The Special Forces of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) from the ATO Headquarters detained a citizen of Ukraine, who has only been identified as ‘P’. (1971 YOB), in Talakivka (under Mariupol). The detainee was the coordinator of a spy ring operated in the interests of the Russian backed DPR terrorist organization.
Every day since August 26 the intelligence group led by ‘P’ collected and transferred information about units of the Armed Forces and National Guard of Ukraine located near Novoazovsk, including information on number of personnel, armaments, and condition of military equipment.
On August 28 the detainee gave terrorists the coordinates of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This information was used by the Russian backed terrorists to shell the emplacements of the ATO forces with multiple launch rocket systems BM-21 “Grad”.
Small arms, ammunitions and sights for sniper rifles were seized during the search of P’s apartment.
Investigatory actions are in progress.
Source: СБУ затримала коригувальника обстрілу “Градами” сил АТО під Маріуполем
Edited by Larry Field