Anna Dorn, the observer of the Russian and foreign press has posted on Facebook her point of view on the situation with two recent terrorist acts. She explains why she sees the traces of the Russian special forces after the Kogalymavia’s Airbus A321 crash in Sinai on October 31 and the terrorist strikes in Paris on November 13. It is worth mentioning that Anna, being a citizen of Russia, stands her ground in the question of Russia’s criminal actions. It is difficult to accuse her of bias, because Anna operates with facts and the analytical parallels she makes speak for themselves.
I do not believe that the terrorist strikes against our plane and in Paris were conducted by ISIS.
As for Kogalymavia’s Airbus A321:
- This signature is unusual for terrorists, it is too clean – ideally set timer, no traces of explosives. It rather looks like a work done by a well-prepared special forces team, whose task was to eliminate any possibility to identify the explosives (it burns out without traces if well located). There is no sense for terrorists to deal with such engineering-technical-chemical issues. The foreign intelligence services have already openly spoken up in the press that the timer had been set even before the arrival to Egypt.
- Egypt bought the ‘Mistral’ ships built for Russia. The cooldown in cooperation between Russia and Egypt started during the April Revolution when the country followed the banner of the West. However, these are just little nothings of life. But the expansion of the Suez Canal which needs serious funding and is conducted by Egypt to enable the passage of supertankers (international transportation of oil from the region) can hurt us a lot. If Egypt succeeds in it, the oil price in Europe will fall for good. A terrorist strike against tourists in the territory of Egypt may destroy the tourism sector (which makes the half of the budget income) for a long period. Thus, it means no cost-intensive projects, right? Also the French contract specialists hired for the natural gas reservoir engineering will leave the country taking all the expensive equipment without which the project cannot be completed – so that Egypt will loose the possibility to develop the world’s largest natural gas field. It means that the Russian Federation loses one global gas and oil-transit competitor who could open a door to Europe for the oil from Middle East and Africa.
- The stovepiping about ISIS which claimed responsibility for the strikes in Paris was anonymous, done by calling the France-Presse. This is not the style of terrorists. Their scare tactic is different: the commanders of terrorists think of affecting not only on the public, but also on their followers. It is very important for them to demonstrate the followers the power and credibility.
- The first case of stovepiping was spotted in ‘Sunday Times’ with the link to some unknown source. Next, our media took up the initiative. ‘Sunday Times’ is a low-rated newspaper and has been numerously noticed in publications of pro-Russian materials. Besides it, there are two more smaller media in France and Austria sponsored by our ‘firm’ (propaganda in foreign media is pretty common practice). But in result the information was not confirmed by the British side, so the sensation failed.
- The behavior of the Russian authorities did not meet the scale of the tragedy – it could be easily called ‘flat on-duty reaction’.
As for the terrorist strikes in Paris on November 13:
- At the point of G20, first of all, it is worth to understand who is to profit from them in the context of political technologies. You start to count and see: no one, except the Russian Federation. The terrorist attacks in Paris allow only the Russian government to trumpet on about the importance of their personal participation in the Syrian conflict and in the fight against the global terrorism.
- The situation with refugees, whom the EU defends at full fling, is also unambiguous. The terrorist attacks are also gainless for the refugees: they are the first to suffer. For them, it is a massive risk of asylum seeking failure and expulsion from Europe.
- According to eyewitnesses, the terrorists were fair-skinned, were looking civilized, spoke French well, did not try to negotiate for the hostages – only killing as many people as possible in the hall, and were armed with AKs. But it is also disadvantageous for the locals. Deja vu appears about a concert hall and the terrorist attack in Russia. The process of ‘Nord-Ost’ in the ECHR was lost by Russians in 2011. Now, they are miserably losing the same process of Beslan – Russia has only six months to defend themselves, but they probably do not want to carry out the investigation in the way demanded from Russia (40 Beslan families, who appealed to the European Court of Justice, even brought themselves to exhume the bodies of their children to prove the guilt of the denying Russian authorities in court). And it would be very to the purpose to hint Europe: European guys, you are just similarly good in making the choice of means for operations against terrorists taking hostages – look how many victims you have, so why don’t you leave us alone with your international justice?
- The attacker screamed: “This is your president’s fault!” Sorry for my cynicism, but it is not funny. Shahids have never cried anything like that, as far as I know. Another point – can you recall any case when terrorists used a suicide bomber’s belt in Europe? But it has been used in Russia for sure…
- Kadyrov’s speech (spoken three weeks ago) with the candid dreams of taking revenge on French for ‘Charlie Hebdo’. There is no question for me what kind of revenge he seeked for.
- An accomplice of ‘Paris’ terrorists has been detained in Bavaria – a Montenegrin with explosives in his luggage on the way to Paris. Montenegro is a part of former Yugoslavia, where KGB has been operating for many years.
- Besides the calculation of transportation capabilities in the physical transferring of huge quantity of refugees in just a couple of months, I have a video footage (found in open sources) of refugees deboarding a giant ship into rubber boats. The deboard process was filmed from the upper deck. The operators were talking over the walkie-talkies and both the Arabic and the Russian languages can be heard on the tape. I suspect that Russia has a direct relation to the refugees flow. And this can be an attempt of political destabilization of EU, which benefits the Kremlin.
- Same as in the case with the plane, the responsibility was claimed by IS. And again through an anonymous stuffing – an Italian resource this time. It is not the terrorists’ style.
- The Russian leadership surprisingly fast offered assistance to France. It looked strange: they did not pay much attention to the death of 220 own citizens (the first reaction appeared only in 3 hours), but they expressed their condolences in the middle of the night, right after Obama, in just 40 minutes after the attack. Doesn’t it look strange to you? It is for me. It looks like a cheap PR before G20.
Editorial comments
Right after the terrorist attacks in France, Sergei Markov (a former Russian Federation deputy, member of the Public Chamber and president’s representative) pronounced his bizarre thoughts on the settlement of the situation:
“1. There is an urgent need to improve security in Moscow. 2. Russia, the United States and France must crush ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. 3. It is urgent to stop the conflict between Russia and the West over Ukraine. Junta should be replaced with a dummy government, the Constitution must be changed, the neo-Nazis are to be removed, new free elections have to be conducted. Kiev junta is one of the main obstacles to the joint fight of the US, European Union and Russia against terrorists” – said Markov in Facebook.
Thus, Russia not only gives diplomatic hints, but almost directly tries to enforce its unity with EU and US in order to lift sanctions and resolve the ‘Ukrainian question’ about Crimea and Donbas (with following taking control over Ukraine). And the Kremlin is ready for both spending millions of dollars on bombing opposition in Syria (pretending the fight against IS) and making terrible terrorist acts all over the world.
Original article, translated by Stepan Grishin
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