Новый список «200» подготовленный грузинскими волонтерами инициативной группой «Rusets Ra?!» к 11 годовщине российского вторжения в Грузию, содержит персональные данные на командный состав 7-й российской оккупационной базы в Абхазии. Среди идентифицированных российских оккупантов 185 офицеров и 15 сверхсрочников – в званиях от полковника до сержанта.
28 июня с.г. в столице оккупированной Абхазии Сухуми состоялась конференция «Хотят ли русские войны?», приуроченный к 25-летию с начала «миротворческой операции», если быть точнее, с момента первого этапа оккупации Абхазии и изгнания из своих домом четверти миллиона грузин. «Миротворческая конференция» прошла под патронажем известного кремлёвского идеолога, зампредседателя комитета Госдумы РФ по делам СНГ, евразийской интеграции и связям с соотечественниками Константина Затулина, с участием нового командира 7-й оккупационной базы полковника Олега Сенькова, т.н. руководства де-факто Абхазии и ветеранов-«миротворцев».
По заявлению Затулина «Миротворческую миссию в Абхазии мы (РФ) достойно завершили признанием независимости Республики Абхазия и Южной Осетии». Однако Затулин и другие участники т.н. круглого стола умолчали о том, что в последние несколько лет российская армия, в том числе 7-я в/база (в/ч 09332) активно втянута в боевые действия в Украине и в Сирии. Есть не мало свидетельств тому, что география деятельность 7-й в/базы не ограничивается военным присутствием в Абхазии. За «мирный» период, в 2014-2019 годы в/ч 7-я база побила все рекорды и более чем 30 раз попала в публикации международного волонтерского сообщества Informnapalm. В этих публикациях представлены неоспоримые факты участия в боевых действиях на Донбассе не только отдельных военнослужащих, но и целых штатных подразделений этого соединения – см. скрытые ссылки:
7-я военная база в расследованиях InformNapalm
Фотоальбом по теме 7-й в/б из расследований InformNapalm
В данном контексте примечательна бесценная информация переданная InformNapalm-у грузинскими волонтерами антиоккупационной инициативной группы «Rusets Ra?!» («რუსეთს რა?!»), которые на протяжении нескольких последних лет, смогли собрать данные на командный состав 7-й оккупационной военной базы (OSINT).
Всего в списке представлены 200 военнослужащих — 185 офицеров (от полковников до лейтенантов) и 15 старослужащих прапорщиков. Большинство российских оккупантов из указанного списка все еще служат в Абхазии, как в мотострелковой составляющей, так и в дивизионах ПВО «С-300». Порядка 20-25% из них повышены в должности и / или по ротационному принципу переведены в другие воинские части южного военного округа России, в том числе и в оккупированный Крым.
Справка по составу и вооружению 7-й в/б
Хотим напомнить, что это не первая масштабная работа грузинских волонтеров. В марте 2018 года «Rusets Ra?!» представила список на 140 офицеров и сержантов 4-й оккупационной базы РФ в Грузии, расположенной в другом оккупированном регионе — Цхинвальском. В августе 2018 года грузинские патриоты передали нам «Список 672» с идентификационными данными россиян, причастных к агрессии против Грузии в августе 2008 года.
P/S: Информация на российских военнослужащих представлена на английском языке, с сохранением транскрипции имен и фамилий на русском. Среди идентифицированных офицеров 7-й в/базы, есть несколько таких, которые уже попадали в наше поле зрение как ветераны Донбасса и потомственные военные.
ENGLISH version
Командный состав 7-й российской оккупационной военной базы в/ч 09332 г. Гудаута, Абхазия Грузия
Infographics — Alex Alexsidze
- Oleg Senkov (Олег Николаевич Сеньков)
Commander of the 7th Military Base / Military rank: Colonel
Born on: 30.11.1978
Origin: Volgograd
Education: public school #51 in Volgograd during 1985-1998.
During 1995-2000 he studied at Omsk Higher Military Command School (Ом ВОКУ), however, after the school was closed, he continued his military education at Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School. In 2000 after graduation military school he started his military career as a lieutenant in the 205th Motorized Rifle Brigade stationed in Budyonnovsk, Stavropol Krai; after 6 months mission to Chechnya he was promoted to the rank of company commander. In 2005 he served as a battalion commander in the 70th Regiment of the 42nd Motorized Rifle Division deployed in Shali, Chechnya. In 2007-2008 he studied at Combined Arms Academy of Russia’s Armed Forces, Faculty of Commander. He for the first time was reported in the sources of information as the commander of the 11th Engineering Brigade deployed in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky in Rostov Oblast in 2011. In 2013 he served as a deputy commander of the 20th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade stationed in Volgograd. And he served as a commander of the 34th Motorized Rifle (Mountain) Brigade deployed in Karachay-Cherkessia in 2018 participating in Russian-Pakistani military drills “Friendship-2018” in Punjab province where he served as a commander until February, 2019.
- Konstantin Smirnov (Константин Смирнов)
Origin: Urzhum, Kirov Oblast, living in Moscow.
Education: Moscow Higher Military Command School (МВВКУ) 2008-2012.
Since 2012 or 2013 he has served in the 7th Military Base stationed in Abkhazia.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Kirill Malev (Кирилл Мальев)
Origin: Novocherkassk, Rostov Oblast
During 2002-2005 he studied at Omsk Cadet Corps
In 2010 he graduated Volsk Higher Military School of Logistics (ВВВУТ);
Since 2011 or 2012 he has served in the 7th military Base of Abkhazia.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
- Alaxander Grishin (Александр Гришин)
Origin: Penza, Penza Oblast.
Education: Kazan Higher Military Command School, Motorized Rifle Faculty — 2007.
Far Eastern Higher Military Command School — 2009;
Working place: the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
- Yura Isaev (Юра Исаев)
Origin: Bryansk/Smolensk, living in Krasnodar.
Education: Air Defense Military Academy, Smolensk 2008-2013.
Since 2013 he has served at the „S-300“ Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Lieutenant or First Lieutenant.
- Pavel Tiuriumin (Павел Владимерович Тюрюмин)
Education: Siberian Federal University -2013, Automatization and Information Processing Faculty.
He serves at the „S-300“Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Lieutenant or First Lieutenant.
- Nikolay Viktorov (Николай Викторов)
Origin: Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan
Education: Kazan Higher Military Command School- 2011.
he serves in the tank battalion of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Vladimir Shtondenko (Владимир Юрьевич Штонденко)
Origin: Tyazhinskiy, Kemerovo Oblast
Education: Moscow Higher Military Command School 2006-2010.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
См. публикацию InformNapalm «Династия российских военных преступников. Биография оккупанта»
- Sergey Skoblikov (Сергей Димитрович Скобликов)
Origin: Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, living in Rostov-on-Don.
Education: Moscow Higher Military Command School -2010.
Since 2011 he has served in the 3rd Motorized Rifle Battalion of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Lieutenant.
