This is the sixth episode of the FrolovLeaks saga which is by no means the last. If this is your first encounter with the saga, we recommend browsing the previous parts. The complete dump of Kirill Frolov’s correspondence will be posted in the final episode of the FrolovLeaks saga and will be publicly available for those wishing to analyze it in detail. The original EML archive used in the preparation of this episode is ready for download.
Part One described the separatist congress in Severodonetsk way back in 2004, the Union of Orthodox Citizens, and also mentioned Igor Druz, who would become the aide of Igor Girkin aka. Strelkov, a Russian citizen who would command Russian recon groups that started the invasion into Donbas in 2014. Part Two deals with the events and messages from 2005 to 2007, and that is when Donetsk Republic organization pops up for the first time; it also features Dugin, Putin’s ideologue. Part Two also describes the St. George Ribbon event, the correspondence between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and its “Orthodox expert” for special missions and the use of Novorossiya, Subcarpathian separatists, “Banderites” cliché, Shevchuk and Kurayev, Yanukovych’s confessor-consigliere and anathema as a subtle tool of political influence.
The main characters of Part Three (2007-2010) were the Presidential Administration and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vladislav Surkov, Dmytro Tabachnyk the Orthodox pro-Russian intellectual and Minister of Education of Ukraine, Azarov the former PM of Ukraine under Yanukovych, various bishops and their imperial schemes. In Part Four (2010-2011) our subject “does not acknowledge Ukraine deep inside” and, generally, everything is just mixed up – the Patriarch’s propagandist, the Federal Security Service, the “Russian World in Ukraine”, mayor and governor of Kharkiv, Victor Medvedchuk, the Party of Regions, the Wahhabis, Syria, the Synodal Department for Public and Media Relations and the United Russia party, the Ukrainian generals – all of them make a phantasmagoric cocktail. However, Part Five is equally exciting, with Putin’s minion Surgeon the motorbiker, the Patriarch’s nano-dust (his Holiness received a hefty 20 million roubles compensation for inconveniences), hounding of Pussy Riot, Russian law enforcement agents, the church, and Frolov himself as “the Patriarch’s favorite”.
Churches, churches, more churches – two hundred churches, then four hundred churches amidst the sheer hell of endless squabbles and scheming involving Russian and Ukrainian civil servants and church hierarchs, “Orthodox” and “political” think-tanks, believers, communists, motobikers and “Orthodox experts”. Let’s move to another story with Giordano Bruno!
This part will feature Patriarch Kirill (Gundyayev), the church-going Russian “businessman” Malofeev, Ukrainian politician Victor Medvedchuk and Ukrainian oligarch of Russian origin Vadim Novinskyi, Sergey Glazyev and Vladislav Surkov, aides to the President of Russia all working to undermine Ukraine.
The new year of 2013 started in a routine and business-like manner for the Institute of the CIS Countries – with a usual memo from Crimea. Memos are informative not only through what is described in them, but also through what is left out. On January 4, the Consul General of Russia (the country still claiming not to “be a part of the conflict”) had a disagreement with the mayor of Sevastopol on the subject of who is more Russian – the Russian Community Council in the USA (led by Vadim Kolesnichenko, a member of the Party of Regions of Ukraine) or “80% of the Sevastopol residents”. The ensuing e-mail squabble reveals that the Russian consul delivered a provocative speech at the meeting of the army veterans, that the mayor of Sevastopol was involved in some “concerted work of Sevastopol and the Russian Black Sea Fleet”, and discussed the propaganda activity in the local media (“Banderite songs”, “SS Division Galicia” etc.).
The invasion of the Russian “little green men” to Crimea and Donbas was just over a year away, but Russian propaganda machine was already revving up in Crimea.
It is important to understand that this is not an isolated case, not just ardor of a single executive or a blunder of a single low-level diplomat, but a part of purposeful and consistent work building up in intensity and involving more and more people and resources – from half-mad Orthodox jihadists to top governmental officials of the Russian Federation (the country still pretending “not to be a part to the conflict”).
After the hack of the DNC, Senator McCain called it the act of war on the part of Russia. The war of Russia against Ukraine began much earlier than February 23, 2014. And the Russian church and its Orthodox zealots played an important part.
