Against the backdrop of the Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, InformNapalm volunteer intelligence community presents the personnel list of 417th Reconnaissance Battalion (m/u 13242 Grozny, Chechnya) of the 42nd Motorized Rifle Division of the 58th Combined Arms Army of the Southern Military District of the Russian Armed Forces.
As per our sources, a part of the rank-and-file personnel of this battalion was seconded to a battalion tactical group (BTG) which penetrated Ukrainian territory from the occupied Crimea on FEB 24, 2022, and was moving towards Kherson. Reportedly, the BTG was engaged by the Ukrainian forces and incurred significant losses on their way to Kherson near the town Oleshky. It is likely considerable part of the listed servicemen were killed in action.
Our information represents data on the structure of the Battalion, which includes an HQ company, 3 main combat companies, 1 SIGINT company, as well as 3 support units. In total the structure of the Reconnaissance Battalion has 314 authorized positions. However, at the moment of obtaining the list (2020-2021) its actual personnel strength was 249, with 92 positions being vacant.
In the process of data analysis, we identified part of the personnel on social media and in other open sources. As a result we established the identity of 166 military servicemen (approximately 66% of the battalion). Their personal data presented here includes the following fields: name (patronymic), date of birth, ID number, position (start-end dates), rank, and photo. In the process of identification 35 servicemen of the list were also detected in the archives and publications of InformNapalm and other OSINT projects in the context of the annexation of Crimea in 2014. Back then the listed servicemen were serving in reconnaissance and special purpose battalions of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade.
It should also be noted, that the combat experience of these servicemen as well as their age and nationality varies. The vast majority are seasoned contract soldiers, around 40 years old, with significant experience which includes aggression against Georgia in 2008, annexation of Crimea in 2014 and hostilities in the Donbas in 2014-2016, as well as in Syria. The rest are 21-25 years old, relatively inexperienced, mostly serving as driver-mechanics or filling other specialist positions. Their nationality varies as well and includes Russians, ethnical Ukrainianы, local Chechens (including former members of Zapad and Vostok formations), Dagestanis, Kalmyks and Armenians
It should also be noted, that the combat experience of these servicemen as well as their age and nationality varies. The vast majority are seasoned contract soldiers, around 40 years old, with significant experience which includes aggression against Georgia in 2008, annexation of Crimea in 2014 and hostilities in the Donbas in 2014-2016, as well as in Syria. The rest are 21-25 years old, relatively inexperienced, mostly serving as driver-mechanics or filling other specialist positions. Their nationality varies as well and includes Russians, ethnical Ukrainian, local Chechens (including former members of Yug and Sever formations), Dagestanis, Kalmyks and Armenians.
HQ, Staff, spec. units, tech. units, rear
Born on: 07.03.1972
ID # У-717813
Rank: Lt. Col
Position: Reconnaissance Battalion Commander;
Officially contracted since 2018
- Gorevoy Sergey Anatolyevich (Горевой Сергей Анатольевич)
Born on: 24.08.1984
ID # Х-974961
Rank: Major
Position: Deputy Commander of the Reconnaissance Battalion
Officially contracted since 2016
In open sources: As per information of 2016 of the Ukrainian military intelligence, he was involved in the battalion-tactical group of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade deployed to Ukraine https://archive.ph/wip/fRdqw ; https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/gorevoj-sergej-anatolevich/)
- Senko Mikhail Nikolayevich (Сенько Михаил Николаевич)
Born on: 21.12.1987
ID # Ф-010296
Rank: Captain
Position: Morale and Ideology Officer
Officially contracted since 2018
- Polyakov Alexey Nikolayevich (Поляков Алексей Николаевич)
Born on: 10.05.1984
Place of birth / living in: Novorossiysk / Tabunsky district, Altai Krai / Omsk / Kaliningrad
ID # Х-993680
Rank: Senior Sergeant
Position: Instructor, HQ
Officially contracted since 2017
Previous service: military unit 3737 (2002-2004); military unit 44882 of 291st Motorized Rifle Regiment (since 2018)
- Babayev Karen Rubenovich (Бабаев Карен Рубенович)
Born on: 02.12.1988
Place of birth / living in: Rostov-on-Don / Yekaterinburg
ID # ЕХ-575562
Rank : Sergeant
Position: Instructor, HQ
Officially contracted since 2016
Education: In 2006-2009 St. Petersburg Complex School of Higher Sports Excellence (КШВСМ)
- Churkin Dmitry Viktorovich (Чуркин Дмитрий Викторович)
Place of birth / living in: Volzhsk
ID # ф-081047
Rank: Petty Officer
Position: Instructor, HQ
Officially contracted since 2017
Previous service: m/u 3761of 46th Separate Special Purpose Brigade of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), Chechnya (2001-2003)
Mukasheva Sonogul Khasmuratovna (Мукашева Соногуль Хасмуратовна)
Management Psychologist
- Borisov Alexey Yurievich (Борисов Алексей Юрьевич)
Place of origin / living in: Berdsk, Novosibirsk Oblast
ID # Х-974930
Rank: Major
Position: Chief of Staff – Battalion Deputy Commander
Officially contracted since 2016
Education: In 2003-2008, Novosibirsk Higher Military-Command Institute (НВВКУ)
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as a serviceman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#289)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V)
- Devyatilov Dmitry Vladimirovich (Девятилов Дмитрий Владимирович)
Place of origin / living in: Cherepovets, Vologda Oblast
ID # Э-672506
Rank: Captain
Position: Deputy Chief of Staff
Officially contracted since 2016
Education: Cherepovets State University (ЧГУ), Faculty of Education and psychology (2012)
Tel.: +79211270930
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as a serviceman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#803)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V).
- Smolinsky Mikhail Viktorovich (Смолинский Михаил Викторович)
Born on: 04.11.1982
ID # Ф-289629
Rank: Senior Lieutenant
Position: Adjutant of the Chief of Staff
Officially contracted since 2019
- Turlushkin Dmitry Yevgenovich (Турлушкин Дмитрий Евгеньевич)
Born on: 24.04.1995
Place of origin / living in: Taganrog, Rostov Oblast
ID # СУ-068945
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Instructor of the Staff
Officially contracted since 2016
Previous service: m/u 42091 of the 108th Airborne Regiment of the 7th Airborne Division, Novorossiysk (2013-2015)
Tel.: 89518451590
- Tikhomirov Sergey Idrisovich (Тихомиров Сергей Идрисович)
Born on: 01.07.1992
Place of origin / living in: Novocheremshansk, Ulyanovsk Oblast / Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Rep.