- Stanislav Tarasov (Станислав Юревич Тарасов)
Origin: Baskan, Kabardino-Balkarya.
Education: Moscow Higher Military Command School — 2011.
He has been serving in the 7th M/B since 2010.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
- Aiaal Afanasiev (Аиаал Рокоссовец Афанасьев)
Origin: village Kutana, A.S. Buluisky str. #1, Perm Krai or Republic of Sakha;
Education: Far Eastern Higher Military Command School — 2010.
he serves as a commander of the motorized rifle company of the 7th M/B.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
- Sergey Shevchenko (Сергей Шевченко)
Origin: Taganrog, Rostov Oblast.
Education: Neklinovsky Flight School, basic pilot course; alumnus of 2003.
Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School – Faculty of army reconnaissance-2009.
Since 2009 he serves in the 7th M/B.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
- Aleksandr Gavrilkin (Александр Владимерович Гаврилкин)
Origin: Tuapse, Krasnodar Krai.
Education: Institute of Military Physical Education-2007.
He serves as the missile battalion staff commander of the 90th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment of the 49th Army.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Vasil Gorianchik (Василий Горянчик)
Origin: Saint Petersburg
Education: Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy Faculty of Artillery Reconnaissance — 2012.
Military rank: Lieutenant
- Roman Shishkov (Роман Юревич Шишков)
Education: Yekaterinburg Higher Artillery Command School — 2011.
Working place: m/u 09332, Gudauta.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
- Maxim Shcheka (Макс Щека)
Origin: Krasnodar
Education: Far Eastern Higher Military Command School
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Andrey Shurigin (Андрей Шурыгин)
Working place: m/u 09332, Gudauta.
- Andrey Popov (Андрей Попов)
Origin: Asha, Chelyabinsk Oblast/Yekaterinburg/Saint-Petersburg/Gudauta
Education: Yekaterinburg Higher Artillery Command School — 2013.
Commander of mortar-throwing battery of the motorized rifle battalion.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Aleksey Terpukov (Алексей Терпуков)
Education: Kuban Social and Economic Institute
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Anatoly Melnikov (Анатолий Андреевич Мелнъников)
he serves in the reconnaissance unit of the 7th M/B.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Nikolay Andreenok (Николай Андреенок)
Origin: Saint Petersburg
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Evgeny Vorotitsev (Евгений Воротыцев)
Origin: Tatsinskaya, Rostov Oblast/Kamensk-Shakhtinsky Oblast/Rostov Oblast/ Gudauta;
Education: Ryazan Military Automobile Institute — 2010.
During 2010-2012 he served in m/u 54037 in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.
Since 2013 he has served in the 7th M/B, m/u 09332.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Sergey Dudorov (Cергей Дудоров)
Education: Yekaterinburg Higher Artillery Command School.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
См. публикацию InformNapalm Двойной удар» Ли по офицерам ЮВО Вооруженных сил России
- Aleksandr Bobrovsky (Алекандр Бобровский)
Education: Motorized Rifle Faculty — 2007.
Far Eastern Higher Military Command School — 2012 Military rank: Lieutenant
- Aleksandr Lisin (Александр Лисин)
Origin: Saratov, Tchaikovsky str. #1, Leninsky district, Saratov Oblast.
Education: Moscow Higher Military Command School -2013.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Sergey Moroz (Сергей Cергеевич Мороз)
Origin: Krasnodar
Education: Far Eastern Higher Military Command School
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Maksim Igorevich (Максим Игоревич)
Origin: Blagoveshensk, Amur Oblast
Education: Moscow Higher Military Command School — 2008
Military rank: Lieutenant
- Nikolay Khil (Николай Хиль)
Born on: 16.08.1981 or 21.02.1984
Origin: Atobe, Kazakhstan/Blagoveshensk, Amur Oblast
Education: possibly, Far Eastern Higher Military Command School
Military rank: Lieutenant
- Aleksandr Samokhin (Алeксандр Самoхин)
Origin: Adler
Education: Kazan Higher Tank Command School
Military rank: Lieutenant
- Vladimir Ligay (Владимир Лигай)
Born on: 12.08.1987/14.08.1987
Origin: Mozdok, street of Peace, North Ossetia
Education: Moscow Higher Military Command School – 2008; civil education – Agriculture Academy of Russian Federation; faculty of economics, Master’s degree – 2010;
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Anatoly Kasianov (Анатолий Валерьевич Касьянов)
Origin: Adler/Sochi
Education: possibly, Mikhailov Military Artillery Academy or Yekaterinburg Higher Artillery Command School – 2008;
he serves in the Artillery Reconnaissance unit of the 7th MB Reactive Artillery Battalion
Military rank: Lieutenant
- Rifkat Shamsutdinov (Рифкат Шамсутдинов)
Origin: Republic of Tatarstan
Education: Moscow Higher Military Command School
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Denis Gorovtsov (Денис Горовцов)
Origin: Republic of Tatarstan
Education: Kolomenskoye Higher Artillery Command School
Military rank: Lieutenant
- Aleksandr Zalazaev (Александр Залазаев)
Origin: Saratov, Saratov Oblast
Education: Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School — 2007
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Sergey Solodukhin (Сергей Солодухин)
Origin: Nizhny Novgorod, Privolzhsky Federal District;
Education: Nizhny Novgorod School of Military Engineering Command
Military rank: First Lieutenant
He has served in 7th MB as a Commander of Engineering unit since 2013.
- Leonid or Vladimir Sadavoy (Леонид или Владимир Садавой)
Origin: Blagoveshchensk, Amur Oblast;
Education: Far Eastern Higher Military Command School (Blagoveshchensk) – 2010;
In 2010 he served in the 34th Defense Separate Company of the 49th Combined Arms Army as a Deputy Commander; he served also in the 66th Communication Brigade; he has served in the 7th MB Reconnaissance Battalion possibly, since 2011.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Vsevolod Ryazanov (Всеволод Рязанов)
Living in: Moscow
Education: Military University of RF Ministry of Defense in Moscow;
He has served in the 7th MB since 2014.
