The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) detained members of a terrorist group that planned criminal activity in the territory of the Odessa region.
As a result of the special operation in Odessa, SBU officers arrested three members of the terrorist group. All detainees are the locals. The criminals prepared a series of resonant crimes for cash reward of USD 50,000. In particular, the plans included a terrorist act in a crowded place near the headquarters of one of the banks and murders of activists. According to the terrorists, responsibility for the attacks would be taken by a mythical organization of “Ukrainian Red Army”.
A package of explosives (similar to ammonal), 4 detonators, 30 igniters, a bottle with substance to evaporate hexogen (RDX), a “Walther” pistol, 16 rounds for PM pistol, a hunting sword, substances for making explosives were seized from the terrorists.
Pre-trial investigation is in progress.
Source: Співробітники СБУ не допустили терористичні акти в Одесі