Nov. 19, 2016 – Today Ukrainian parliamentary delegation presented two InformNapalm’s videos with the evidence of Russian military aggression against Ukraine before members of NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Istanbul, Turkey.
InformNapam volunteer intelligence community has been gathering evidence of Russian aggression in Ukraine for over 2 years. Proving the participation of Russian professional military in the war in Donbas is the most important part of our work. While Russian soldiers have been pretty cautious and carefully cover up their combat involvement, they still leave traces. Our analysts sift through different sources – websites, videos, social media posts – to find these traces and present investigations to public. So far we have identified servicemen from 75 Russian military units sent to Ukraine on the orders of their command. This video will quickly guide you through our major findings.
You can explore our full database here:
It contains 165 documented incidents. Each record in our database has a link to the detailed investigation behind the case.
See also: Database and Video Overview of the Russian Weaponry in the Donbas
Lawmakers from NATO Parliamentary Assembly adopted reports urging NATO member-states “to stand firm in supporting Ukraine and maintain a strong stance against Russian belligerence”. Read full press-release of NATO PA here:
(CC BY 4.0) Information specially prepared for site, an active link to the authors and our project is obligatory for any reprint or further use of the material.
We urge readers to actively share our publications on social networks. Submission of materials investigations into the public domain is able to turn the tide of battle information and confrontation.
8 Responses to “InformNapalm’s proofs of Russian military aggression presented during NATO PA”
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InformNapalm kompletterar information från den militära åklagaren - InformNapalm på svenska[…] Här vill vi påminna om att det internationella underrättelsekollektivet InformNapalm har skapat en databas som presenterar information om mer än 160 soldater från 75 ryska militära förband i de ryska väpnade styrkorna, liksom identifierat krigsförbrytare som utfört det ryska militära högkvarterets kriminella order om stridshandlingar mot Ukraina. En videopresentation av databasen över militära förband och dess material som använts i aggressionen mot Ukraina förevisades vid höstsessionen för PACE och NATO:s parlamentariska samling. […]
The Hague Court recognizes the war in Ukraine and Crimea annexation as an international armed conflict - (English)[…] example, in November, a volunteer initiative InformNapalm presented its database of Russian military units identified in Ukraine, which is the result of two years of work. The group has proved the participation of 75 Russian […]
Hague Court: Russia's claims about weapons unearthed from Donbas mines crumble against OSINT data - (English)[…] These presentations and other materials were demonstrated by Ukrainian delegation during the autumn PACE session and before the members of NATO Parliamentary Assembly. […]
Haag-domstolen: Ryska påståenden om vapen i Donbass gruvor avfärdas av fakta - InformNapalm på svenska[…] Dessa presentationer och ytterligare material har visats av den ukrainska delegationen till PACE:s höstsession och inför medlemmarna av NATO:s Parlamentära Samling. […]
NATO:s parlamentariska församling kommer att samlas i Ukraina 2020[…] november 2016 presenterade den ukrainska permanenta delegationen, på initiativ av Irina Friz, två videor från InformNapalm med bevis på rysk militär aggression mot Ukraina. Detta gjordes inför medlemmarna i NATO:s parlamentariska […]
Ukraine has a unique opportunity to organize the 2020 Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Kyiv - (English)[…] in November 2016, the Ukrainian parliamentary delegation, thanks to Iryna Friz’s initiative, presented two videos produced by InformNapalm international intelligence community with evidence of Russia’s military […]