Military rank: Lieutenant
- Ivan Lavrentiev (Иван Вадимович Лаврентьев)
Origin: Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai
Education: Kazan Higher Tank Command School — 2009
He has served in the 7th MB since 2009.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Dmitry Levchenko (Дмитрий Анатолиевич Левченко)
Origin: Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan/Rostov-on-Don;
Education: Kazan Higher Artillery Command School;
Possibly, he has served in the 7th MB Mortar subunit;
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Anatoly Krasnokutsky (Анатолий Краснокутский)
Origin: Penza
Education: Military University of RF Ministry of Defense in Moscow;
Military rank: Lieutenant or First Lieutenant
He has served in the 7th MB since 2013
- Radmir Khariumov or Safiullin (Радмир Харьямов или Сафиуллин)
Origin: Omsk, Omsk Oblast
Education: Kazan Higher Artillery Command School — 2013;
He serves in the Artillery subunit of the 7th MB;
Military rank: Lieutenant
- Vladimir Baturin (Владимир Батурин)
Born on: 06.07.1990 or 06.07.1989
Origin: Aksha, Transbaikal
Education: Far Eastern Higher Military Command School
He serves in the Artillery subunit of the 7th MB;
- Andrey Vinogradov (Андрей Винаградов)
Origin: Krasnodar/Maykop
Education: Mikhailov Artillery Academy in Saint Petersburg; faculty of missile systems – 2013;
He has served in the 7th MB since 2013;
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Nikita Kholuev (Никита Холуев)
Origin: Yekaterinburg
Education: Yekaterinburg Higher Artillery Command School – 2000-2006;
he has served in the Self-Propelled Howitzer Artillery Battalion in the 7th MB since 2013;
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Aleksandr Maksimov (Александр Максимов)
Origin: Barnaul/Rostov-on-Don/Krasnodar
Education: Kemerovo Higher Military Command School of Communication – 2010;
He served in the 7th M/B in 2010-2016. Currently he serves in anti-aircraft unit, SMD in Krasnodar ;
Military rank: Captain
- Emil Latipov (Эмиль Латыпов)
Origin: Uchaly / Republic of Bashkortostan
Living in: Saint Petersburg
Education: Mikhailov Artillery Academy in Saint Petersburg; faculty of Multiple Launch Missile Systems – 2013;
He has served in the Reactive Artillery Battalion of the 7th MB since 2010;
Military rank: Lieutenant
- Viacheslav Malanin (Вячеслав Маланин)
Living in: Sochi/Gudauta
Education: Academy of Material and Technical Support in Saint Petersburg – 2013;
Possibly, he has served in the 3rd Company of the Tank Battalion of the 7th MB since 2013 as an officer;
Military rank: Lieutenant
- Yuri Atiukov (Юрий Атюков)
Origin: Znamensky, Astrakhan Oblast/Primorsky/Kozmodemyansk, Mari El
Education: Air Defense Military Academy in Smolensk– 2012;
Within 2012-2013 he served in the 167th Air Defense Training Center (m/u 21043) in Znamensk.
Within 2013-2018 he served in the 7th MB Air Defense Battalion.
Since 2018 he has served in the 102nd MB in Gyumri, Armenia;
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Sergey Sanzhurin (Сергей Санжурин)
Origin: Vologda, Vologda Oblast/Saint Petersburg
Living in: Yeysk, Krasnodar Krai
Education: Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Defense School in Saint Petersburg; faculty of Commanders – 1990-1994;
Since 2014 he has served in the Command Post Battery of Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion Group the 7th MB.
Military rank: Captain
- Yura Aleksikov (Юра Алексиков)
Origin: Sochi/Moscow
Possibly, since 2010 he has served in the Tank unit of the 7th MB.
Military rank: Senior Warrant Officer
- Igor Porfiriev (Игор Порфирьев)
Origin: Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan.
Education: Kazan Higher Military Command School.
Since 2013 he has serves at the 7th M/B.
Military rank: Lieutenant.
- Sergey Pavlov (Сергей Павлов)
Origin: Leningrad, living in Saint-Petersburg or Lagan, Republic of Kalmykia.
Education: Saint Petersburg Radio-Electronics Military Command Institute-1997.
Military service: 1997-1999, m/u 03729 Mamedkala, Dagestan; 1999-2008, m/u 96039 village Divnoe, Stavropol Krai; 2008-2012, m/u 06563 Lagan, Republic of Kalmykia.
He serves in a radio-electronic unit of a group of air defense battalions at the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Major, 2014.
- Zorgto Tsirendagbaev (Зоргто Цырендагбаев)
Living in Irkutsk, Siberia.
He serves as a deputy commander at the 7th Military Base; area of responsibility: coordination with military personnel.
Military rank: Major
- Ilya Zaleev (Илья Владимирович Залеев)
Origin: Novokuznetsk, Kemorovo Oblast.
Education: Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School 2005;
Military service: the 17th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade, Chechnya, 2005 — 2010;
Since 2010 he serves as a head of an operational unit of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Major
См. публикацию InformNapalm Love Story 3: любовный треугольник российского оккупанта
- Vadim Sinitsin (Вадим Синицын)
Origin: Volgograd.
Education: Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School in 2011.
He serves as a platoon commander of the 2nd Motorized Rifle Battalion of the 7th M/B.
Military rank: First Lieutenant, 2015.
- Aleksey Zverev (Алексей Зверев)
Origin: Volgograd
Education: Moscow Higher Military Command School in 2011.
He has served as a platoon commander of the 7th M/B since 2012.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
- Stanislav Raskopinsky (Станислав Раскопинский)
Education: Moscow Higher Military Command School in 2009.
Since 2013 he has served at the 7th Military Base, as a platoon commander of the motorized rifle battalion.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
- Igor Opanasiuk (Игорь Опанасюк)
Origin: Okha, Sakhalin Oblast.
Education: Far Eastern Higher Military Command School in 2012.
He has served at the 7th M/B since 2012, in the motorized rifle battalion.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
- Roman Markin (Роман Маркин)
Origin: Omsk, Omsk Oblast.
Education: Omsk Tank Engineering Institute 2013/ Military Training and Research Center 2013.
He serves as the 2nd platoon commander of the 1st company of the 1st motorized rifle battalion, the 7th M/B.
Military rank: First Lieutenant, 2016.
- Mikhail Maiorov (Михаил Майоров)
Origin: Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk Oblast.
Education: Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School in 2012.
He has served as a subunit officer of the 7th M/B since 2012; area of responsibility: coordination with military personnel.
Military rank: First Lieutenant, 2014.
- Dmitry Andronov (Дмитрий Андронов)
Origin: Kalach-on-the-Don, Volgograd Oblast.
Education: Volgograd State Agrarian University in 2015, Military Department, training center Prudboy, m/u
m/u 22220;
He serves as an officer of the self-propelled howitzer artillery battery of the 1st Artillery Battalion, the 7th M/B.
Military rank: Lieutenant, 2016.
- Andrey Stepanenko (Андрей Степаненко)
Origin: Omsk, Omsk Oblast
Education: Omask Branch of Material-Technical Logistical Military Academy in 2013.
He serves as a platoon commander in the 2nd Motorized Rifle Battalion of the 7th M/B.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Vladimir Siniagin (Владимир Синягин)
Origin: Yekaterinburg.
Education: Yekaterinburg Higher Artillery Command School in 2012.
He has served in the 7th M/B since 2012, officer of the 2nd Self-propelled Howitzer Artillery Battery of the 1st Artillery Battalion.
Military rank: Lieutenant (2013).
- Yuri Grishchenko (Юрий Грищенко)
Origin: Murom, Vladimir Oblast.
Education: Moscow Higher Military Command School.
