What excited some Crimeans about Russia coming to occupy Crimea back in spring 2014 were not only higher pensions and wages but also the prospect of the peninsula becoming a popular tourist destination. However, not only Russian beach bums have been pouring into the peninsula since, but also huge contingents of the Russian military.
Within four years, Crimea has turned into an “unsinkable aircraft carrier,” a giant military base. The number of the “little green men” has risen to 32,000, the number of aircraft – to 122, military ships – to 71, long-range surface-to-air missile systems – to 16, and up to seven submarines are now docked where there had been none. Furthermore, it is highly likely that Russian nuclear weapons have already been deployed to Crimea, not only to the secret “Feodosia-13” facility that was reactivated in 2016 but also on Russian military ships.
The infographics created by Ukrinform combines the data presented by Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the UN event called “Militarization of occupied Crimea” and the results of OSINT research by international volunteer group InformNapalm from 2014 to 2018. It shows how Russia militarized a piece of Ukrainian land it had occupied.
Infographics based on research of Inform Napalm
Russian Officer Disclosed Secrets of ‘BAL’ Surface-to-Ship Missile Complex in Crimea
‘Murmansk’ Electronic Warfare Complex Takes Root in Crimea
Militarization of Crimea: Bastion and BAL Coastal Defense Missile Systems
More information about Russian Military Forces here
Infographics based on data presented by Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs at UN hearings called “Militarization of Crimea”
Source of infographics UKRINFORM
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