The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) prevented a subversive group created by Russian special forces from committing a series of terrorist acts at industrial facilities in the Dnipropetrovsk region.
On September 1 the SBU counter-intelligence detained three members of a diversionary and sabotage group. The detainees are the residents of Pavlograd (Dnipropetrovsk region), the group was led by a local executive (owner of construction and trading companies). The criminals, in accordance with the instructions received from their handlers, prepared for attacks on a large industrial enterprise.
According to the criminal’s plan, these attacks were to destabilize the situation in the region, spread panic among the local population, and distract Ukrainian forces from the ATO zone.
Explosives, anti-Ukrainian propaganda materials, means of communications with the Russian special forces were seized from the detainees during searches.
It was also established that the criminals had coordinated their subversive activities with the leaders of the DPR terrorists.
Preliminary investigations have been initiated; interrogations and investigatory actions are in progress.
Translated by Oxana Tinko, edited by Larry Field
Source: СБУ ліквідувала диверсійну групу, яка готувала серію терактів у Павлограді на Дніпропетровщині