Military service: the 131st Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade during 2001-2008, Maykop; the 205th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade during 2008-2011, Budyonnovsk.
Since 2011 he has been served as head of training center of the 7th M/B.
Military rank: Captain.
- Kiril Borisov (Кирилл Борисов)
Origin: Serdobsk, Penza Oblast.
Education: Yekaterinburg Higher Artillery Command School in 2010.
He has served at the 7th Military Base since 2013; according to information of 2016, he is acting staff chief of the 2nd Artillery Battalion.
Military rank: Lieutenant 2013.
- Yuri Maltsev (Юрий Мальцев)
Origin: Yekaterinburg
Education: Yekaterinburg Higher Artillery Command School — 2010;
Since 2010 he has served in the 7th MB;
Military rank: Lieutenant – 2013
- Sergey Luzin (Сергей Лузин)
Education: possibly, Omsk Tank Engineering Institute Since 2013 he has served in the 7th MB, in the armored tank unit.
Military rank: Lieutenant – 2015
- Grigory Bazhin (Григорий Бажин)
Origin: Novocherkassk, Rostov Oblast
he has served in the 7th MB since 2014
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Dmitry Sova (Дмитрий Сова)
Origin: Maslovka
Living in: Belgorod, Belgorod Oblast/Smolensk, Smolensk Oblast;
Education: Smolensk Military Academy of the Army Air Defense — 2012
He has served in the 7th MB since 2015. Possibly, he is a Commander of the 2nd Anti-Aircraft Battery („OSA“). Before he has served in the Airborne Forces.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Aleksandr Khrabalov (Александр Храбалов)
Origin: Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast
Education: Nizhny Novgorod State University Military Training Center — 2013
He has served as an officer of the anti-aircraft battery.
Military rank: Lieutenant 2013
- Yulia Akhtyamova (Юлия Ахтямова)
Education: Krasnoyarsk Krai Institute of Space and Information Technologies – 2013;
Military rank: First Lieutenant
72. Aleksandr Goriakin (Александр Горякин)
Origin: village Amosovka, Kursk Oblast.
Education: 1999 — Aviation-Technical Higher Military School of Kirov.
He serves in the anti-aircraft battalions group of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Lieutenant Colonel.
- Evgeny Chugay (Евгений Иванович Чугай)
Origin: Maykop
Education: presumably, Spaskoy Medical Institute;
Within 1997-1999 he served in the M/U 22848, Severomorsk, Murmansk Oblast;
Military rank: Captain
- Evgeny Grin (Евгений Гринь)
Origin: Stavropol
Education: presumably, North Caucasus Federal University;
Possibly, he serves in the 1st Motor Rifle Battalion of the 7th MB;
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Evgeny Babenko (Евгений Бабенко)
Possibly, he serves in the engineer subunit of the 7th MB;
Military rank: Captain
- Anton Yudin (Антон Анатольевич Юдин)
Origin: Saint-Petersburg/Artem, Prymorsky Krai
Education: S. Kirov Military-Medical Academy — 2013
Military rank: Lieutenant
77. Yura Yuretsky (Юра Юрецкий)
Origin: Maykop
Education: Kazan Higher Artillery Command School — 2011
Military rank: First Lieutenant
78. Sergey Mezhetsky (Сергей Межецкий), nicknamed as “Matvey Vesolov”
Origin: Suzun, Novosibirsk Oblast
Living in: Novosibirsk
Education: Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School; faculty of Military Intelligence 2014;
Military rank: Lieutenant — 2018
79. Petr Surikhin (Петр Сурихин)
Living in: Sochi
Possibly, since 2017 he has served in the 7th MB;
Military rank: Lieutenant
80. Dmitry Laryanov (Дмитрий Ларианов)
Living in: Sochi / Abkhazia
Education: Military Artillery School – Kazan branch, 2006
Within 2007-2012 in the 7th RF MB.
Military rank: possibly, Captain
- Andrei Egorov (Андрей Егоров)
Origin: Totskoye, Orenburg Oblast.
Education: 2006 — Orenburg Higher School of Anti-Aircraft Missile.
He serves in the anti-aircraft battalion of the 7th MD. Before, he served at the 102nd MD of Armenia.
Military rank: Captain.
- Yuri Bagno (Юрий Багно)
Origin: village Jiginka, Anapa region, Krasnodar Krai. Education: 2004 — Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense.
He serves in the anti-aircraft battalion of the 7th MD.
At this time, he maybe has been transferred to Novorosiisk or Crimea for further military service. Military rank: Captain or Major.
83. Kirill Bendin (Кирилл Бендин)
Origin: Stavropol.
Education: 2008 — Saint Petersburg Higher Military Radio Electronics School.
He serves in the anti-aircraft battalion of the 7th MD. Before, he served in the 18th Motorized Rifle Brigade, Chechnya.
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
- Oleg Mulko (Олег Мулько)
Origin: Yaroslavl.
Education: 2012 — Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense.
He serves in the anti-aircraft battalion of the 7th MD. Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
- Aleksey Mikharev (Алексей Михарев)
Origin: village Breitovo, Yaroslavl Oblast.
Education: 2006 — Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense.
He serves in the anti-aircraft battalion of the 7th MD, in Primorskoe.
Military rank: Captain.
86. Andrei Khokhlov (Андрей Хохлов)
Origin: Rostov-on-Don.
Education: 2011 — Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense.
He serves in the anti-aircraft battalion of the 7th MD.
Military rank: Captain since 01.02.2016.
Spouse: Ekaterina Ivachenko-Khokhlova, Potepkina (Екатерина Иващенко-Хохлова, Потепкина), serving in the anti-aircraft missile battalion of the 7th MD.
- Ekaterina Ivachenko-Khokhlova, Potepkina (Екатерина Иващенко-Хохлова, Потепкина)
Origin: Smolensk.
Education: 2013 – Smolensk Military Academy of Air Defense.
She serves in the anti-aircraft battalion of the 7th MD.
Military rank: First Lieutenant since 22.07.2015.
Spouse: Andrei Khokhlov (Андрей Хохлов) , serving in the anti-aircraft battalion of the 7th MD.
- Yaroslav Popov (Ярослав Попов)
Origin: Rostov-on-Don.
Education: 2008 — Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense.
He serves in the anti-aircraft battalion of the 7th MD.
Military rank: Captain.
- Aleksey Fadeev (Алексей Фадеев)
Origin: Rostov-on-Don.
Education: 2009 — Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov / Military Department.
He serves in the anti-aircraft battalion of the 7th MD.
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
- Ivan Potekhin (Иван Потехин)
Origin: village Dorokhovo, Krasnoyarsk Krai.
Education: 2013 — Institute of Space and Information Technology of Krasnoyarsk /Military Department.
He serves in the anti-aircraft battalion of the 7th MD.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
- Aleksandr Iakovlev (Алексей Яковлев)
Origin: Yesk, Krasnodar Krai.
