Ukrainian hacktivist team Cyber Resistance in cooperation with volunteers of InformNapalm international intelligence community conducted a CYBINT & OSINT operation to gain access to and analyze the e-mail correspondence of Russian Colonel Leonid Rusin. Until July 2022, Rusin was in command of the 610th Center for Combat Training and Retraining of Military Pilots (military unit 41520), Ivanovo city, Severny airfield. The A-50U airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft are based at this airfield. This Russian equivalent of AWACS is used by the Russian Federation to direct missile attacks on Ukraine. Since July 2022, he has been studying at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Army, apparently on the way to a promotion.
The starting point for this operation was a tipoff from our friends and partners of the OSINT Bees team, who published an OSINT study indicating some personal data of Colonel Leonid Rusin and his wife Olga Rusina. The e-mail address rusinaon@mail.ru which appeared in their message served as an entry point for the hacking operation. The Cyber Resistance activists managed to get full access not only to Olga’s email account, but also to the mail box of her husband rusinleo@mail.ru as well as mail boxes of Rusin’s inner circle, including the officers with whom he conducted official correspondence. This resulted in a massive leak of flight crew lists and photos of other Russian officers, subordinate to Rusin. in this article, we are making public only a part of the available information. However, the bulk of the obtained data is already being used in the interests of intelligence and is producing meaningful results.
Colonel Rusin
Rusin Leonid Igorevich [Rus.: Русин Леонид Игоревич], born December 19, 1979, TIN 644004138190, Russian passport: #5303 827663.
Hacking into the email correspondence of Colonel Rusin made it possible to authenticate his current residence address in Moscow, which did not appear in any public databases and other open sources, as well as his phone number:
Moscow, 25 Vernadsky st., apt. 137. Phone number: +789128431964.
These data appear on the correspondence about receiving a book he needed to study at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.
This address also appears in the questionnaires filled out by Rusin’s wife.
The hack also yielded scanned copies of Rusin’s personal documents.
Rusin systematically reported on officers who violated the secrecy procedure in the unit. The funny thing is that he kept scanned copies of these reports in his personal mail box, which is also a violation of the secrecy procedure.
Interestingly, on September 17, 2022, Rusin was interrogated in the criminal case 12202000735000033 as a witness, where he changed his testimony, placing the blame on his subordinate officer.
Rusin’s account on the Russian state services web portal Gosuslugi shows traffic fines on an almost weekly basis.
Rusin’s hack made it possible to identify dozens more Russian military pilots, who diligently concealed their data and were very discreet on social networks.
For example, the crews of A-50U aircraft:
- RF-94268 tail Number 41 red, Taganrog
- RF-50610 tail Number 42 red
Below, is the list from internal documentation with the names of officers, crew members and their passport numbers:
- Oprya Viktor Viktorovich [Rus.: Опря Виктор Викторович], Russian passport #58 03 569720.
- Krasnopolsky Maxim Sergeyevich [Rus.: Краснопольский Максим Сергеевич], Russian passport #24 97 024395.
- Chelovechkov Igor Valentinovich [Rus.: Человечков Игорь Валентинович], Russian passport #24 14 744336.
- Cheskidov Konstantin Igorevich [Rus.: Ческидов Константин Игоревич], Russian passport #24 15 787198.
- Vorotynsky Eduard Frantsevich [Rus.: Воротынский Эдуард Францевич], Russian passport #24 12 618872.
- Yusov Dmitry Ivanovich [Rus.: Юсов Дмитрий Иванович], Russian passport #04 08 433917.
- Kablinov Maxim Borisovich [Rus.: Каблинов Максим Борисович], Russian passport #6304233105.
- Levchenko Vyacheslav Vladimirovich [Rus.: Левченко Вячеслав Владимирович], Russian passport #24 12 651955.
- Burlutsky Pavel Gennadievich [Rus.: Бурлуцкий Павел Геннадьевич], Russian passport #63 05 867771.
