delicate guidance of Russian generals.
Translated by Alex Khokha.
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