ID # Х-017320
Rank: Private
Position: Interpreter of the Staff
Officially contracted since 2019
Andreyeva Adelina Ildarovna (Андреева Аделия Ильдаровна)
- Tagaev Alexandr Maratovich (Тагаев Александр Маратович)
Place of origin / living in: Chelyabinsk
ID # Ф-277518
Rank: Warrant Officer
Position: Commander of the Special/Secret unit of the HQ
Officially contracted since 2016
Illarionova Viktoria Sergeyevna (Илларионова Виктория Сергеевна)
Clerk of the Special/Secret /unit of the HQ
- Tkachenko Alexandr Alexandrovich (Ткаченко Александр Александрович)
ID # Э-048785
Position: HQ technical unit, Deputy Commander of the Battalion for Armament Affaires – Commander of the Technical unit
Officially contracted since 2017
- Donchenko Maxim Yevgenievich (Донченко Максим Евгеньевич)
Place of origin / living in: Penza
ID # Э-113035
Rank: Lieutenant
Position: Commander of the Missile and Artillery Armament of the HQ technical unit
Officially contracted since 2018
Education: Penza Artillery Engineer Institute (ПАИИ) 2018
- Kryzhanov Alexey Eduardovich (Крыжанов Алексей Эдуардович)
Born on: 11.04.1996
ID # ВЕ-432979
Rank: Sergeant
Position: HQ technician
Officially contracted since 2017
- Volvach Ivan Alexeyevich (Вольвач Иван Алексеевич)
Born on: 01.10.1979
Place of origin / living in: Temizhbekskaya, Krasnodar Krai / Kropotkin, Krasnodar Krai
ID # Ф-170453
Rank: Warrant Officer
Position: HQ Technician (road safety) – Commander of the technical checkpoint
Officially contracted since 2017
Education: Rostov Auto-Road College (1997)
- Tarasov Andrey Anatolyevich (Тарасов Андрей Анатольевич)
ID # Э-055096
Rank: Captain
Position: Deputy Commander for Rear Affairs – Chief of Rear, HQ
Officially contracted since 2019
- Pivkin Danil Alexandrovich (Пивкин Данил Александрович)
Place of origin / living in: Ufa
ID # Э-057241
Rank: Lieutenant
Position: HQ, Commander of the food and material logistics service of the Rear
Officially contracted since 2018
Education: Volsk Military Academy of Material-Technical Support (ВВИМО)
- Kustavinov Nikolay Vladimirovich (Куставинов Николай Владимирович)
ID # Х-932432
Rank: Warrant Officer
Position: HQ, rear technician
Officially contracted since 2019
Social networks: non-identified
Vazayev Adam Ayindinovich (Вазаев Адам Айндиевич)
HQ, Commander of the Apartment-Maintenance Service of the Rear
Born on: 28.05.1988 or 19.05.1983
Place of birth / living in: Gudermes, Chechnya
Education: Grozny state Oil technical University (2010)
Khutiyeva Aset Akhmedovna (Хутиева Асет Ахмедовна)
Clerk of the Rear, HQ
Supposedly, born on: 29.11.1959
Place of birth / living in: Grozny, Chechnya
Education: Grozny Cultural-Educational institute (1992)
I Recon. Company
- Belay Konstantin Alexandrovich (Белай Константин Александрович)
Born on: 24.11.1987
Place of origin / living in: Zarinsk, Altai Krai / Novosibirsk
ID # Х-976038
Rank: Captain
Position: Commander of the 1st Reconnaissance Company
Officially contracted since 2016
Education: Novosibirsk Higher Military-Command Institute (НВВКУ); graduated in 2010
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as a serviceman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#779)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V)
- Badrutdinov Ramil Gadyliyevich (Бадрутдинов Рамиль Гадылевич)
ID # Х-257865
Rank: Warrant Officer
Position: Senior Technician of the 1st Recon. Company HQ
Officially contracted since 2016
- Titarovski Andrey Alexandrovich (Титаровский Андрей Александрович)
Place of origin / living in: Ivanovo, RF
ID # Ф-411378
Rank: Senior Warrant Officer
Position: Petty Officer of the 1st Recon. Company HQ
Officially contracted since 2016
As per information of 2016 of the Ukrainian military intelligence, he participated in combat actions against Ukraine as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade. RF citizen’s passport #249904723519, issued by Ivanovo MIA unit on 21.03.2002
https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/titarovskij-andrej-aleksandrovich/ (https://archive.ph/mkMAG, https://archive.ph/wip/AUhhi
- Nagalyuk Nadezhda Nikolayevna (Нагалюк Надежда Николаевна)
Place of origin / living in: Krasnopollia Settl., Sumy Oblast, Ukraine / Maykop, Adygea / Grozny, Chechnya
ID # Ф-278135
Rank: Petty Officer
Position: Combat medic, 1st Recon. Company HQ
Officially contracted since 2016
- Sobovoy Vladimir Anreyevich (Собовой Владимир Андреевич)
Place of origin / living in: Novocherkassk, Rostov Oblast
ID # Э-265040
Rank: Senior Sergeant
Position: Senior Scout, 1st Recon. Company, HQ
Officially contracted since 2016
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea and combat actions on Donbas as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#782)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V) https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/sobovoj-vladimir-andreevich/
- Goritko Vasily Alexandrovich (Горитько Василий Александрович)
Place of origin / living in: Arzgir, Stavropol Krai
ID # Ф-295844
Rank: Corporal
Position: Senior Driver-Mechanic, 1st Recon. Company, HQ
Officially contracted since 2017
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#322)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V) https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/goritko-vasilij-aleksandrovich/
- Kalandyia Dmitry Vladimirovich (Каландия Дмитрий Владимирович)
Place of origin / living in: Tishenskoe district, Stavropol Krai / Grozny, Chechnya
ID # Ю-060882
Rank: Senior Lieutenant
Position: Commander of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2017
Education: Supposedly, Moscow Higher Military-Command Institute; graduated in 2014
- Shabanov Rasim Suleymanovich (Шабанов Расим Сулейманович)
ID # ЕА-030697
Rank: Senior Sergeant
Position: Commander of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2017
Social networks: non-identified
- Makeyev Sergey Nikolayevich (Макеев Сергей Николаевич)
Place of origin / living in: supposedly, Adler, Krasnodar Krai
ID # Э-807588
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Senior Scout of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Zhanzakov Atem Eduardovich (Жанзаков Артем Эдуардович)
Place of origin / living in: Supposedly, Ust-Muta, Altai Krai
ID # ВС-054775
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Radioman of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Shalayev Nikita Sergeyevich (Шалаев Никита Сергеевич)
Place of origin / living in: Artyomovsky, Sverdlovsk Oblast / Yekaterinburg
ID # ЕХ-546449
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Sapper of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2018
- Lidzhiyev Adryan Alexandrovich (Лиджиев Адьян Александрович)
Place of origin / living in: Supposedly, Naryn Khuduk, Kalmykia
ID # ЕХ-578129
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Sniper of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Kuanshbekov Zakir Sagidullayevich (Куаншбеков Закир Сагидуллаевич)
Place of origin / living in: Astrakhan
ID # Ф-250783
Rank: Private
Position: Driver-Mechanic of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Bekbatyrov Renat Medetbekovich (Бекбатыров Ренат Медетбекович)
ID # Ф-988416
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Commander of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Uspanov Yanar Galimandarovich (Успанов Янар Галимандарович)
ID # Ф-988634
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Senior Scout of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Babichev Alexandr Alexandrovich (Бабичев Александр Александрович)
Place of origin / living in: Rossosh, Voronezh Oblast
ID # ВЕ-354980
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Grenade launcher operator of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Boidoyev Erkey Sergeyevich (Бойдоев Эркей Сергеевич)
Place of origin / living in: Gorno-Altaysk / Grozny, Chechnya
ID # СУ-079762
Position: Scout-Gunner of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Terentyev Nikolay Nikolayevich (Терентьев Николай Николаевич)
ID # Ю-500953
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Sapper of the of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Bukhtuyev Roman Sergeyevich (Бухтуев Роман Сергеевич)
Place of origin / living in: Ust-Koksa, Altai Krai
ID # ЕХ-787442
Rank: Gefreiter
Position: Scout-Sniper of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Bakayev Yuri Alexeyevich (Бакаев Юрий Алексеевич)
Born on: 08.09.1990
Place of origin / living in: Mozhga, Udmurt Rep. / Kostroma
ID # Ю-163142
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Driver-Mechanic of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Storozhenko Pavel Anatolyevich (Стороженко Павел Анатольевич)
Place of origin / living in: Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Krai
ID # Ю-128161
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Aimer of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
Before, in 2010-2011 he did conscription service in 83rd Air Assault Brigade, m/u 71289, Ussuriysk.
