Conducting investigation of social profiles of the Russian servicemen and mercenaries, InformNapalm international volunteer community discovered another evidence of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Thanks to a Russian terrorist, we identified the location of the R-381T2 UHF radio monitoring station (R-381T ‘Taran’ complex) and the ‘Torn’ radio intelligence complex.
Note: R-381T ‘Taran’ [Ram] is an automatic radio intelligence complex in the range between 1.5 and 1000 MHz, used mainly on the tactic and operative-tactic level.
The complex consist of 7 vehicles:
- x1 R-381T3 – automatic data processing station
- x4 R-381T2 – UHF radio monitoring station (30-100 MHz)
- x2 R-381T1 – VHF radio monitoring station (1.5-30 MHz), aviation radio communication
monitoring (100-400 Mhz), radio relay link monitoring (300-1000 MHz)
The efficient range of the complex is 40 km (100 km for aviation frequencies monitoring). Radio station detecting time is 0.3 sec. Another variant of the complex consist of 5 vehicles:
- x1 R-381T3
- x2 R-381T2
- x2 R-381T1
It is also possible to use separate stations.
The complex, designed in 80s by ‘Proton’ engineering bureau in Kharkov, was intended to be set up on MTLB basis to replace the outdated R-381 ‘Rama’ systems used in reconnaissance battalions and companies.
A typical reconnaissance battalion had the following structure (around 70 servicemen in
- Command
- Communications processor element, R-381T3, commander and officer of the element, 3
translators, radio mechanic, driver mechanic - 1st reconnaissance platoon, x2 R-381T2, platoon officer, 2 crew commanders, etc
- 2nd reconnaissance platoon, x1 R-381T1, x1 R-381T2
- 3rd reconnaissance platoon, x1 R-381T1, x1 R-381T2
Another modern ‘Torn’ radio intelligence complex (on KamAZ chassis) was registered on the Russian occupation forces’ base ‘Sparta’ located in the territory of the 3rd corps of Donetsk National Technical University.
On September 1 our team reported that a ‘Torn’ system was disclosed near the airport of Donetsk, at a destroyed multistorey house (11a Vzletna str., Donesk, Ukraine).
In the photo below we can see 2 vehicles from ‘Torn’ radio intelligence complex, a simple command vehicle and the R-381T2 UHF monitoring station from ‘Taran’ system.
These are the photos from our previous story for comparison.
We would like to highlihgt that ‘Novorossiya fans’ tried to question our previous article
about ‘Torn’ complex saying that only 1 vehicle was shown. And now new investigation
brings out 2 vehicles from ‘Torm’ complex standing one after another.
Original article by @BuTaJIu4eK, translated by Stepan Grishin.
Attribution International (CC BY 4.0)
11 Responses to “Donetsk. Russian ‘Torn’ And ‘Taran’ Radio Intelligence Systems at ‘Sparta’ Base”
10/31/2015 #UKR Update – 311040UTC October 2015 | Blog[…] “Donetsk. Russian ‘Torn’ And ‘Taran’ Radio Intelligence Systems at … […]
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