- Topchienko Sergey Alekseevich [Rus.: Топчиенко Сергей Алексеевич], Russian passport #24 17 895248.
- Chunosov Andrey Aleksandrovich [Rus.: Чуносов Андрей Александрович], Russian passport #24 16 817756.
- Rachachov Sergey Borisovich [Rus.: Рачачов Сергей Борисович], Russian passport #24 04 073561.
In total, the analysis of the documentation and photos of social events at the 610th Center for Combat Training and Retraining of Military Pilots (military unit 41520) resulted in identification of 41 Russian officers. See their data in the table.
Here is also the identity data of the Russian officers from the table as a list:
Full name | DOB | Rank | Position | Passport |
Kablinov Maxim Borisovich [Rus.: Каблинов Максим Борисович] | 05/25/1983 | major | flight commander | 6304233105 |
Levchenko Vyacheslav Vladimirovich [Rus.: Левченко Вячеслав Владимирович] | 01/09/1968 | lieutenant-colonel | pilot in command | 24 12 651955 |
Burlutsky Pavel Gennadievich [Rus.: Бурлуцкий Павел Геннадьевич] | 06/25/1986 | captain | assistant navigator | 63 05 867771 |
Topchienko Sergey Alekseevich [Rus.: Топчиенко Сергей Алексеевич] | 04/15/1973 | major | senior flight instructor | 24 17 895248 |
Chunosov Andrey Alexandrovich [Rus.: Чуносов Андрей Александрович] | 04/25/1971 | captain | flight engineer | 24 16 817756 |
Oprya Viktor Viktorovich [Rus.: Опря Виктор Викторович] | 02/25/1980 | major | pilot in command | 58 03 569720 |
Krasnopolsky Maxim Sergeyevich [Rus.: Краснопольский Максим Сергеевич] | 12/04/1976 | major | flight commander | 24 97 024395 |
Chelovechkov Igor Valentinovich [Rus.:Человечков Игорь Валентинович] | 11/14/1969 | lieutenant-colonel | navigation service navigator | 24 14 744336 |
Cheskidov Konstantin Igorevich [Rus.:Ческидов Константин Игоревич] | 12/26/1982 | captain | navigator | 24 15 787198 |
Vorotynsky Eduard Frantsevich [Rus.:Воротынский Эдуард Францевич] | 07/10/1967 | major | flight engineer | 24 12 618872 |
Yusov Dmitry Ivanovich [Rus.:Юсов Дмитрий Иванович] | 09/23/1987 | sergeant major | senior air radio operator | 04 08 433917 |
Andreyev Nikita Vadimovich [Rus.: Андреев Никита Вадимович] | 06/11/1986 | senior lieutenant | assistant of pilot in command | |
Balandin Sergey Anatolievich [Rus.: Баландин Сергей Анатольевич] | senior lieutenant | assistant of pilot in command | ||
Volkov Vladimir Nikolayevich [Rus.: Волков Владимир Николаевич] | senior lieutenant | assistant of pilot in command | ||
Maslov Evgeniy Igorevich [Rus.: Маслов Евгений Игоревич] | senior lieutenant | assistant of pilot in command | ||
Masterov Mikhail Alexandrovich [Rus.: Мастеров Михаил Александрович] | 29.10/1982 | major | pilot in command | 6304 235519 |
Matsegor Vladimir Sergeevich [Rus.: Мацегор Владимир Сергеевич] | captain | assistant of pilot in command | ||
Pestov Mikhail Vasilievich [Rus.: Пестов Михаил Васильевич] | 02.04/1987 | senior lieutenant | navigator корабля | |
Khrulev Dmitry Mikhailovich [Rus.: Хрулёв Дмитрий Михайлович] | 03.06/1982 | praporshchik | senior flight air radio operator | |
Barsky Igor Vladimirovich [Rus.: Барский Игорь Владимирович] | captain | assistant of pilot in command | ||
Borovikov Valery Alexandrovich [Rus.: Боровиков Валерий Александрович] | 07/25/1970 | major | squadron commander of the A-50 air squadron | 1504 201593 |
Gatilov Grigory Alexandrovich [Rus.: Гатилов Григорий Александрович] | 06/28/1985 | captain | assistant of pilot in command | |
