The volunteer team of has finished another task of identification of the Russian troops’ concentration areas in Alchevsk, Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine.
This time the militants of the Luhansk occupation corps in Donbas revealed photos showing how they turned a dormitory of the Industrial training college (branch of the Donbas State Technical University in Alchevsk) into barracks. According to the locals, the militants of the Russian occupation forces were barracked in this building in early summer, 2015. Then the militants’ reinforcement was accommodated in another dormitory building in the end of summer. The exact number of ‘guests’ is not known.
Also the photos show various Russian military equipment located on the training site near the village of Buhaivka, Luhanska Oblast. Please note that it is just around 6 miles from the barracks.
The Russian militants can be clearly seen on the college balconies.
View from the dorm on the village of Vasylivka and Orlovsky pond.
Inside the barracks (college dorm)
In the yard of the college and on the sports ground
Looking at the pictures I have two questions: are there any students in this college at all? If yes, then what are they taught?
All these photos were found in the social profiles of the friends (and their friends). But the search by geotags resulted in the photo from July 20, 2015, from this polygon showing some KamAZ truck with fancy camouflage coloring, which is commonly used for electronic warfare vehicles. Unfortunately, vehicle’s visible part does not allow to identify the exact model of this equipment.
Also the profiles of the militant’s friends contain photos of the Ukrainian armored vehicle KrAZ-6322 ‘Fortress on wheels’ – for the detailed investigation about this unit please refer to “Where And When Was the ‘Fortress on Wheels’ KrAZ Armored Vehicle Lost?“.
Original article by @BuTaJIu4eK, translated by Oleksandr Klymenko
One Response to “Alchevsk: Russian Troops’ Concentration Areas”
Les cartes de Yandex au service de la "Junte de Kyiv" - (Français)[…] Regardons de près le géant de l’industrie ukrainienne, l’usine Métallurgique d’Altchevsk, et ses alentours. À quelques reprises, les photos du matériel militaire et des munitions découverts à l’enceinte de cette usine ont été publiées par Inform Napalm, ainsi que les endroits de la concentration des troupes d’occupation russes qui font des manoeuvres à l’extérieur de la ville. […]