At the end of January the Ukrainian investigative team of InformNapalm.org found a profile of a Russian soldier who was fighting in Ukraine on the side of so-called Lugansk People’s Republic. His name is Krivko. This guy really gave us ample proof of Russian aggression against Ukraine, posting photos of his activities in Ukraine.
Here is a brief summary of what this guy showed us, so everybody can see who is really fighting against the Ukrainian Army.
- He is Russian citizen.
- He is a soldier of 3rd Brigade of Special Forcesof Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, aka Spetsnaz GRU. He is from the same 3rd Brigade of Special Forces as Russian POW Aleksadr Aleksandrov and Evgeniy Erofeev captured by Ukrainian Army on May 16 2015 near Lugansk.
- He took part in the attack on the Lugansk Airport on August 31 2014 when the Russian Army totally destroyed and captured the airport. He was also on a training camp inside Ukraine on the territory controlled by so-called Lugansk People’s Republic just 8km away from Lugansk Airport and posted photos from there.
- He uses a AS “Val”assault rifle, which is only manufactured in Russia and is used by Russian Special Forces units. And he was wounded in a battle against Ukrainian Army near Sanzharivka on Jan 28 2015.
- He is driving armored personnel carrier BPM-97 “Vystrel”, once again this is only manufactured only in Russia and only used by Russian Special Forces units.
IMPORTANT UPDATE. We found a video with this Russian soldier Krivko made by Graham Phillips, he uploaded that video to his Youtube channel on September 5, 2014. In the video he interviews people who he calls Novorossiya militia. The location where he takes the video is the territory of Lugansk Airport . The airport was lost on August 31 2014. Krivko is the guy in tactical glasses.
Here is screenshot from the video and another photo he posted on his page later. You can see that he wears the same hat, and he has adjusted things like the radio and bags identically on him in both photos.
Krivko on a video from Lugansk Airport and from village 8 km from the airport
The photo was taken in Pershozvanivka village (it has geo-location mark), at that time it was under `separatist’ control. The village is located about 8 km from Lugansk Airport and it appears it was used as some kind of training camp by Russian units when they prepared for the attack on the airport.
Pershozvanivka village, 8 km from Lugansk Airport
Photo of Krivko in Ukraine with geo-location
Here is a link to Krivko’s profile https://vk.com/hakir79. The irony is that he deactivated his profile after it became public but then re-activated it. His details were also added to the Security Service of Ukraine’s list of terrorists fighting in Ukraine. He was listed as a mercenary and instructor. Here is a link https://psb4ukr.org/criminal/master-yoda-krivko/. Initially he used nickname “Master Yoda”. The interesting fact is that Alexey Mozgovoy, the leader of pro-Russian terrorists who controlled Alchevsk, and was killed on May 23 2015, is in his friends list. Here is the link to Mozgovoy’s page https://vk.com/id265927036
On the same day when he posted the photo from Pershozvanivka village (added on September 22, but obviously taken earlier) he posted photos of Ukrainian and USA MRE packages that his group obviously got from the positions of the Ukrainian army they took, or from Ukrainian POW they captured. It’s not a secret that Ukrainian soldiers who defended Lugansk Airport had USA MRE.
USA MRE, Ukrainian MRE, photo posted by Krivko on September 22 2014
Ukrainian MRE, photo posted by Krivko on September 22 2014
Other photos from the same location were posted on October 3 and October 9 2014. Some photos had interesting comments, but Krivko closed them from public viewing. Still the screenshot of some of his photos before he changed security settings of his profile are available here www.psb4ukr.org On a screenshot taken on November 1 2014 you can see his comment added on October 3 when the photo was uploaded “Half an hour before storming Lugansk Airport”.
“Half an hour before storming Lugansk Airport” – screenshot taken on November 1 2014, photo added on October 3 2014
Russian military training camp in Pershozvanivka, Lugansk Region, Ukraine.
Russian soldiers on a training camp in Pershozvanivka, Ukraine
After the battle for Lugansk Airport it looks like he received some time off. He posts a lot of photos from Sochi, Russian Federation at the end of November and beginning of December.
Krivko in Sochi, added on Nov 28 2014
On January 2015 28 at about 3:30pm Krivko aka “Master Yoda” was wounded in a battle against Ukrainian Army near Sanzharivka. He was taken to the hospital in Stakhanov and posted a few photos from there. The photos below were taken just before the battle at 13:34 on Jan 28, and in those photos you can see the AS Val assault riffle used only by Russian Special Forces units.
Russian Special Forces soldier Krivko with AS Val riffle in Ukraine
Russian Special Forces soldier Krivko with AS Val riffle in Ukraine
Earlier that day Krivko was in Bryanka. He posted a photo taken there at 02:17am. In the photo is a plate from “Ukraine presidential elections” voting office number #30 of Bryanka city.
“Ukraine presidential elections” voting office number #30 of Bryanka city
In the evening of the day he was wounded he posted a photo of his wounds. The time stamp in the photo is Jan 28 2015 20:40.
Wounded in a battle near Sanzharivka
The next day early he posted the medical report written by his doctor in Stakhanov hospital. The document says that he was wounded near Sanzharivka during military actions at 15:30 on Jan 28 2015. The medical form is written in the Ukrainian language, meaning he was treated by a Ukrainian speaking doctor.
Wounded near Sanzharivka during military actions at 15:30 on Jan 28 2015.
Earlier on January 13 2015 Krivko posted a photo of himself on an armored personnel carried BPM-97 “Vystrel” used only by Russian Special Forces, but still these vehicles were reported by news outlets as being used by pro-Russian separatists. The 1st time that this vehicle was seen was in Lugansk on Jan 1 2015, the same day when one of the separatist leader’s Bednov aka “Batman” was killed. On January 10 2015 a military convoy with heavily armed men arrived to Kransodon which is controlled by local pro-Russian separatists. They came on the same BPM-97 APCs. The troops from the APCs blocked the separatists’ base and disarmed them. Read a report on this with photos and video here Russian Army clean Krasnodon from local separatists – Report 1 and here Russian Army clean Krasnodon from local separatists – Report 2
Russian soldier on BPM-97 “Vystel” in Ukraine
This guy also has a lot of photos that identifies him as a soldier of Russian Army special forces unit. The photos below were taken in Samara, Russian Federation. The sign on the background says “Samara’s Regional Civic Organization – Union of Veterans of Airborne Troops and Special Forces Troops” (in Russian “Самарская Региональная Общественная Организация Союз Ветеранов Воздушно-Десантных войск и войск специального назначения”). Here is a link to this Airborne Veterans Organization website http://sonko.samregion.ru/sonko/catalog/272
Krivko in Samara.
Samara’s Regional Civic Organization – Union of Veterans of Airborne Troops and Special Forces Troops
There is also a photo that identifies him as a soldier of 3rd Brigade of Special Forces of Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, aka Spetsnaz GRU. In the photo with his friends they are holding a flag; the letters on the flag is the abbreviation of the full name of the 3rd Brigade of Spetsnaz GRU.
Krivko with a flag of the 3rd Brigade of Special Forces of Russian Federarion
Here is a link to Google Map of the location where the photo was take that match the map behind the guys in the photo.
Meeting of soldiers of 3rd Brigade of Special Forces in Samara
Original article by Lugansk-News.com, translated by Lugansk News team and edited by Inform Napalm.
4 Responses to ““Royal Flush”. Russian Special Forces soldier fighting in Ukraine showed us all!”
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