Kartashov Sergey Vitalievich [Rus.: Карташов Сергей Витальевич] | 01/24/1968 | senior praporshchik | senior flight air radio operator | 2403 925290 |
Vinogradov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich [Rus.: Виноградов Вячеслав Владимирович] | 10/23/1979 | praporshchik | senior flight air radio operator | 2401 211481 |
Kvasov Maxim Alexandrovich [Rus.: Квасов Максим Александрович] | captain | flight navigator | 7503 296687 | |
Levchenko Vyacheslav Vladimirovich [Rus.: Левченко Вячеслав Владимирович] | 01/09/1986 | lieutenant-colonel | pilot in command | |
Metchenko Valentin Sergeevich [Rus.: Левченко Вячеслав Владимирович] | 02/01/1983 | captain | flight navigator | 7502 749066 |
Popov Yury Valerievich [Rus.: Попов Юрий Валерьевич] | major | pilot in command | 6303 557728 | |
Prokudin Alexander Olegovich [Rus.: Прокудин Александр Олегович] | 04/29/1984 | captain | assistant of pilot in command | 0305 996195 |
Solovyov Vladimir Vyacheslavovich [Rus.: Соловьёв Владимир Вячеславович] | major | flight commander | ||
Anfalov Sergey Anatolievich [Rus.: Анфалов Сергей Анатольевич] | 19.04/1973 | major | flight engineer, flight instructor | 2402 733945 |
Glazunov Sergey Anatolievich [Rus.: Глазунов Сергей Анатольевич] | 03/26/1970 | lieutenant-colonel | air squadron commander | 2402 732647 |
Dolotov Nikolay Vladimirovich [Rus.: Долотов Николай Владимирович] | 07/23/1971 | major | communications officer, senior air radio operator | 2403 921219 |
Korobov Mikhail Valerievich [Rus.: Коробов Михаил Валерьевич] | 06/15/1972 | major | air squadron navigator | |
Minko Igor Nikolaevich [Rus.: Минько Игорь Николаевич] | 12/07/1974 | major | flight engineer, flight instructor | 2402 733944 |
Polunov Andrey Borisovich [Rus.: Полунов Андрей Борисович] | 04/07/1971 | senior praporshchik | senior flight air radio operator | 2402 608399 |
Pukhov Sergey Vladimirovich [Rus.: Пухов Сергей Владимирович] | 07/08/1970 | senior praporshchik | senior flight air radio operator | 2403 811270 |
Rastorguev Andrey Ivanovich [Rus.: Расторгуев Андрей Иванович] | 10/22/1975 | captain | flight navigator | 2404 115918 |
Simonov Mikhail Yurievich [Rus.: Симонов Михаил Юрьевич] | 04/07/1975 | major | flight navigator | 2406 307487 |
Ustinov Evgeny Petrovich [Rus.: Устинов Евгений Петрович] | 08/29/1973 | senior praporshchik | senior flight air radio operator | 2401 302172 |
In addition to various documents, the mail box of Colonel Rusin contained photos with the officers of the unit liberally consuming alcohol at an internal party, as well as a photo of the so-called “spring ball” of officers with their wives. Below are some photos for your reference.
We went for a simple publication format, without a detailed description of Colonel Rusin’s documents, this time focusing on the identity data of the pilots participating in the aggression against Ukraine.
In terms of the scale of the personnel data leak, Colonel Rusin, the former commander of the 610th Center for Combat Training and Retraining of Military Pilots (military unit 41520), comes very close to Colonel Atroshchenko, the commander of the 960th Assault Aviation Regiment (military unit 75387). Both of these commanders became the sources of large-scale leaks of identifying documents of the most secretive group of Russian officers – members of the air crews directly implicated in committing war crimes, delivering air and missile strikes on civilian targets in Ukraine.
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