Education: 2000 — Commander’s Faculty, Higher Anti-Aircraft Military School of Saint-Petersburg; according to other sources, Air-Defense Military Academy of Smolensk.
In 2005-2012 he served at the Higher Military-Aviation Institute of Yesk. Currently he serves in the anti-aircraft battalions group of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Lieutenant Colonel
92. Vladimir Kuznetsov (Владимир Кузнецов)
Origin: Abakan Khakassia.
Education: 2005 — Budionov Military Communication Academy of Saint-Petersburg; before, in 2006-2008 he served in the so called Peacekeeping Contingent of RF in Sukhumi, communication center Gromovoy. Currently he serves in the 7th Military Base, in the anti-aircraft battalions group.
Military rank: Captain or Major.
93. Sergei Lomukhin (Сергей Ломухин)
Origin: Orenburg
Education: 2000 — Radio Technical Faculty, Higher Anti-Aircraft School of Orenburg.
He serves/served in the anti-aircraft battalions group, the 7th Military Base. He maybe is transferred to the anti-aircraft unit stationed in the vicinity of Sochi.
Military rank: Major or Lieutenant-Colonel.
- Denis Traidukov (Денис Трайдуков)
Origin: Orenburg
Education: 2009 — Radio Technical Faculty, Higher Anti-Aircraft School of Orenburg.
Currently he serves in the group of anti-aircraft battalions group, 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Captain.
- Aleksandr Bogdanov (Александр Богданов)
Origin: Orenburg.
Education: Presumably, Anti-Aircraft Missile Orenburg Higher School.
Serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions’ group of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Captain.
- Viktor Mordasov (Виктор Мордасов)
Origin: Voronezh.
Education: 2013 — Military Academy of the Armed Forces Air Defense in Smolensk.
Serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions’ group of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
97. Aleksandr Balaxonov (Александр Балахонов)
Origin: Zhukovka.
Education: 2010 — Military Academy of the Armed Forces Air Defense in Smolensk.
Serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions’ group of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
- Denis Lukianov (Денис Лукьянов)
Origin: Smolensk.
Education: 2013 — Military Academy of the Armed Forces Air Defense in Smolensk.
Serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions’ group of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
99. Nikita Semionov (Никита Семенов)
Origin: Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai.
Education: Institute of Space and Information Technologies in Krasnoyarsk – 2013.
He serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions’ Group of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
100. Artiom Khokhlov (Артем Хохлов)
Origin: probably Krasnodar.
Education: The Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy in Voronezh – 2012.
He serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions’ Group of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
- Pavel Kornev (Павел Корнев)
Origin: Blagoveshchensk.
He serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions’ Group of the 7th Military Base (presumably, he served in the 4th Military Base in Tskhinvali Region before).
Military rank: Captain.
102. Dmitry Usin (Дмитрий Усин)
Origin: Bataysk, Rostov Oblast.
Education: Yaroslavl branch of Mozhaysky Military Space Academy, faculty of radio-electronic systems – 2006.
He serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions’ Group of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Captain.
103. Roman Khitrin (Роман Хитрин)
Origin: Liga, Udmurtia.
Education: Smolensk or Orenburg Military Academy of the Armed Forces Air Defense.
He serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions’ Group of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Lieutenant Colonel.
104. Evgeni Kozlov (Евгений Козлов)
Origin: Smolensk
Education: 2010 — Air Defense Military Academy of Smolensk.
He serves in the anti-aircraft battalions group, the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
105. Evgeni Shorokhov (Евгений Шорохов)
Origin: Bryansk
Education: 2006 — Air Defense Military Academy of Smolensk.
He serves in the anti-aircraft battalions group, the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Captain or Major
106. Sergei Lavrukhin (Серегей Лаврухин)
Origin: Yaroslavl
Education: 2013 — Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense
He serves in the anti-aircraft battalions group, the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Lieutenant or First Lieutenant.
- Rinat Mamin (Ринат Мамин)
Origin: Ribinsky
Education: 2013 — Communication Systems, Mozhaysky’s Military-Space Academy of Saint Petersburg.
He serves in the anti-aircraft battalions group, the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Lieutenant or First Lieutenant.
108. Anastasia Maslova (Анастасия Маслова)
Origin: Smolensk
Education: 2013 — Air Defense Military Academy of
She serves in the anti-aircraft battalions group, the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
109. Yuri Chmutov (Юрий Чмутов)
Origin: Kolomna, Moscow Oblast.
Education: 2011 — Yekaterinburg Higher Military Artillery Command School.
Serving at the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
- Evgeni Sherbina (Евгений Щербина)
Origin: Saint Petersburg.
Education: 2012 — Saint-Petersburg Material-Technical Military Academy.
Serving at the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
- Aleksey Ivakin or Piliakov (Алексей Ивакин или Поляков)
Origin: Ribnoe, Ryazan Oblast
Education: 2009 — Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communication; 2009-2010 — Saint-Petersburg Communication Academy.
Serving at the 7th M/B from 2010.
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
112. Vasili Lukin (Василий Лукин)
Origin: Yekaterinburg
Education: 2009 — Yekaterinburg Higher Military Artillery Command School
Serving in the self-propelled artillery battalion of the 7th MB (he is possibly had been moved to the 150th Motorized Rifle Division of the 49th Army stationed in Rostov Oblast in 2017).
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
113. Andrey Cherentsov (Андрей Чернецов)
Origin: Krasny Yar, Volgograd Oblast, Zhirovsky Region.
Education: 2010 — Yekaterinburg Higher Military Artillery Command School.
Serving at the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
114. Kiril Abramov (Кирилл Абрамов)
Education: 2010 — Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communication; 2011-Saint-Petersburg Communication Academy.
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
115. Andrey Radchenko (Андрей Радченко)
Origin: Voronezh
Education: 2010 — Voronezh Radio Electronic Military Institute
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
116. Vladimir Sadovnikov (Владимир Садовников)
Origin: village Alna, Udmurtia
Education: Smolensk Air Defense Military Academy
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
117. Sergey Baluev (Сергей Балуев)
Origin: Kostroma
Education: 2009 — Kostroma CBRN Military Academy
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
118. Aleksey Gromov (Алексей Громов)
Origin: 2000 — Smolensk Air Defense Military Academy
Military rank: Major or Lieutenant Colonel
- Roman Chalikov (Роман Чаликов)
Origin: Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Krai
Education: Kazan Higher Military Artillery Command School – 2006
Presumably, he serves in the Self-Propelled Artillery Battalion of the 7th Military Base. Previously, he served probably in the 18th Motor Rifle Brigade in Chechnya.