On January 6, Frolov writes to a correspondent: “The summary of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. The main thing is to bring the construction of the Cathedral in Kyiv under Russia’s control while it is not too late and to make it a center of fighting the Banderite plague” (January 06, 2013, to tom.birskiy@list.ru).
At the same time, Frolov is trying to make Tsorionov (Enteo) “constructive” and thus reveals his connection to the FSB: “this is when A. Lyulka bursts in and starts discrediting me again. Simultaneously discrediting the FSB which, in Lyulka’s opinion, can be set to discredit the Orthodox missionary movement”. (to M. Markov, January 07, 2013).
However ridiculous these intrigues and gossip may look, they reveal almost obsessive lust for power and the idée fixe of joining the state and the church, putting together secret agents with crosses and priests holding FSB officer ranks to restore the Empire with no room for freedom and independence. Frolov suggests to Mikhail Kuksov, personal secretary of Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaeyev) that these ideas be discussed at the confidential meeting of Gundyayev with Vladimir Putin during the Bishops’ Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in early February (to M. Kuksov, January 09, 2013).
Subduing of Ukraine is also an essential part of this abnormal dream. Frolov actively participates in the squabbles within the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate between those supporting separation and uniting with the Russian church. He writes angry tirades (with a copy to Zatulin) about neo-Banderites who dared organizing a march on January 1. Religious affairs in other former subjects of the Soviet Union are also firmly in Frolov’s field of interest, as evidenced by the messages of January, 2013 where he discusses affairs in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and the Caucasus and suggests using religious uncertainty of the Kazakh and Kyrgyz elites as Russia’s weapon.
Kostantin Zatulin (the director of the Institute of CIS Countries) puts together a report on the decline of the pro-Russian movement in Ukraine and on ways of overcoming it, the synopsis contains Frolov’s favorite talking points of “sacred Crimea and Novorossia” (January 2013). A copy of the synopsis (marked as usual “important” and “confidential” is sent to about a dozen recipients) including the aide to the President of the Russian Federation Sergey Glazyev, advisor on integration development within the Customs Union.
Gradually, the Ukrainian dilemma – the “Association Agreement with the EU or membership in the Customs Union” – becomes the top priority, seen as “not just a trade agreement”, but as a civilizational choice. At that time, Frolov transfers to the department of relations with the Russian Orthodox Church and suggests using the upcoming celebration of the 1025th anniversary of Christianization of Rus, as one of the instruments of influence, however, not the only one:
- At the level of the President of Russia, claims must be made to Yanukovych as to Head of the State of Ukraine, about the dissident “Kyiv Patriarchate” as a center of recruiting militants for Basayev and Dudayev: terrorism and crimes against Russia have no limitation period which is, by the way, not too long in this case.
- The “Shcherban’s case” should be balanced by raising the “Kushnaryov’s case” in the context of who could benefit from his death, also among the “associates bought by the West”. [Reference is made to two important killings of Ukrainian civil servants and politicians – IN]
- The topic of the 1025th anniversary of Christianization of Rus must be seized from Ukraine and made a manifestation of the unity of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, this project is to be discussed at V. Putin’s meeting with the Bishops’ Council of the Russian Orthodox Church on January 31 – February 5, 2013.
- The actions of the Patriarch of Constantinople must be neutralized by proposing him a deal – spiritual care of 2 million Russian tourists vacationing in Turkey
(to M. Kuksov, i.e. Patriarch Kirill, January 28, 2014).
Glazyev as well as his secretary Sergey Tkachuk are mentioned in the correspondence more and more often. In early February, upon Frolov’s request, Tkachuk meets Andriy Novikov, the secretary of Odessa eparchy. “A key player in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, the “brain” of Metropolitan Agaphangel of Odesa, close to His Holiness” – this is how Frolov describes Novikov while attaching a detailed bio of the “Orthodox brain” to his message. Novikov was later implicated in bringing black cash from Russia to the clergy in Odesa, and in the complicity in organizing deadly pro-Russian riots in May 2014. He fled to Russia in spring 2014.
In February 2013, Victor Medvedchuk, an agent of Russian influence in the Ukrainian politics, leader of the Ukrainian Choice movement and close friend of Putin, appears in Frolov’s correspondence, whereas Frolov starts to discuss the consolidation of Russian agents of influence and subversion assets around the Ukrainian Choice movement.