- Kobalyev Maxim Valeryevich (Кобалев Максим Валерьевич)
Born on: 15.02.1985
ID # Х-323070
Rank: Senior Lieutenant
Position: Commander of the 3rd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Denishev Alikhan Nikolayevich (Денишев Алихан Николаевич)
Place of origin / living in: Astrakhan
ID # ВС-457956
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Operator of the 3rd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Dosov Anarbek Askharovich (Досов Анарбек Асхарович)
Born on: 22.09.1997
Place of origin / living in: Kharabali, Astrakhan Oblast
ID # ВЕ-491676
Rank: Gefreiter
M/Service: Reconnaissance Officer – Operator of the 3rd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially hired since 2019
- Storozhenko Andrey Ivanovich (Стороженко Андрей Иванович)
Place of origin / living in: Kurskaya, Stavropol Krai
ID # Ф-104790
Rank: Senior Sergeant
Position: Scout – Radioman of the 3rd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Kuzmin Dmitry Alexeyevich (Кузьмин Дмитрий Алексеевич)
ID # Х-588018
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Driver-Mechanic of the 3rd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2018
Social networks: non-identified
- Borodayenko Alexey Sergeyevich (Бородаенко Алексей Сергеевич)
Place of origin / living in: Volgograd
ID # Э-420223
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Aimer of the 3rd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Yemeliyanenko Roman Alexeyevich (Емельяненко Роман Алексеевич)
ID # Э-175412
Rank: Lieutenant
Position: Commander of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Tazhiyev Rafael Gazimzhanovich (Тажиев Рафаель Газимжанович)
ID # Ф-082846
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Commander of the 1st Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Kusly Artem Alexandrovich (Куслий Артем Александрович)
ID # Ф-128612
Rank: Senior Sergeant
Position: Scout – Gunner of the 1st Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Molchanov Tomas Eduardovich (Молчанов Томас Эдуардович)
Place of origin / living in: Kushevskaya, Krasnodar Krai
ID # ВС-211355
Rank: Private
Position: Sapper of the 1st Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Muldagaziyev Azamat Khabidullayevich (Мулдагазиев Азамат Хабидуллаевич)
Place of origin / living in: Astrakhan
ID # СУ-065040
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Scout – Sniper of the 1st Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Totorov Maxim Alexandrovich (Тоторов Максим Александрович)
Born on: 20.02.2001 (according to social media 28.11.1995)
Place of origin / living in: Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Rep.
ID # Х-984254
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Driver-Mechanic of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Buylov Gennady Vasilyevich (Буйлов Геннадий Васильевич)
Place of origin / living in: Astrakhan
ID # Э-356312
Rank : Junior Sergeant
Position: Commander of the 2nd Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Idynov Amady Nikolayevich (Идынов Амаду Николаевич)
Born on: 01.06.1979
Place of origin / living in: Astrakhan
ID # Х-670967
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Gunner of the 2nd Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Morozov Andrey Sergeyevich (Морозов Андрей Сергеевич)
Born on: 24.09.1991
Place of origin / living in: Astrakhan
ID # СУ-065378
Rank: Corporal
Position: Scout – Sapper of the 2nd Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2018
- Baylagashev Danil Igorevich (Байлагашев Данил Игоревич)
Born on: 12.10.1980
ID # Х-925928
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Scout-Sniper of the 2nd Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Lashenov Andrey Vladimirovich (Лащенов Андрей Владимирович)
Place of origin / living in: Gukovo, Rostov Oblast
ID # РА-240516
Rank: Private
Position: Aimer of the 2nd Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Malikov Vladislav Yuriyevich (Маликов Владислав Юрьевич)
Place of origin / living in: Yelets, Lipets Oblast
ID # Ф-955509
Rank: Petty officer
Position: Commander of the 3rd (Control-Surveillance) Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Pogosyan David Gagikovich (Погосян Давид Гагикович)
Place of origin / living in: Krasnodar
ID # ЕХ-585756
Rank: Corporal
Position: Scout of the 3rd (Control-Surveillance) Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Lazebnykh Viktor Alexandrovich (Лазебных Виктор Александрович)
Place of origin / living in: Kamen-na-Obi, Barnaul, Altai Krai
ID # ВЕ-080500
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Operator of the 3rd (Control-Surveillance) Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Zaporozhets Roman Sergey (Запорожец Роман Сергеевич)
ID # Ф-447811
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Operator of the 3rd Control-Surveillance Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Marinenko Igor Vladimirovich (Мариненко Игорь Владимирович)
Place of origin / living in: Krasnaya Polyana, Rostov Oblast
ID # ВС-149173
Rank: Private
Position: Driver-Mechanic of the 3rd (Control-Surveillance) Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 1st Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2017
II Recon. Company
- Shilov Fyodor Alexandrovich (Шилов Федор Александрович)
ID # Ф-830010
Rank: Captain
Position: Commander of the 2nd Reconnaissance Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Agarizayev Rustam Rizayevich (Агаризаев Рустам Ризаевич)
Born on: 29.07.1978
Place of origin / Living in: Lyakhlya, Dagestan / Grozny, Chechnya
ID # Ф-024032
Rank: Senior Warrant Officer
Position: Senior Technician, 2nd Recon. Company HQ
Officially contracted since 2016
- Lyulyev Alexandr Mikhailovich (Люлев Александр Михайлович)
Born on: 27.12.1967
ID # Ф-406012
Rank: Petty Officer
Position: Petty Officer of the 2nd Reconnaissance Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Panferova Galina Nikolayevna (Панферова Галина Николаевна)
Place of origin / Living in: Borodino, Krasnoyarsk Krai / Volgograd / Grozny, Chechnya
ID # Ф-277521
Rank: Senior Sergeant
Position: Combat Medic, 2nd Recon. Company HQ
Officially contracted since 2016
In 2014 participated in the annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#664)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V) https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/panferova-galina-nikolaevna/).
