The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) is capable of a surprise. In early April it detected the modern Russian electronic warfare system RB-341V Leer-3 in Donbas twice in different places:
04/02/19 near Konkove village,
04/04/19 on the move, near Starobesheve town.
InformNapalm volunteers have also previously recorded this system in occupied territory of Donbas on video in 2015 and 2016.
It is worth noting, that Russia unveiled this system to the public in early October 2015, at the Innovation Day of the Southern Military District exhibition.And, according to the official sources, only on October 14, 2015 the electronic warfare specialists of the Western Military District started training with Leer-3.
However, in the spring and summer of 2015, the system was already spotted and photographed in the occupied Donbas, which means that Moscow had been testing its new military equipment even before the official roll-out of the system to the military.
Officially Leer-3 is called “aerodynamically delivered jamming transmitter of GSM standard user terminals”. In other words, the system is designed to jam the GSM communications using radio interference transmitted from Orlan-10 UAVs (there are 2 drones in the complete set). It is noteworthy that Russian UAVs Orlan-10 were repeatedly recorded and shot down in Donbas. For more information about these facts see our Russian Aggression database.
The UAVs from the Leer-3 system are directly involved in jamming of radio channels. InformNapalm wrote about this, and a German Bild magazine published an article with links to our materials.
The use of Leer-3 system is also relevant to the topic of PSYOPS against Ukrainian military in the Joint Forces Operation zone, which were carried out by Russian specialists through SMS-mailing. Associated Pressreported about these facts with reference to the materials of InformNapalmin 2017.
We call on the Defense Ministry of Ukraine,General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and theMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to pay relevant attention to the intensified presence of Leer-3 systems in the reports of the OSCE SMM – Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine and to use this information for diplomatic pressure on Russia.
This publication was prepared by Roman Burko specially for InformNapalm.
An active link to the authors and our project is obligatory for any reprint or further public use of the material.
(Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 International –CC BY 4.0)
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