This note is the pain of Georgia and a warning to Ukraine and the World!
On April, 25 the men of so-called “South Ossetia Border Service” kidnaped three women from Hurvaleti village (Shida Kartli region, Georgia), and cynically called it the “detention”. Some women are of advanced age with health problems.
Such facts happen almost every day. It is sad, but there was no mechanism, both local and international, which would cut short this piracy and calm the brigands down. Therefor we strive to escape from this trap … to where there is no such insanity and the security is vouched for us.
I would like to explain: the result of the Russian-Georgian war, August 2008, the Russians fully occupied Abkhazia and Samachablo district / Tskhinvali region (“South Ossetia”) in Shida Kartli. Before the last war most of Samachablo district been controlled by Georgia, and the population of Georgian villages was superior in many times to the total number of Ossetians.
The Russian creatures guided by their predatory plans and maps of Lenin’s time have started to erect fences and barbed wire around the perimeter of the Samachablo district. It is few hundred kilometres. The occupants don’t care, they put “border” without consideration, cut in half not just villages, but also split houses and yards what take their line of distinction. In that way they leave the people in the surrounding villages without water, pastures, gardens, even cemeteries, and possibility to visit the graves.
Over the past 20 years Russia has occupied a considerable part of the territory of Georgia, expelled more than three hundred thousand people and killed thousands of Georgians.
Just check Georgian news websites to make sure that my information is true. People can be kidnapped and taken away from a nearby garden or backyard. Then they are held in detention on the concrete floor and without food. The Russians demand money to release them: if you give them more money (bribe) they will release the detainees faster, or you can pay an official fine: this will cost less but the prisoners will be released in 3-5 days. This is very humiliating for people of those environs.
We all know about such institutions as OSCE mission and we expect them to take appropriate actions. Why they don’t do that and only limit themselves with loud statements is a mystery. Until the world community says big words — this is what has to be done in the case with Ukraine — this creeping annexation won’t stop and the Russians will devour many people, not only us.
Georgia is tortured and tired… The Georgians never forget about that. They run their internal discussions in socila networks such as Facebook. And I want to appeal to my readers: please be more active, support me — only together we can deliver the truth and warn our friends.
(с) Irakli Komaxidze
Translated by Victoria Field