- Kucheryavykh Denis Valeryevich (Кучерявых Денис Валерьевич)
Place of origin / Living in: Supposedly, Gromadsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai
ID # Ю-0600541
Rank: Senior Lieutenant
Position: Commander of the 1st Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
Presumably, he is a brother of First Lieutenant Dmytri Kucheryavykh (#151) – Commander of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company of the same Battalion
- Parshin Andrey Yevgenyevich (Паршин Андрей Евгеньевич)
Born on: 06.05.1996
Place of origin / Living in: Mineralnye Vody, Stavropol Krai
ID # ВЕ-436079
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Commander of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Korovin Alexey Vyacheslavovich (Коровин Алексей Вячеславович)
Place of origin / Living in: Mineralnye Vody, Stavropol Krai
ID # Э-859645
Rank: Corporal
Position: Senior Scout of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
In 2014 participated in the annexation of Crimea and hostilities in the Donbas as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#760)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V) https://informnapalm.org/10763-11-friends-18-omsbr-rf/ (https://archive.ph/GxiAl)
- Cheremukhin Maxim Viktorovich (Черемухин Максим Викторович)
Place of origin / Living in: Barda, Perm Krai
ID # Х-251278
Rank: Private
Position: Driver-Mechanic of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019 (presumably, he did conscription service until December 2019 and afterwards signed a 1-year contact)
Tel.: 89082724095
- Arutyunyan Amayak Arturovich (Арутюнян Амаяк Артурович)
Place of origin / Living in: Georgiyevsk, Rostov Oblast
ID # ВС-146197
Rank: Private
Position: Aimer of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2018
- Chukhlov Dmitry Nikolayevich (Чухлов Дмитрий Николаевич)
Place of origin / Living in: Glazov, Udmurt Rep. / Samara
ID # Х-105686
Rank: Petty Officer
Position: Commander of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Sultanov Garifulla Albertovich (Султанов Гарифулла Альбертович)
ID # Ф-037268
Position: Senior Scout of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since ?
- Reshetnikov Artyom Valentinovich (Решетников Артем Валентинович)
ID # X-257988
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Scout – Grenade launcher operator of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Parkhatskikh Vyacheslav Alexandrovich (Пархатских Вячеслав Александрович)
Place of origin / Living in: Novosibirsk
ID # СУ-080854
Rank: Private
Position: Aimer of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Bezverkhov Lev Mikhailovich (Безверхов Лев Михайлович)
Place of origin / Living in: Penza
ID # Х-324958
Position: Deputy Commander of the Platoon – Commander of the 3rd (Control-Surveillance) Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea and combat actions on Donbass as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#171)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V)
- Menshikov Yevgeny Andreyevich (Менщиков Евгений Андреевич)
ID # СУ-301900
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Scout – Operator of the 3rd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Yelkin Alexandr Anatolyevich (Елкин Александр Анатольевич)
Place of origin / Living in: Volgodonsk, Rostov Oblast
ID # Ф-218780
Rank: Private
Position: Driver-Mechanic of the 3rd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Previous service: conscript in the Airborne Troops
Officially contracted since 2017
- Budnikov Alexey Petrovich (Будников Алексей Петрович)
ID # Э-175394
Rank: Lieutenant
Position: Commander of the 2nd Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Shovkhalov Rustam Salmanovich (Шовхалов Рустам Салманович)
Born on: 12.09.1977
ID # Ф-308762
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Commander of the 1st Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Belayev Eduard Vladimirovich (Беляев Эдуард Владимирович)
Born on: 12.09.1977
ID # Ф-171614
Rank: Senior Sergeant
Position: Commander of the 2nd Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Vershinin Viktor Sergeyevich (Вершинин Виктор Сергеевич)
Place of origin / Living in: Selitrennoe, Astrakhan Oblast
ID # ВС-162639
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Radioman of the 2nd Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Khazhevski Alexey Yuryevich (Харжевский Алексей Юрьевич)
Born on: 12.10.1994
Place of origin / Living in:
ID # Э-901852
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Scout – Grenade launcher operator of the 2nd Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Movchikov Andrey Sergeyevich (Мовчиков Андрей Сергеевич)
Place of origin / Living in: Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan Oblast
ID # ВЕ-488900
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Deputy Commander of the Platoon – Commander of the 3rd Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Syrov Artyom Vladimirovich (Сыров Артем Владимирович)
Born on: 10.10.1990
Place of origin / Living in: Volgograd / Chita / Moscow
ID # Х-713638
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Scout – Radioman of the 3rd Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company
Officially contracted since 2017
Education: Supposedly, St. Petersburg Naval Institute (2011), incomplete education
Tel.: 89295169899
Email: artem.syrov.@bk.ru
III Long range surveillance (LRS) Company
- Lychagin Bladislav Nikolayevichh (Лычангин Владислав Николаевич)
Place of birth / Living in: Novosibirsk
ID # Ю-060694
Rank: Captain
Position: Commander of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
Education: 2011-2015 Novosibirsk Higher Military-Command Institute (НВВКУ)
- Shidayev Albert Khumeidovich (Шидаев Альберт Хумейдович)
ID # Х-073590
Rank: Captain
Position: Deputy Commander of the 3rd LRS Company – Airborne Training Instructor
Officially contracted since 2017
- Samoluchenko Nikolay Vladimirovich (Самолученко Николай Владимирович)
Place of birth / Living in: Balakovo, Samara Oblast
ID # Ю-611373
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Senior Scout – Radioman, HQ of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Kucheryavykh Dmitry Valeryevich (Кучерявых Дмитрий Валерьевич)
ID # Ю-060540
Rank: Senior Lieutenant
Position: Commander of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
Presumably, he is a brother of Senior Lieutenant Denis Kucheryavykh (#91) – Commander of the 1st Platoon of the 2nd Recon. Company of the same Battalion
- Sergeyev Alexandr Sergeyevich (Сергеев Александр Сергеевич)
Born on: 12.06.1988
ID # Ф-977528
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Deputy Commander of the Platoon – Commander of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#510)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V)
- Gud Anton Viktorovich (Гуд Антон Викторович)
Born on: 02.07.1987
Place of birth / Living in: Shuya, Ivanovo Oblast
ID # Ф-037101
Rank: Corporal
Position: Senior Scout of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
Email: anton0061@mail.ru
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea and combat actions on Donbas as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#751)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V) https://informnapalm.org/10763-11-friends-18-omsbr-rf/ (https://archive.ph/GxiAl) https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/gud-anton-viktorovich/
- Mikhailov Roman Petrovich (Михайлов Роман Петрович)
Born on: 05.11.1979
ID # Ф-988826
Rank: Senior Sergeant
Position: Scout of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Yakovenko Sergey Anatolyevich (Яковенко Сергей Анатольевич)
Born on: 28.05.1995
ID # СУ-079591
Rank: Private
Position: Scout of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Semichev Yury Nikolayevich (Семичев Юрий Николаевич)
Born on: 21.08.1976
Place of birth / Living in: Zmeinogorsk, Altai Krai
ID # Ф-202321
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Scout – Sniper of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Vasilenko Vladimir Konstantinovich (Василенко Владимир Константинович)
Born on: 26.09.1988
Place of birth / Living in: Kholmskaya, Armavir, Krasnodar Krai / Grozny, Chechnya
ID # Ф-429494
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Scout – Gunner of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Brovko Ilya Alexandrovich (Бровко Илья Александрович)
Born on: 19.08.1993
Place of birth / Living in: Volzhsk
ID # Х-017263
Rank: Corporal
Position: Scout – Radioman of the 1st Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2018
- Martyn Andrey Andreyevich (Мартын Андрей Андреевич)
Born on: 02.05.1994
Place of birth / Living in: Yekaterinburg
ID # ЕХ-542267
