A volunteer of the InformNapalm team, our expert in video monitoring and military identification Al Gri has commented on two of the latest videos that are currently being discussed in the press.
1. A video posted on the UNN site (link: http://www.unn.com.ua/uk/news/1428429-sotni-rosiyskikh-tankiv-i-btriv-rushili-do-ukrayinskogo-kordonu ). It is filmed on the territory Russia and it is interesting because of the presence of tanks. These are T-80 accompanied by paratroopers.
“I saw this video already in the summer, when they appeared at the border. Now, they started to move for the first time. I guess they will soon appear in Ukraine or perhaps they are already there. I want to draw your attention to these tanks, which are T-80s. They can be very dangerous when combined with infantry, particularly high quality troops such as paratroopers. The shape of the screens on their turrets resembles the Ukrainian Bulat” tank”. If they appear in the rear (which is a typical Soviet strategy), these pseudo-Bulats can cause a lot of confusion and trouble…”, – said Al Gri.
2. The second video posted on the YouTube channel (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu_imMdb2gg) has a title “Shakhtarsk. TOS-1A «Buratino» 20.01.2015″.
This video shows a different type of weapons, not TOS-1A «Buratino». One can assume with high degree of reliability that this is a Russian tactical air defense missile system «Tor» (SA-15 Gauntlet according to the US DoD and NATO classification) designed to meet the challenges of air and missile defense at the division level. Moreover, this is not simply the “Tor” but its latest modification “Tor-M2” (9К332).
“The probability that such equipment is traveling in a combat zone without a guard is almost zero. It is also not such a good sign that they try to display it as a TOS-1A «Buratino». I suspect that the «Buratino» is also present somewhere in the ATO zone (there is no smoke without fire). But we need to wait until it falls into the frame. I do not think we shall wait too long. The Buratino will probably, it will be used in the offensive area: they will quickly bring it to the position, launch a strike and then withdraw it in a smooth manner. But all this is speculations; the reality is much more interesting. Time will show!”, – commented Al Gri.
For reference:
Anti-aircraft missile system “Tor-M2”. “This is an all-weather low to medium altitude, short-range surface-to-air missile system designed for engaging airplanes, helicopters, cruise missiles, precision guided munitions, unmanned aerial vehicles and short-range ballistic threats (Anti-Munitions)”. The M1 was introduced into service in 1991. The latest M2 variant features improved fire control radar coverage, and four guidance channels, allowing up to four missiles to be guided at any one time. It is characterized by high efficiency defense against massive raids of modern air attack weapons under fire and electronic countermeasures. The Tor-M2E also offers the option of a wheeled chassis, as well as a new digital computer system and all weather optical tracking system, At present, this complex is produced at the factory «Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant “KUPOL”». Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_missile_system
This material was prepared exclusively for informnapalm.org.
Russian original:
The reference to the source is required when using the information.
10 Responses to “Identification of Russian Invasion Forces: T-80 Tanks on the Border, and “Tor-M2” AAM system in Shakhtarsk”
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