Military rank: Captain
- Dmitriy Tkachev (Дмитрий Ткачев)
Origin: Rostov-on Don
Education: Novocherkassk Higher Military Command School of Communications – 2012
Presumably, he serves in the Artillery or Anti-Aircraft unit of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Dmitriy Borisov (Дмитрий Борисов)
Origin: Orsk
Education: Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism; Officers Course under Saint Petersburg Military Institute of the Physical Culture – 2012
Presumably, he serves in the Instructors group in the 7th Military Base. Previously, he probably served in the 8th Separate Mountain Motor Rifle Brigade in Chechnya and in the 34th Separate Mountain Motor Rifle Brigade in Karachay-Cherkessia.
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain
- Aleksandr Kornienko (Александр Корниенко)
Origin: Krasnogvardeysky, Krasnodar Krai
Education: Yekaterinburg Higher Military Command Artillery School – 2009
Presumably, he serves in the Artillery unit in the 7th Military Base
Military rank: Captain
123. Dmitriy Larionov (Дмитрий Ларионов)
Origin: Yelabuga, Tatarstan
Education: Kazan Higher Military Command Artillery School – 2006
Presumably, he serves in the Artillery unit in the 7th Military Base
Military rank: Captain or Major
124. Pavel Pervitsky (Павел Первитский)
Origin: Makushino, Kaluga Oblast
Education: Novocherkassk Higher Military Command School of Communication – 2006
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain
125. Sergey Vatulin (Сергей Ватулин)
Origin: Armavir, Krasnodar Krai
Address: #30 Pugachev str. Apt. #5
Education: Saint Petersburg Military Academy of Communication and/or Institute of Communications of the Strategic Rocket Forces at Stavropol — 2013
Military rank: First Lieutenant
126. Boris Danilov (Борис Данилов)
Origin: Kazan
Education: Kazan Higher Military Tank School – 2011
He serves presumably in the Tank Battalion of the 7th Military Base
Military rank: Major
127. Evgeni Fedorov (Евгений Федоров)
Born on: 29.07.1990
Origin: Blagoveshchensk
Education: Blagoveshchensk Far East Higher Combined Command Military School – 2012
He serves presumably in the Tank Battalion of the 7th Military Base
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain
128. Pavel Savin (Павел Савин)
Origin: Kokhma, Ivanovo Oblast
Address: #29 Vladimirskaya str.
Education: Ivanovo State Energy Institute and Communication Military Department under the mentioned institute – 2013
He serves presumably in the Communication or EW unit of the 7th Military Base
Military rank: First Lieutenant
129. Aleksandr Krivoshein (Александр Кривошеин)
Origin: Blagoveshensky.
Education: 2006 — Blagoveshensky Middle East Military Command School.
He has been served at the 7th Military Base for years.
Military rank: Captain or Major
130. Stanislav Kuklin (Станислав Куклин)
Origin: village Borovka, Kotelnichsky District, Kirov Oblast.
Education: 2005 — Higher Tank Military Command School of Kazan.
He has been served in the tank battalion of the 7th M/B.
Military rank: Captain or Major
131. Maxim Tatkov (Максим Татков)
Origin: Novoloky, Ivanov Oblast.
Education: 2010 — Higher Military Artillery Command School of Kazan.
He has been served in the artillery battalion of the 7th M/B since 2015.
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain or Major
132. Andrey Nemov (Андрей Немов)
Origin: Stavropol.
Education: 2009 — Higher Military Artillery Command School of Yekaterinburg.
He has been served in the artillery battalion of the 7th M/B
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
133. Dmitry Soboychuk (Дмитрий Собойчук)
Origin: Krasnodar or Volsky.
Education: 2011 — Volsky Military Institute of the Rear
He has been served in the logistic unit of the 7th M/B.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
134. Vladimir Ploshuk (Владимир Площук)
Origin: Turka, Buryatia
Education: The Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School – 2013/Far East Suvorov Cadet School of Ussuriysky – 2009
He serves in the reconnaissance unit of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
135. Valentin Klimashevsky (Валентин Климашевский)
Origin: Baranavichy, Belorus
Education: Saint Petersburg Air Defense Higher Military School of Radio Electronics — 2009
He serves in the anti-aircraft unit of the 7th Military Base.
Rank: Captain
136. Ilya Lagutin (Илья Лагутин)
Origin: Smolensk
Education: Smolensk Air Defense Military Academy — 2009
He serves in the anti-aircraft unit of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Captain
- Viktor Rozuvaev (Виктор Розуваев)
Origin: Makushino, Kurgan Oblast
Education: Omsk Tank Engineering Institute/Chelyabinsk Higher Military Automobile Engineering School — 2013
He serves in the tank unit of the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
He is awarded by the medal of Suvorov.
- Ivan Belikh or Kozhukhov (Иван Белых или Кожухов)
Origin: Makushino, Kurgan Oblast
Education: Novocherkassk Higher Military Command School of Communications (Department of Radio Communication) — 2010
He serves in the communication unit of the 7th Military Base. Presumably, he is moved into the 66th Brigade (M/U 41600, Stavropol) in 2016
Military rank: Captain
- Kiril Chebodaev (Кирилл Чебодаев)
Origin: Abakan
Education: 2013 — Omsk Military Tank Engineering Institute
He serves in the tank unit, the 7th M/B.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
Award: Medal of Suvorov
- Denis Loskutov (Денис Лоскутов)
Origin: Krasnodar or Volgograd ^
Education: 2011 — Kazan Military Command Academy
He serves in the tank battalion, the 7th M/B
Military rank: First Lieutenant
- Aleksandr Timofeev (Александр Тимофеев)
Origin: Cheboksary Chuvashia
Education: 2010 — Kazan Military Command Academy
He served in the tank battalion, the 7th M/B. He was moved to the 4th Tank Division, Naro-Fominsk in 2010-2013.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
142. Ilya Voevodin (Илья Воеводин)
Origin: Cherepovets
Education: 2009 — Cherepovets Military Engineering University of Radio Electronics.
He serves in the 7th M/B.
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain
- Roman Kolupaev (Роман Колупаев)
Origin: Kirov
Education: 2017 — Kazan Military Command Academy
He serves in the tank battalion, the 7th M/B
Military rank: Lieutenant
- Maksim Kurkov (Максим Курков)
Origin: Tetiush, Tatarstan
Education: presumably Kazan Higher Military Command School
He serves in the 7th Military Base. According to 2014 data – Chief of the Staff of one of the Artillery Battalion
Military rank: Major
145. Aleksander Bairakov (Александр Байраков)
Origin: Yeysk
Education: presumably Yeysk Higher Military Aviation School — 2009.
He serves in the 7th Military Base, probably in the Air Defense or Radio Technical Unit.
Military rank: Captain
- Dmitriy Zamriy (Дмитрий Замрий)
Born: 31.08.1988 or 16.04.1988
Origin: Tsimlyansk, Rostov Oblast or Vladikavkaz.
Probably, in 2016-2017 he passed the officers’ course of Kazan Higher Military School.