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Commander of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Zayakin Viktor Pavlovich (Заякин Виктор Павлович)
Born on: 28.06.1995
Place of birth / Living in: Volzhsk
ID # ВЕ-412512
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Senior Scout of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Abubakarov Rustam Ilyasovich (Абубакаров Рустам Ильясович)
Born on: 23.02.1981
Place of birth / Living in: supposedly, Grozny, Chechnya
ID # ВЕ-415192
Rank: Private
Position: Scout of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Akhmetov Saburla Mukhametalyevich (Ахметов Сабурла Мухаметалыевич)
Born on: 08.09.1990
Place of birth / Living in: Saban-Antusta, Stavropol Krai
ID # Ф-376411
Rank: Junior Corporal
Position: Scout of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Agapov Dmitry Valeryevich (Агапов Дмитрий Валерьевич)
Born on: 21.12.1995
Place of birth / Living in: Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Rep. / Moscow
ID # ВС-319728
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Crewman of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Yevstratov Nikolay Konstantinovich (Евстратов Николай Константинович)
Place of birth / Living in: Rostov-on-Don
ID # ВС-152726
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Scout-Sapper of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Merinov Artem Alexandrovich (Меринов Артем Александрович)
Place of birth / Living in: Kurchatov, Kursk Oblast
ID # СУ-131751
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Scout – Radioman of the 2nd Squad of the 1st Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2019
Education: Moscow Border Institute of the FSB
- Sergeyev Alexandr Sergeyevich (Сергеев Александр Сергеевич)
Place of birth / Living in: Yessentuki, Stavropol Krai / Novosibirsk
ID # Ю-060786
Rank: Lieutenant
Position: Commander of the 2nd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2018
Education: Novosibirsk Higher Military-Command Institute (НВВКУ); graduated in 2018
- Shukirov Yevgeny Petrovich (Шукиров Евгений Петрович)
Born on: 02.04.1985
Place of birth / Living in: Yarmel, Elista, Kalmykia
ID # Э-885780
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Deputy Commander of the Platoon – Commander of the 1st Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
Tel.: 89615469779
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#758)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V) https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/shukirov-evgenij-petrovich/
- Slinkov Denis Yuryevich (Слиньков Денис Юрьевич)
Born on: 20.08.1992
ID # Э-334740
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Senior Scout of the 1st Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Yegorov Vladimir Rudolfovich (Егоров Владимир Рудольфович)
Born on: 20.08.1992
ID # МТ-304308
Rank: Private
Position: Scout of the 1st Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2018
- Demeyev Nikolay Alexandrovich (Демеев Николай Александрович)
Born on: 12.01.1989
ID # Э-293809
Rank: Private
Position: Scout of the 1st Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Kropotov Mikhail Alexandrovich (Кропотов Михаил Романович)
Born on: 08.08.1997
Place of birth / Living in: Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Rep.
ID # ВС-319736
Rank: Private
Position: Scout-Gunner of the 1st Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Nikitin Sergey Alexandrovich (Никитин Сергей Александрович)
Born on: 03.10.1983
ID # Ф-038339
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Scout – Radioman of the 1st Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since ?
- Leshincky Stanislav Viktorovich (Лещинский Станислав Викторович)
Born on: 01.10.1982 / (according to social media 01.10.1995)
Place of birth / Living in: Verkhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Oblast / Yekaterinburg
ID # Х-257967
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Commander of the 2nd Squad of the the 2nd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2018
- Gavrikov Artem Igorevich (Гавриков Артем Игоревич)
Born on: 04.05.1994
Place of birth / Living in: Stary Oskol, Belgorod Oblast
ID # СУ-358823
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Senior Scout of the 2nd Squad of the the 2nd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Lukovsky Yevgeny Alekseyevich (Луковский Евгений Алексеевич)
Born on: 06.09.1994
Place of birth / Living in: Tanitskaya, Rostov Oblast
ID # СУ-062417
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Scout of the 2nd Squad of the the 2nd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Denishev Aybek Nikolayevich (Денишев Айбек Николаевич)
Born on: 25.08.1999
ID # ВС-457955
Rank: Corporal
Position: Scout of the 2nd Squad of the the 2nd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since ?
- Makhmadkhadzhiyev Yunus Ismailovich (Махмадхаджиев Юнус Исмаилович)
Born on: 09.08.1964(?)
ID # Ф-369120
Rank: Petty Officer
Position: Scout – Crewman of the 2nd Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Khamayev Ramzan Salmanovich (Хамаев Рамзан Салманович)
Born on: 28.03.1986
Place of birth / Living in: Grozny, Chechnya
ID # Ф-308705
Rank: Senior Sergeant
Position: Scout – Sapper of the2nd Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#66)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V) https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/khamaev-ramzan-salmanovich/
- Durdyiev Rakhim Bekmurzeyevich (Дурдыев Рахим Бекмурзеевич)
Born on: 28.03.1998
Place of birth / Living in: Saban-Antusta, Stavropol Krai
ID # ВС-215834
Rank: Corporal
Position: Scout – Radioman of the 2nd Squad of the 2nd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Bekkhanov Ibragim Ziyaudinovich (Бекханов Ибрагим Зияудинович)
Born on: 19.02.1973
Place of birth / Living in: Grozny, Chechnya
ID # Ф-142738
Rank: Major
Position: Commander of the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#58)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V) https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/bekkhanov-ibragim-ziyaudinovich/
- Kazakov Viktor Andreyevich (Казаков Виктор Андреевич)
Born on: 09.03.1994
Place of birth / Living in: Bataysk, Rostov Oblast
ID # СУ-059122
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Deputy Commander of the Platoon – Commander of the 1st Squad of the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
In 2012-2013 did conscription service in the m/u 54801 (Stavropol) of the 247th Air Assault Regiment of the 7th Airborn Division
- Sashin Vitaly Sergeyevich (Сашин Виталий Сергеевич)
Born on: 28.05.1988
Place of birth / Living in: Elista, Kalmykia
ID # Ф-161165
Rank: Corporal
Position: Senior Scout of the 1st Squad of the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Filipov Ilya Viktorovich (Филиппов Илья Викторович)
Born on: 02.11.1989
ID # Ф-377000
Rank: Private
Position: Scout of the 1st Squad of the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Tverdokhlebov Yevgeny Alexandrovich (Твердохлебов Евгений Александрович)
Born on: 19.12.1998
ID # ВС-438717
Rank: Private
Position: Scout of the 1st Squad of the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Savchenko Dmitry Alexandrovich (Савченко Дмитрий Александрович)
Born on: 22.06.1993
Place of birth / Living in: Supposedly, Krasnodar
ID # Э-896979
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Scout – Sniper of the 1st Squad of the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Shakhmardanov Arbat Omarovich (Шахмарданов Арбат Омарович)
Born on: 25.06.1988
Place of birth / Living in: But-Kazmalyar, Dagestan / Grozny, Chechnya
ID # Ю-579675
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Gunner of the 1st Squad of the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Karenov Ruslan Kasenovich (Каренов Руслан Касенович)
Born on: 07.07.1999
Place of birth / Living in: Kharabala, Astrakhan Oblast
ID # ВС-163900
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Radioman of the 1st Squad of the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Duryagin Anatoly Ivanovich (Дурягин Анатолий Иванович)
Born on: 05.04.1975
Place of birth / Living in: Vologda
ID # Ф-038394
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Commander of the 2nd Squad of the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2018
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#807)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V) https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/duryagin-anatolij-ivanovich/
- Stepanyatov Alexandr Alexandrovich (Степанятов Александр Александрович)
Born on: 07.04.1990
Place of birth / Living in: Guryev, Kazakhstan / Cherkessk, Karachay-Cherkess Rep.
