Long time no see! They were absent close to two months. Yet, after recovering somehow from the August shock and casualties, getting reinforcements and spending their vacations, the battalion is ready for new assignment. In the end of November 137th battalion arrived to Rostov Oblast again. It is now based in one of the field camps of the invasion forces group in Neklinovskiy Rayon, where it was reinforced by tanks and artillery.
Most of the battalion’s personnel got combat experience during their first Summer 2014 assignment to Rostov, when some of its units crossed Ukraine’s border and were involved in combat against the Ukrainian Army. They did not waste their time during vacation. Some of them were spotted as combatants in Donbas during the vacation time.
Original article by Irakli Komakhidze, translated by Eugenia Zlamaniuk.
3 Responses to “They Are back: 137th Air Assault Battalion of Russian 106th Airborne Division is Back in Rostov Oblast”
Russian Paratroopers Again in Ukraine - InformNapalm.org (English)InformNapalm.org (English)[…] (Donetsk People’s Republic), have informed us that the Ryazan paratroopers are again in Ukraine. Russian servicemen from the 137th Airborne Regiment of the 106th Airborne Division are now in a co…. Details of the location and the range of their combat tasks are not currently determined and […]
MILNEWS.ca News Highlights – January 7, 2015 | MILNEWS.ca Blog[…] “They Are back: 137th Air Assault Battalion of Russian 106th Airborne Division is Back in Rost… […]
Identifizierung der russischen Einheiten, die an den aktuellen Kämpfen im Donbass beteiligt sind - InformNapalm.org (Deutsch)[…] In diesem Kontext sollte man sich an den Beitrag unseres Experten für Videoüberwachung und Identifizierung der Technik Al Gri („Identifizierung der feindlichen Kräfte: T-80 an der Grenze und Tor-M2 in Schachtarsk„) erinnern. In der Videoaufnahme sahen wir einen Konvoi der russischen Technik, der aus dem Gebiet Rostow in Richtung Ukraine eilt, deutlich sichtbar sind die besagten T-80, sowie Luftlandepanzer (BMD), mobile Mörser und Flugabwehrpanzer auf der Basis von BMD (http://www.unn.com.ua/ru/news/1428429-sotni-rosiyskikh-tankiv-i-btriv-rushili-do-ukrayinskogo-kordonu), die von uns bereits im Dezember 2014 entdeckt wurden (das 137. Fallschirmjägerbataillon der 106. Luftlandedivision in der Region Rostow). […]