February 10, 2015, at about 3 pm Kyiv time, a convoy of Russian vehicles was seen on the outskirts of Luhansk. This video shows only a part of the convoy – three KAMAZ-42369 Vystrel armored vehicles.
Here is an eyewitness account: “If you look at the map, they were going from the bottom up, then turned to the left to Debaltsevo along the road. There were three huge tanks with reactive armor (they were bigger than T-72 tanks), seven or eight “Vystrels” [armored vehicles] and about ten KAMAZ trucks.”
So, a convoy of three tanks, seven or eight KAMAZ-43269 “Vystrel: armored vehicles, and about ten tented KAMAZ trucks followed along Pavlovska Street towards Gayevoi Circle and further to the exit from the city along Andrei Linev Street.
The location can be verified on Yandex maps using the Panorama feature:
As a reminder, Russian KAMAZ-43269 “Vystrel” armored vehicles have been noticed numerous times in Luhansk: https://informnapalm.org/en/tshinvalii-shots-luhansk/
Translated by Sveta Kemblowski
Original article: https://informnapalm.org/5734-lugansk-10-fevralya-2015g-na-vyezde-yz-goroda-zafyksyrovana-kolonna-rossyjskoj-tehnyky
5 Responses to “February 10, 2015. A Convoy of Russian Vehicles is on the Outskirts of Luhansk”
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