ID # Э-378151
Rank: Corporal
Position: Senior Scout of the 2nd Squad of the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
Previous service the m/u 65384 of the 17th Motorized Rifle Brigade, Shali, Chechnya (2010-2012)
Tel.: 89631700374
- Zhdanov Yevgeny Alexandrovich (Жданов Евгений Александрович)
Born on: 21.12.1993
Place of birth / Living in: Sablinskaya, Stavropol Krai
ID # ЕХ-510503
Rank: Corporal
Position: Scout of the 2nd Squad of the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2018
In 2012-2013 did a conscription service in the m/u 66431 (Java) of the 4th m/base, occupied Tskinvali region, Georgia
- Mankatayev Ildar Amanmuratovich (Манкатаев Ильдар Аманмуратович)
Born on: 21.12.1989
Place of birth / Living in: Saban-Antusta, Stavropol Krai
ID # Ф-161433
Rank: Corporal
Position: Scout of the 2nd Squad of the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Vysotskiy Alexandr Vladimirovich (Высоцкий Александр Владимирович)
Born on: 18.06.1993
Place of birth / Living in: Konstantinovsk, Rostov Oblast
ID # Э-817171
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Scout – Crewman of the 2nd Squad of the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
Supposedly, in 2012, served in the 22nd Special Purpose Brigade of the “GRU”, Stepnoy, Rostov Oblast
Tel.: 89515349352
- Dudarov Islam Umarovich (Дударов Ислам Умарович)
Born on: 20.05.1986
Place of birth / Living in: Grozny, Chechnya
ID # ВЕ-414664
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Sapper of the 2nd Squad of the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Tatiyev Nurlan Utibayevich (Татиев Нурлан Утибаевич)
Born on: 08.08.1982
Place of birth / Living in: Grozny, Chechnya
ID # Ф-252226
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Radioman of the 2nd Squad of the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Yudin Roman Moldinovich (Юдин Роман Молдинович)
Born on: 03.02.1987
ID # Э-890333
Rank: Lieutenant
Position: Commander of the 4th Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Bykovskiy Dmitry Igorevich (Быковский Дмитрий Игоревич)
Born on: 07.09.1985
Place of birth / Living in: Utkuz, Tyumen Oblast / Ussuriysk
ID # Я-029478
Rank: Senior Sergeant
Position: Deputy Commander of the Platoon – Commander of the 1st Squad of the 4th Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#768)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V) https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/bykovskij-dmitrij-igorevich/
- Loginov Vladimir Vladimirovich (Логинов Владимир Владимирович)
Born on: 10.12.1987
ID # ЕА-054470
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Senior Scout of the 1st Squad of the 4th Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Marar Arkadiy Anatolyevich (Марарь Аркадий Анатольевич)
Born on: 30.07.1996
Place of birth / Living in: Maykop, Adygea Rep. / Grozny, Chechnya
ID # ВЕ-447420
Rank: Private
Position: Scout of the 1st Squad of the 4th Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2018
- Nikitenko Anatoly Anatolyevich (Никитенко Анатолий Анатольевич)
Born on: 02.08.1995
Place of birth / Living in: Astrakhan
ID # ЕХ-599015
Rank: Private
Position: Scout of the 1st Squad of the 4th Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2018
- Zaytsev Alexey Nikolyevich (Зайцев Алексей Николаевич)
Born on: 01.07.1988
Place of birth / Living in: Supposedly, Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Rep.
ID # Э-009405
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Sniper of the 1st Squad of the 4th Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Khlyupin Nikolay Vyacheslavovich (Хлюпин Николай Вячеславович)
Born on: 21.05.1997
Place of birth / Living in: Suslongen, Mari El Rep.
ID # ВС-319616
Rank: Corporal
Position: Scout – Gunner of the 1st Squad of the 4th Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2018
- Sultanov Girekhan Valikhanovich (Султанов Гирехан Валиханович)
Born on: ?
ID # Ю-611283
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Scout – Radioman of the 1st Squad of the 4th Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2019
- Korolyov Eduard Vladimirovich (Королев Эдуард Владимирович)
Born on: 17.05.1972
Place of birth / Living in: Yuzhnaya Lomovatka, Ukraine / Neftepromyslovyi, Krymsk, Krasnodar Krai
ID # Ф-251793
Rank: Petty Officer
Position: Commander of the 2nd Squad of the 4th Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2018
Since 1990 he served in various units of the Russian Armed Force, including in a so-called “peacekeeping troops” in occupied Abkhazia
- Kerimov Marat Alievich (Керимов Марат Алиевич)
Born on: 18.03.1981
Place of birth / Living in: Derbent, Dagestan
ID # Ф-249009
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Senior Scout of the 2nd Squad of the 4th Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#500)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V) https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/kerimov-marat-alievich/
- Sheludiakov Vladimir Anatolyevich (Шелудяков Владимир Анатольевич)
Born on: 10.09.1987
ID # Э-380722
Rank: Private
Position: Scout of the 2nd Squad of the 4th Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2018
- Nemykin Yuri Nikolayevich (Немыкин Юрий Николаевич)
Born on: 06.08.1994
Place of birth / Living in: Belgorod
ID # СУ-359615
Rank: Corporal
Position: Scout of the 2nd Squad of the 4th Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Pidalin Sergey Valeryevich (Пидалин Сергей Валерьевич)
Born on: 29.06.1993
Place of birth / Living in: Supposedly, Krasnodar Krai
ID # Х-017162
Rank: Corporal
Position: Scout – Crewman of the 2nd Squad of the 4th Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2018
- Revkov Valery Sergeyevich (Ревков Валерий Сергеевич)
Born on: 11.09.1995
Place of birth / Living in: Moguchi, Krasnoyarsk Krai
ID # СУ-106955
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Sapper of the 2nd Squad of the 4th Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Tsalagov Renat Mayramovich (Цалагов Ренат Майрамович)
Born on: 25.02.1982
Place of birth / Living in: Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia
ID # Ф-212938
Rank: Private
Position: Scout – Sapper of the 2nd Squad of the 4th Platoon of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
- Kulniyazov Mutair Gamzatovich (Кульниязов Мутаир Гамзатович)
Born on: 17.02.1989
Place of birth / Living in: Supposedly, Terekli-Mekteb, Dagestan
ID # ЕХ-737421
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Operator – Commander of the Surveillance – Signal Apparatus Squad of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
- Klimenko Roman Alexandrovich (Клименко Роман Александрович)
Born on: 29.04.1994
ID # ВС-166334
Rank: Corporal
Position: Senior Scout-Operator of the Surveillance – Signal Apparatus Squad of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2018
- Kadylov Renat Kamilyevich (Кадылов Ренат Камильевич)
Born on: 01.10.1986
ID # СУ-065306
Rank: Senior Sergeant
Position: Scout – Operator of the Surveillance – Signal Apparatus Squad of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2018
- Krupin Eduard Vladimirovich (Крупин Эдуард Владимирович)
Born on: 12.07.1981
Place of birth / Living in: Kirovo / Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia
ID # Х-264470
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Scout – Operator of the Surveillance – Signal Apparatus Squad of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2018
- Kafarov Ruslan Navruzbekovich (Кафаров Руслан Наврузбекович)
Born on: 15.08.1988 (15.04.1988 according to the social media)
Place of birth / Living in: Supposedly, Stavropol / Mozdok, North Ossetia