Military rank: Lieutenant
147. Vasily Medvedev (Василий Медведев)
Origin: Ilovlya,Volgograd Oblast
Education: Kuban State Technical University – 2013.
He serves in the 7th Military Base, Artillery Unit.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
148. Artiom Laboikin (Артем Лабойкин)
Origin: Astrakhan.
Education: Probably in 2016-2017 he passed the officers’ course of Kazan Higher Military School.
He serves in the 7th Military Base, Tank Battalion. Previously, he served in the 4th Military Base in the occupied Tskhinvali, Georgia as a contract based soldier.
Military rank: Lieutenant
149. Sergei Prostov (Сергей Простов)
Origin: village Zametchino, Pemza Oblast
Education: 2012 — Moscow Higher Military Command School
He has been served at the 7th M/B since 2013
Military rank: First Lieutenant
150. Artur Ogorkov (Артур Огорков) maybe nickname
Origin: Omsk
Education: 2013 — Saint-Petersburg Military Engineering Technical University
He serves in the logistical unit, 7th M/B
Military rank: First Lieutenant
151. Ivan Antochenko (Иван Антощенко)
Origin: Omsk
Education: 2013 — Saint-Petersburg Military Engineering Technical University
He serves in the logistical unit, 7th M/B
Military rank: First Lieutenant
152. Stas Feoktistov (Стас Феоктистов)
Origin: Volgograd
Education: Yekaterinburg Higher Artillery Command College; Volgograd State Agrarian University.
He serves in the artillery unit, the 7th M/B
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Lieutenant
- Sarkis Alvaryan (Саркис Алварян)
Origin: Sochi
Education: 2004 — Volsky Military Academy of Logistics and Transport
He serves in the logistic unit, the 7th M/B
Military rank: Major
154. Iuri Bistrov (Юрий Быстров)
Origin: Vorgograd
Education: Yekaterinburg Higher Military Artillery Command School — 2006
He serves in the 7th Military Base, Artillery Unit.
Military rank: Captain or Major
155. Roman Mamonov (Роман Мамонов)
Origin: Shakhty, Rostov Oblast
Education: branch of Shakhtinsky South-Russian Polytechnic Institute and military-engineer chair under it — 2005
He serves in the 7th Military Base as a Commander of Sniper Company. In 2005-2011 he served in the 205th Motor Rifle Brigade in Budyonnovsk.
Military rank: Captain
156. Mikhail Bogomolov (Михаил Богомолов)
Origin: Mogshan Penza Oblast
Education: Moscow Higher Military Command School — 2012
He serves in the 7th Military Base, Motor Rifle unit.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
157. Stanislav Roskopinsky (Станислав Роскопинский)
Origin: Kanevskaya, Krasnodar Krai
Education: Moscow Higher Military Command School — 2009
He serves in the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Captain
158. Petr Reva (Пётр Рева)
Origin: Krasnodar
He has been served at the 7th M/U since 2012.
Military rank: Captain
159. Mikhail Shmit (Михаил Шмит) maybe under a pseudonym
Origin: Stavropol
Education: Moscow Higher Military Command School in 2009
He serves at the 7th M/U.
Military rank: Captain
160. Aleksandr Petrenko (Александр Петренко)
Education: Yekaterinburg Higher Military Artillery Command School in 2006.
He serves at the 7th M/U.
Military rank: Captain or Major
161. Aleksey Mikhailov (Алексей Михайлов)
Origin: Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl Oblast.
Education: Volsky Military Logistics Academy in 2004.
He serves at the 7th M/U.
Military rank: Major
162. Vitali Nikolaev (Виталий Николаев)
Origin: Starosherbinskaya, Krasnodar Krai, living in Anapa.
Education: Vladivostok Pacific Fleet Military-Naval Academy, Department of Coastal Troops.
He serves or served at the 7th M/U.
Military rank: Major
163. Aleksey Ivashenko (Алексей Иващенко)
Origin: Zhukovka, Bryansky region.
Education: Tver Suvorov Military School in 2008.
Smolensk Air Defense Military Academy in 2013.
He has served at the 7th M/U since 2013.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
164. Konstantin Naumov (Константин Наумов)
Origin: Sesha Bryansky Oblast.
Education: Smolensk Air Defense Military Academy in 2013.
He serves in the air defense unit of the 7th M/U.
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
165. Tatyana Naumova-Volkhova (Татьяна Наумова-Волохова)
Origin: Star Bryansky Oblast.
Education: Smolensk Air Defense Military Academy in 2013.
He serves in the air defense unit of the 7th M/U.
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
Spouse – Konstantin Naumov (Константин Наумов) Officer of the 7th M/U
- Sergey Gaidamaka (Сергей Гайдамака)
Origin: Simpferopol, Occupied Crimea.
He serves at the 7th M/U.
Military rank: Lieutenant.
167. Ivan Chepurko (Иван Чепурко)
Origin: Omsk
Education: Omsk Tank-Engineering Institute in 2008-2013.
He serves at the 7th M/U.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
168. Aleksandr Diakov (Александр Дьяков)
Origin: Balakovo, Saratov Oblast
Education: Togliatti Military Technical University/Fire Security – 2008;
He serves in the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Captain (probably).
- Alibek Kachev (Алибек Качев)
Origin: Karachay-Cherkessia
Education: Taganrog Engineering-Technological Academy/Computer Technologies, Telecommunication Systems and Information Security/Military Chair – 2014;
He serves in the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Lieutenant or First Lieutenant.
170. Sergey Garmonov (Сергей Гармонов)
Origin: Kazan, Tatarstan
Education: Kazan Higher Military-Artillery School – 2000;
He serves in the 7th Military Base since 2011.
Military rank: Major or Lieutenant Colonel.
171. Roman Vorobiev (Роман Воробьев)
Origin: Novoivanovskaya, Krasnodar Krai
Education: Krasnodar Higher Military School/branch of Communication Academy (profile information security);
He serves in the 7th Military Base.
Rank: Captain or Major.
172. Irek Soldatov (Ирек Солдатов)
Origin: Ulyanovsk
Education: Military School;
He serves in the 7th Military Base since 2011.
Military rank: Captain or Major.
173. Dmitriy Konkin (Дмитрий Конкин)
Origin: Rostov-on-Don
Education: Novocherkassk Higher Military Communication School – 2012;
He serves in the 7th Military Base.
Military rank: Captain.
174. Anatoly Chevadov (Анатолий Чевардов)
Origin: Mineralnye Vody, Stavropol Krai
Education: Military School;
He serves in the 7th Military Base, probably, in the tank battalion.
Military rank: Captain.
175. Konstantin Porosiuk (Константин Поросюк) maybe under a pseudonym
Education: presumably, Smolensk Air Defense Military School;
He serves in the 7th Military Base, probably, in the anti-aircraft unit.
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
176. Ivan Miroshnichenko (Иван Мирошниченко)
Origin: Belorechensky, Krasnodar Krai.
