HUMINT network insiders of the international intelligence community InformNapalm have reported seeing two tanks with 122 mm caliber guns and about 12 armored vehicles (MT-LB, BMP, etc.) near the village of Razdolne. The insiders provided exact coordinates of the place where tanks of the Russian-terrorist forces were located.
The exact coordinates of the tanks are: 47.609732, 38.009942. It is about 10-12 km from the demarcation line. Having tanks in this location is a violation of the Minsk Agreements.
Earlier in October, a large concentration of tanks was recorded in aerial photographs in Donetsk, which also grossly violated the Agreements requirement for withdrawal of heavy weapons.
Let us remind you that a meeting of the Contact Group on settlement of the situation in Eastern Ukraine was scheduled for October 5, 2016.
The result of the last meeting on September 21 was a signing of a framework agreement on the withdrawal of military units and hardware from the demarcation line in Donbas .
.According to the signed document, security zones were supposed to be established in the towns of Zolote, Petrivske and Stanytsa Luhanska along the demarcation line during 30 days. On October 5, the Contact Group planned to discuss the next four security sections on the demarcation line.
Russian-terrorist militants continued provocative shelling of the Ukrainian forces by tanks, artillery and mortars; the ceasefire has not been maintained. As a result of shelling, Ukrainian Armed forces suffered casualties.
Just in the last 10 days, volunteers of the international intelligence community InformNapalm, conducting OSINT and HUMINT, spotted several violations of the Minsk Agreements regarding the withdrawal of heavy weapons and shelling of the Ukrainian positions by the Russian-terrorist forces. The evidence were presented in the following articles:
- Russian Forces Mass Tanks and SPGs 15 km from the Demarcation Line (aerial photos)
- Who Shelled Krymske: Diagonal Tactics and Location of Russian Militants
- Eight 122 mm Howitzers Spotted in Novoazovsk: Coordinated and Aerial Photos
Translated by Svitlana Kemblowski
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5 Responses to “Razdolne: Tanks and Other Weapons Seen 10 km from Demarcation Line”
Eine Artilleriedivision der russischen Söldner im Donbass aufgedeckt (Luftaufnahmen) - InformNapalm.org (Deutsch)[…] dann wurden Panzer in nur 10 Km Entfernung von der Demarkationslinie, in der Ortschaft Rasdolnoje festgehalten, und später noch 122 mm Panzerhaubitzen 2S1 „Gwosdika“ in Nowoasowsk, in nur 17 Km […]
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