ID # Ф-373370
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Scout – Operator of the Surveillance – Signal Apparatus Squad of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2016
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#515)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V) https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/kafarov-ruslan-navruzbekovich/
- Gavrikin Sergey Olegovich (Гаврикин Сергей Олегович)
Born on: 21.06.1996
Place of birth / Living in: Mozdok, North Ossetia
ID # ВЕ-468035
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Scout – Operator of the Surveillance – Signal Apparatus Squad of the 3rd LRS Company
Officially contracted since 2017
Communications Platoon
- Golubov Alexey Alexeyevich (Голубов Алексей Алексеевич)
Born on: 18.11.1986
ID # Ф-203195
Rank: Senior Lieutenant
Position: Commander of the Communications Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
- Klubenko Dmitry Alexandrovich (Клубенко Дмитрий Александрович)
Born on: 01.11.1984
Place of birth / living in: Azov, Rostov Oblast
ID # Э-201507
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Driver – Electrician of the Commander’s Vehicle (KShM R-149MA1) of the Communications Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
- Poliyakov Stanislav Alexandrovich (Поляков Станислав Александрович)
Born on: 19.09.1980
Place of birth / living in: Azov, Rostov Oblast
ID # Ф-203792
Rank: Petty Officer
Position: Commander of the Dispatch Channel Squad of the Communications Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#165 – https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V)
- Abdulvagidova Albina Gadzhakhmedovna (Абдулвагидова Альбина Гаджахмедовна)
Born on: 30.06.1983
ID # Э-885292
Rank: Private
Position: Radio Operator of the Dispatch Channel Squad of the Communications Platoon
Officially contracted since 2019
- Sizov Alexandr Sergeyevich (Сизов Александр Сергеевич)
Born on: 08.05.1991
Place of birth / living in: Morevka, Yeysk district, Krasnodar Krai
ID # Э-185248
Rank: Segeant
Position: Mechanic of the the Dispatch Channel Squad of the Communications Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Zalevsky Yuriy Viktorovich (Залевский Юрий Викторович)
Born on: 11.01.1974
ID # Ф-043059
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Commander of the Communication Channel Squad of the Communications Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Vaskova Lyubov Gennadyevna (Васькова Любовь Геннадьевна)
Born on: 25.02.1978
ID # Ф-163336
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Radioman of the Communication Channel Squad of the Communications Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Tsertseilov Dmitry Yuryevich (Церцеилов Дмитрий Юрьевич)
Born on: 12.04.1978
Place of birth / living in: Mozdok, North Ossetia
ID # Ф-202544
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Radioman – Grenade launcher operator of the Communication Channel Squad of the Communications Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
- Khamzayev Idial Duysebayevich (Хамзаев Идиал Дуйсебаевич)
Born on: 31.05.1979
Place of birth / living in: Astrakhan
ID # ВЕ-488937
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Driver – Electrician of the Communication Channel Squad of the Communications Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
- Batyrkhanova Saida Umarovna (Батырханова Саида Умаровна)
Born on: 07.12.1972
Place of birth / living in: Mozdok, North Ossetia
ID # Ф-043990
Rank: Private
Position: Radioman – Manoeuvre Supervisor of the Communication Channel Squad of the Communications Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
Support Platoon
Positionmen (and civilian personnel)
- Pilgayev Vitaly Ilyich (Пильгаев Виталий Ильич)
Born on: 22.10.1982
ID # Ю-449413
Rank: Senior Warrant Officer
Position: Commander of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since ?
Social networks: non-identified
He is detected in the debtor registry (house sold by auction)
- Vazayev Islam Khusaynovich (Вазаев Ислам Хусайнович)
Born on: 11.11.1981 (07.12.1972 according to social media)
Place of birth / living in: Mozdok, North Ossetia
ID # Ф-308711
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Commander of the Evacuation Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#69)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V)
- Kuzin Pavel Andreyevich (Кузин Павел Андреевич)
Born on: 15.04.1994
ID # Ю-611121
Rank: Corporal
Position: Tackleman – Senior Master of the Evacuation Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
- Popov Andrey Vladimirovich (Попов Андрей Владимирович)
Born on: 04.04.1974
ID # Ф-251819
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Senior Master of the Evacuation Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Nazarenko Nikolay Alexeyevich (Назаренко Николай Алексеевич)
Born on: 14.01.1994
ID # ЕХ-507908
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Driver-Mechanic of the Evacuation Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Stetsko Anatoly Mikhaylovich (Стецко Анатолий Михайлович)
Born on: 27.05.1987
ID # Ф-003799
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Commander of the Maintenance Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2019
- Zaypulayev Bek Zayindinovich (Зайпулаев Бек Зайндинович)
Born on: 18.09.1983
ID # Ф-003799
Rank: Senior Sergeant
Position: Accumulator Specialist – Senior Master of the Maintenance Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Bezruchenko Pavel Yevgeniyevich (Безрученко Павел Евгеньевич)
Born on: 09.07.1976
Place of birth / living in: Buturlinovka, Voronezh Oblast
ID # Ф-993382
Rank: Petty Officer
Position: Senior Master of the Maintenance Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Kuriyev Abukhan Ismailovich (Куриев Абухан Исмаилович)
Born on: 16.07.1986
ID # Э-885536
Rank: Private
Position: Accumulator Specialist – Master of the Maintenance Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#83)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V)
- Rybalchenko Dinil Yuriyevich (Рыбальченко Динил Юрьевич)
Born on: 26.06.2021
ID # МТ-449879
Rank: Private
Position: Master of the Maintenance Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2019
- Khalidov Khizar Bauudinovich (Халидов Хизар Бауудинович)
Born on: 09.12.1971
ID # Ф-165729
Rank: Senior Sergeant
Position: Compressor Specialist of the Maintenance Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#177)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V)
- Indarov Magomed Usmanovich (Индаров Магомед Усамович)
Born on: 02.01.1994
Place of birth / living in: Pervomayskaya, Grozny, Chechnya
ID # ВЕ-426534
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Driver-Electrician of the Maintenance Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
- Islamov Ilyas Ibragimovich (Исламов Ильяс Ибрагимович)
Born on: 02.07.1984
Place of birth / living in: Grozny, Chechnya
ID # ВЕ-414158
Rank: Corporal
Position: Driver – Compressor Specialist of the Maintenance Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2018
- Mirzabekov Islam Rizayevich (Мирзабеков Ислам Ризаевич)
Born on: 21.04.1988
ID # Х-268345
Rank: Private
Position: Driver – Welder Operator of the Maintenance Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2018
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#709)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V)
- Dotsenko Denis Nikolayevich (Доценко Денис Николаевич)
Born on: 10.07.1986
ID # Ф-082969
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Master of the Maintenance Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2019
