Here is another evidence of the Russian invasion to Ukraine. Unofficial visits of long-haul truckers from the Russian army to Ukraine are not big news anymore. A memorable column from Krasnodon comprised one such a truck which took out a ‘scrap-metal’ of the Russian army left after fighting outside Ilovaisk.
There is also a large number of photos and videos, confirming the use of this equipment for transporting heavy armored vehicles towards Ukrainian border. These armored vehicles were later shown off as the tanks that were ‘seized’ from the Ukrainian Army.
Unifying these two points, we get the ‘Withdrawal of the Heavy Equipment According to the Minsk Agreement in February — March 2015’.
Convoys that are evacuating ‘tanks of Novorossia’ use cross-country type trailer truck KamAZ-65225 (belonging to the Russian army as one can judge by the painting) and heavy semi-trailers CMZAP (probably, of two types: 55-ton CMZAP 9990-0000073-20 as a unit of Russian army, and 65-ton CMZAP 99901-0000020).
See also:
The Russian army is not only supplying the militants and fighting instead of them, it is even cleaning up after them.
Original article by Al Gri, translated by Maria Holubeva, edited by Gennadiy Kornev
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