Education: presumably, Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense;
He serves in the 7th Military Base in the anti-aircraft unit.
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain.
177. Mikhail Smirnov (Михаил Игоревичь Смирнов)
Origin: Novosibirsk, living in Budyonnovsk, Stavropol Krai.
Education: Novosibirsk Military Command Academy-2006-2011.
He has served in the intelligence battalion since 2012, the 7th M/B.
Military rank: First Lieutenant or Captain
178. Aleksandr Korobchenko (Александр Коробченко)
Origin: Yaroslavl
Education: The Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense-2013.
He has served in the anti-aircraft unit of the 7th M/B ( “S-300” battalion) since 2014.
Military rank: Lieutenant or First Lieutenant.
179. Roman Petrov (Роман Петров)
Origin: Uryupinsk, Volgograd Oblast
Education: The Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense-2013.
He had his compulsory military service in the m/u 26345 of the air-defense unit in Novorossiysk in 2008. He has served in the 7th M/B, anti-aircraft unit (“S-300” battalion) since 2014.
Military rank: Lieutenant or First Lieutenant.
180. Sergey Savkin (Сергей Савкин)
Origin: Orenburg
Education: Orenburg Higher School of Anti-aircraft Missile, radio-technical department-2000.
During 2000-2013 he served in Yeysk m/u 61393 (the 179th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade).
He has been served in the anti-aircraft missile unit of the 7th M/B since 2013.
Military rank: Major or Lieutenant Colonel.
181. Nikita Shipukhov (Никита Шипухов)
Origin: Voronezh
Education: Voronezh State University, faculty of Computer Sciences and Military Chair under the mentioned university, Information Provision-2008-2013.
He has served in anti-aircraft unit of the 7th M/B since 2013. F
Military rank: Lieutenant.
182. Vitaly Kirillov (Виталий Кириллов)
Origin: Morozovsk, Rostov Oblast
Education: Rostov Military Institute of Rocket Troops-2010.
He serves in the anti-aircraft unit of the 7th M/B.
Military rank: First Lieutenant
183. Evgeny Sazonov (Евгений Сазонов)
Origin: Bryansk
Education: Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense-2017.
He serves in the ant-aircraft unit of the 7th M/B.
Military rank: Lieutenant.
184. Vladimir Alekseev (Владимир Алексеев)
Education: Saint Petersburg Military Aerospace Academy-2017.
He serves in the anti-aircraft unit of the 7th M/B.
Military rank: Lieutenant.
185. Aleksandr Statsiuk (Алекс Стацюк)
Origin: Taganrog
Education: Novocherkassk Military Institute of Communication, faculty of communication-2004-2009.
During 2009-2019 he did not serve in the Russia’s AF; he worked for “Rostelecom” Taganrog branch;
And since 2018 he returned to the military service in the 7th M/B, communication battalion.
Military rank: First Lieutenant.
186. Evgeni Perevolotsky (Евгений Переволоцкий)
Origin: Kemerovo;
Education: Tomsk State Institute of Control Systems and Radioe-Electronics – 2015;
In 2007-2009 he served Air Defense Military Unit 61393 in Yeisk.
He serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions group of the 7th Military Base (contract based).
Military rank: Warrant Officer
187. Ruslan Badaev (Руслан Бадаев)
Origin: Saratov;
Education: Saratov State Technical University;
He serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions group of the 7th Military Base (contract based).
Military rank: Warrant Officer;
188. Andrey Suslikov Nepomniashi (Андрей Сусликов «Непомнящий»)
Origin: Saratov;
He serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions group of the 7th Military Base (presumably, in Agudzera Battalion – contract based).
Military rank: Warrant Officer;
- Anton Frolov (Aнтон Фролов)
Origin: Vanovskoe, Tbilisky District, Krasnodar Oblast;
He serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions group of the 7th Military Base (contract based).
Military rank: Warrant Officer;
190. Aleqsey Barantsev (Алексей Баранцев)
Origin: Kirov;
Education: Vyatka State Agricultural Academy;
He serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions group of the 7th Military Base (contract based).
Military rank: Warrant Officer;
191. Aleksey Zotov (Алексей Зотов)
Origin: Volgograd;
He serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions group of the 7th Military Base (contract based).
Military rank: Master Sergeant;
192. Azat Pirmedov (Азат Пирмедов)
Origin: Aznakaevo, Tatarstan;
He serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions group of the 7th Military Base (contract based).
Military rank: Warrant Officer;
193. Boris Petrov (Борис Петров)
Origin: Elista, Kalmykia;
Education: Warrant Officers’ Training School – 2008;
He serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions group of the 7th Military Base (contract based).
Military rank: Warrant Officer;
194. Kurban Kuvandikov (Курбан Кувандыков)
Origin: Astrakhan;
Military rank: Warrant Officers’ Training School;
He serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions group of the 7th Military Base (contract based).
Military rank: Senior Warrant Officer;
195. Ivan Ianshin (Иван Яншин)
Origin: Kropotkin, Krasnodar Krai;
Education: the 321st Warrant Officers Training School in Vsevolozhsk District, Garbolovo – 2005;
previously he served in the 205th Motor Rifel Brigade in SMD (2004-2008) and in the 33rd Mountain Motor Rifle Brigade (2008-2010);
He serves in the Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalions group of the 7th Military Base (contract based).
Military rank: Warrant Officer
- Aleksandr Bugakov (Александр Бугаков)
Origin: Makushino, Kurgan Oblast/Aleksandrovsky, Perm Krai.
Military service: 2007-2009 – M/U 2016, Kurgan; 2009-2011 — M/U 2148 Tskhinvali; 2013-2014 – FSB Border Guard Division, Argun; 2014-2015 — M/U 09332 Abkhazia, possibly since 2016 M/U 3654 – MIA Internal Troops, the 46th Separate Brigade of Operational Designation.
Military rank: Senior Warrant Officer
- Aleksey Myasoedov (Алексей Мясоедов)
Origin: Maykop/Cherkessk, Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Since 2013 he has served in the Communication Unit of the 7th MB.
Military rank: Warrant Officer
- Yuri Puzarkin (Юрий Пузаркин)
Origin: Kazanla, Saratov Oblast/Volsky, Saratov Oblast
Military service: 2001-2003 — MB 54805, Chebarkul; 2004-2010 – MB 3509, Shikhany, Saratov Oblast. Since 2016 he has served in the 7th MB;
Military rank: Senior Warrant Officer;
- Dmitry Korovin (Дмитрий Витальевич Коровин)
Since 2014 he has served in the 7th MB; presently, contract-based serviceman in medical service;
Military rank: Sergeant
- Grigory Kolesnichenko (Григорий Колесниченко)
Origin: Dondiushevsky district, Elozovetovka, Russian Federation;
He serves as the 7th MB cynologist of the 7th MB; Military rank: Senior Sergeant
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