- Varava Vladimir Yevgenyevich (Варава Владимир Евгеньевич)
Born on: 22.06.1979
Place of birth / living in: Petrovskaya, Krasnodar Krai
ID # Ф-043529
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Commander of the Motor Transport Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2019
- Gorbunov Ruslan Magomedovich (Горбунов Руслан Магомедович)
Born on: 23.05.1991
ID # ЕХ-590619
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Senior Driver of the Motor Transport Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Taybolin Andrey Vyacheslavovich (Тайболин Андрей Вячеславович)
Born on: 23.04.1988
Place of birth / living in: Salsk, Rostov Oblast
ID # Э-331314
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Senior Driver of the Motor Transport Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Pletnev Leonid Gennaldyevich (Плетнев Леонид Геннадьевич)
Born on: 23.03.1993
ID # СУ-075372
Rank: Corporal
Position: Driver of the Motor Transport Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2018
- Dikayev Akhmed Shervanyevich (Дикаев Ахмед Шерваниевич)
Born on: 23.02.1980
Place of birth / living in: Grozny, Chechnya
ID # Ф-161284
Rank: Private
Position: Driver of the Motor Transport Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
- Mezhyev Makhmud Yakubovich (Межиев Махмуд Якубович)
Born on: 02.10.1980
ID # Ф-038153
Rank: Corporal
Position: Driver of the Motor Transport Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Suskhanov Khasan Mukhamedovich (Сусханов Хасан Мухамедович)
Born on: 13.01.1984
Place of birth / living in: Grozny, Chechnya
ID # ВЕ-414515
Rank: Private
Position: Driver of the Motor Transport Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Borisov Anatoly Alexandrovich (Борисов Анатолий Александрович)
Born on: 03.04.1991
Place of birth / living in: Shebekino, Belgorod Oblast
ID # Э-944386
Rank: Private
Position: Driver of the Motor Transport Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Nurpeysov Rysbek Muslimovich (Нурпейсов Рысбек Муслимович)
Born on: 05.07.1997
Place of birth / living in: Tambovka, Astrakhan Oblast
ID # ВЕ-491452
Rank: Private
Position: Driver of the Motor Transport Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2019
- Takayev Mavsar Sultanovich (Такаев Мавсар Султановчи)
Born on: 28.01.1986
Place of birth / living in: Grozny, Chechnya
ID # ЕХ-590794
Rank: Corporal
Position: Driver of the Motor Transport Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2018
- Zalov Elman Sabirovich (Залов Эльман Сабирович)
Born on: 03.05.1988
ID # ЕХ-574695
Rank: Private
Position: Driver of the Motor Transport Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
- Muzayev Arbi Imranovich (Музаев Арби Имранович)
Born on: 17.04.1977
ID # ЕХ-593891
Rank: Private
Position: Driver-Cook of the Motor Transport Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Iriskhanov Rizvan Mazhitovich (Ирисханов Ризван Мажитович)
Born on: 29.05.1987
Place of birth / living in: Grozny, Chechnya
ID # ВС-167346
Rank: Private
Position: Driver-Cook of the Motor Transport Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2018
- Tonelyan Vladislav Alexeyevich (Тонельян Владислав Алксеевич)
Born on: 07.06.1996
Place of birth / living in: Temryuk, Krasnodar Krai
ID # ВЕ-433145
Rank: Private
Position: Driver-Cook of the Motor Transport Squad of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
- Yeroshenko Alexandr Nikolayevich (Ерошенко Александр Николаевич)
Born on: 24.07.1979
Place of birth / living in: Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia
ID # Ф-164732
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Commander of the Warehouse of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Matevosyan Ruben Albertovich (Матевосян Рубен Альбертович)
Born on: 08.04.1974 (24.07.1979 according to social media)
Place of birth / living in: Grozny, Chechnya / Rostov-on-Don / Akhaltsikhe (Tsira)
ID # Ф-024049
Rank: Warrant Officer
Position: Commander of the Warehouse of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2018
Arkhipova Anna Alexeyevna (Архипова Анна Алексеевна)
Warehouse manager of the Support Platoon
Social networks: non-identified
Labetskaya Yelena Alexandrovna (Лабецкая Елена Александровна)
Warehouse manager of the Support Platoon
Soltukhanov Sidek Vakhayevich (Солтуханов Сидек Вахаевич)
Warehouse manager of the Support Platoon
Abdulkarimov Rustam Ismailovich (Абдулкаримов Рустам Исмаилович)
Warehouse manager of the Support Platoon
- Kravchenko Anton Alexandrovich (Кравченко Антон Александрович)
Born on: 17.06.1990
ID # Э-884346
Rank: Corporal
Position: Commander of the Airborne Equipment and Assets Warehouse of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
- Bakashev Dzhamalay Khasanovich (Бакашев Джамалай Хасанович)
Born on: 16.08.1976
ID # Ф-987658
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Master of the Airborne Equipment and Assets Warehouse of the Support Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#129)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V)
Medical Personnel
- Mamedov Nariman Abdullayevich (Мамедов Нариман Абдуллаевич)
Born on: 29.10.1991
Place of birth / living in: Derbent, Dagestan / Rostov-on-Don
ID # ВЕ-441514
Rank: Senior Liutenant
Position: Commander of the Medical Service of the Medical Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
Education: Rostov State Medical University
- Sekret Artur Alexandrovich (Секрет Артур Александрович)
Born on: 10.01.1989
ID # ВС-423395
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Paramedic of the Medical Platoon
Officially contracted since 2019
- Bayrambekov Kachabek Yarmetovich (Байрамбеков Качабек Ярметович)
Born on: 29.11.1987
ID # Ф-424841
Rank: Sergeant
Position: Squad commander – Deputy Commander of the Medical Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
- Kochko Tatyana Vladimirovna (Кочко Татьяна Владимировна)
Born on: 14.01.1969
ID # Ф-332022
Rank: Petty Officer
Position: Combat Medic of the Medical Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Baudinov Mahomed Usmanovich (Баудинов Магомед Усманович)
Born on: 24.02.1975
ID # Ф-987661
Rank: Junior Sergeant
Position: Combat Medic of the Medical Platoon
Officially contracted since 2017
In 2014 participated in annexation of Crimea as Positionman of the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade (#201)
https://informnapalm.org/43621-spisok-1097-kak-18-aya-omsbr-okkupirovala-krym/ (https://archive.fo/OZc8V)
- Karachentsev Denis Viktorovich (Караченцев Денис Викторович)
Born on: 21.11.1979
Place of birth / living in: Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia
ID # Ф-308527
Rank: Petty Officer
Position: Combat Medic – Leader of the Casualty Recovery and Evacuation Squad of the Medical Platoon
Officially contracted since 2018
- Abasova Marina Seyidalievna (Абасова Марина Сейидалиевна)
Born on: 29.06.1981 (according to social media 29.01.1981)
Place of birth / living in: Supposedly, Grozny, Khankala, Chechnya / Sirtych, Makhachkala, Dagestan
ID # Ф-984927
Rank: Corporal
Position: Senior Combat Medic of the Casualty Recovery and Evacuation Squad of the Medical Platoon
Officially contracted since 2016
- Kostenko Yuliya Yuriyevna (Костенко Юлия Юрьевна)
Born on: 02.10.1978
ID # Ф-130933
Rank: Senior Sergeant
Position: Combat Medic of the Casualty Recovery and Evacuation Squad of the Medical Platoon
Officially contracted since 2018
Material prepared by Georgian (Sacartvelo) editorial team of InformNapalm international volunteer community. Edited by Artem Velichko
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