Ex-officers from Ukrainian Berkut riot police who fled to Russia have brutally beaten and detained people who participated in demonstrations against corruption in Moscow.
The ability to dissolve mass protests and the experiences of the Revolution on Maidan Square in Kiev is now being used to improve the structures of Russian power. Vice-President of the Russian Duma and Committee on CIS Affairs and Relationship with Countrymen, Konstantin Zatulin, is personally engaged in the issue of new citizenship for the former Ukrainian police officers.
On May 30, 2017, InformNapalm published an article on how the Russian MEP resolves DNR terrorists’ passport problems. The article also shows a written request to Zatulin from ex-officers of the former Ukrainian riot police, for assistance in obtaining Russian citizenship.
Zatulin’s response to this request has been positive. At least Such a conclusion can be drawn from Russian media.
On June 13, 2017, Ukrainian media (referring to an image gallery from the Russian television channel Dozhd) announced that the former deputy commander of Berkut, Sergei Kusyuk, was on duty in uniform (as a member of the Russian riot police) during a demonstration against corruption in Moscow 12 June 2017.
In the past, Kusyuk led the dissolution of the demonstration on the Maidan Square in Kiev during the night between 29 and 30 November 2013. During spring 2014, the officer fled to Russia via occupied Crimea.
This publication was prepared pecially for InformNapalm.
Translated by Donbassföreningen Sverige
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