UA Navy HQ: the highlight of the day is the assault of UA Navy HQ in Sevastopol. Around 9.00am 200 men in civilian clothes (they call themselves “Crimean self-defense”) under the guise of 30 armed Russian servicemen broke into the HQ. Because Russian military covered themselves with civilians (including women), Ukrainian military did not fire but instead tried to prevent the intrusion by forming a live shield. In response, the looters demolished the gates of the checkpoint and break into the shield on a truck. After that these pro-Russian activists forced the military to step back and barricade themselves inside the buildings. “Self-defense” members removed the Ukrainian flag and set the Russian one instead. Then the Black Sea Fleet Commander, A.Vitko, arrived to the HQ for negotiations and offered UA navy to surrender but got hard refusal in response. “Self-defense” gangs crushed the communication center and started to loot everywhere. The officers of the military unit barricaded themselves in the armory to make sure that the weapons won’t be captured by the criminals. Then, after a meeting, UA Navy Command decided to leave only the duty shift to protect the weapons; the rest of the personnel is to arrive tomorrow to the formation; then they will be announced the next steps.
191st UA Navy Training Detachment: Approximately 50 members of so-called “self-defense” had arrived to the 191st Training Detachment by 8.00pm. One KAMAZ and 2 GAZes with Russian militants intruded the territory of the military unit. The occupiers were able to capture and began to steal the weapons from the arsenal (military unit A4068). Now there are approximately 50 cossacks and 20 armed Russian militants are located in the territory of the unit.
Evpatoria: pro-Russian activists demounted all Ukrainian symbols and information boards in the area of the checkpoint of the 55th Air Defense Missile Regiment; Russian flags were placed instead. At around 3.40pm on the runway of the Evpatoria aircraft repair plant there were up to 200 Russian militants and 5 APCs. The tasks and purposes of the Russian forces are not disclosed. The 55th Air Defense Missile Regiment of UA Armed Forces is deployed in the vicinity of the airfield. Russian servicemen forcefully expelled the personnel of the
Measurement base of the Southern region of UA Armed Forces (military meteorologists). Officers and employees of the base headed by the commander were injured during the military confrontation.
Novoozernoye: in the afternoon the gates of the Southern Naval Base Staff were breached. As at now, the Russian forces were able to capture the checkpoint but they do not move further. Ukrainian officers are armed. The ships of the 5th Brigade of Surface Ships are on the anchorage of Donuzlav bay. The territory of the 5th military camp and the harbor wall are controlled by the Russian servicemen. Bahchisaray: the officers of the automobile battalion who refused to go over to the Black Sea Fleet were blocked today on 5.50pm by the Russian gunners.
Jankoy Mayor, Arkady Seidman, arrived by the formation of personnel and agitated Ukrainian military to to go over to the Russian Armed Forces.
Translated by Vladimir Kolesnikov