On September 15, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Counterintelligence detained “K” (a citizen of Ukraine, callsign “Senya”). The detainee is the leader of a DPR subversive group. “K” along with his associates committed terrorist acts in the Donetsk region.
It was established that the subversive group consisted of 6 saboteurs and belonged to an illegal paramilitary group led by a militant with the callsign “Rys” (“Lynx”). The group received missions and detailed instructions on the terrorist acts directly from “Strelok” (Igor Girkin) and reported him about the committed crimes.
The gang is responsible for armed attacks on convoys of Ukrainian equipment, ATO checkpoints, destruction of bridges, sabotage of infrastructure in residential areas, and collection of information on the locations of strategic objectives in the region.
According to the local residents who knew “Senya”, he used to work in the provincial traffic police. Using his past experience and connections in law enforcement circles he recruited and trained members for his sabotage group from among the ranks of local criminals.
Urgent investigatory actions are in progress.
Source: СБУ затримала ватажка диверсантів, який за завданнями “Стрєлка” вчиняв теракти на Донеччині
Edited by Larry Field