“Kirill, I started the negotiations with V.V. Medvedchuk’s Ukrainian Choice movement. As we agreed, please send me the list of organizations having reliable networks that we can connect to the Ukrainian Choice. Besides, we need the structure (description) and composition of the Russian compatriots’ organization (mentioned by Father Andrey) and the Yedinaya Odessa [United Odesa] movement.” (S. Tkachuk to Frolov, February 05, 2013)
“Will do by the end of the week” (Frolov to S. Tkachuk, February 05, 2013!)
Here is what Frolov lines up for Tkachuk:
“Pro-Russian Orthodox forces in Ukraine: Metropolitan Agaphangel (Savin), Archbishop Ionafan of Tulchyn and Bratslav, Archpriest Nikolay Donenko, Archpriest Yevgeniy Maksimenko, Oleg Karamazov (Brothers Karamazov and the Committee for the 1020th anniversary of the Christianization of Rus), Archpriest Dimitry Sydor, Aleksey Selivanov (Vernoe Kazachestvo (Loyal Cossacks)), Igor Druz, bloggers Nikolay Zaykov and Aleksandr Rudenko-Minikh (Sevastopol), Priest Vitaliy Perin, Valeriy Kovalyov (Vinnytsia), Sergey Moiseev (Kharkiv), Andrey Selezov, Valentin Chernov (Yedinaya Odessa (United Odesa)), Oleg Sagan (Novosti Novostey (News of the News)), Vadym Kolesnichenko [ex-PM in Ukraine, fled to Russia], Donetsk: Sergej Buntovskij, Dmitry Belik, Pavel Butsay, Sergey Filatov, Oleh Rodivillov (Novoross Information Agency)” (Frolov to S. Glazyev, February 06, 2013) and, of course:
“The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, the largest church in Ukraine with over twelve thousand parishes and potent pro-Russian powers not only in the South and East of Ukraine but in the center as well (its largest eparchies are in the Vinnytsia region) and the Transcarpathia (Rusyns)”
On February 9, Frolov discusses with Fr. Vsevolod Chaplin, head of the Department for the Cooperation of Church and Society, the interaction with Sergey Kurginyan and Alexander Prokhanov.
“Father Vsevolod [Chaplin – IN], since Kurginyan, Prokhakov and others are now involved, I believe we need to make this an equal match. All these guys are actively establishing themselves in Ukraine. So, we will help them with the Ukrainian resources… and they, in turn, will do more for the Church within the country. Particularly, it will be logical to ask Kurginyan to get rid of that bastard Semenko who is all over the place, yelling about the “Vatican bank together with Gundyayev and Chaplin” and is out of Kurginyan’s control. Kurginyan told me more than once that he would make Semenko shut up, but Semenko just does not give a damn. It will be logical to propose to Kurginyan, to the members of the Izborsk Club and others to consider myself as the person who is familiar with the matters of the CIS” [emphasis added by the author. V. Chaplin, 09.02.2013].
Both Kurginyan, a maverick Russian scholar and politician, and Prokhanov, a controversial writer of ultraconservative and nationalistic views, later on emerged as active supporters of the separatist rebellion in Donbas. It is believed that Kurginyan and his Essence of Time movement participated in the delivery of weapons to the illegal armed groups in Donbas.
Other confessions and countries come into the sphere of interest of our “Orthodox expert”. He participates in the panel discussion on the Ecumenical Council and Pope Benedict attended by a representative of RISS (Russian Institute for Strategic Studies), he writes analytical reports on the election of the Patriarch of Bulgaria, the health condition of the exarch of Belarus, etc.
In February 2013, the EU-Ukraine Association becomes the focus of our “Orthodox expert” and he sends his recommendations to the Presidential Administration of Russia through Sergey Glazyev:
“The EU-Ukraine joint statement is important in the context of Russia’s strategy – to obstruct and prevent the signing of the EU-Ukraine Association and, generally, any European integration of Ukraine”.
This agreement provides the following opportunities regarding the obstruction of the signing o the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement scheduled to November of this year:
- It will make sense to present to Yanukovych the EU’s requirement to ensure that the by-election of 5 majoritarian deputies to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine this May shall be “as democratic as possible” as the EU’s attempt to arrange the election of 5 opposition MPs, thus dealing a blow to Yanukovych and making a gift to Klitschko.
- It will be logical to drive V. Yanukovych to the rightful rage about this and make him continue locking up both old and new members of the opposition in order to even more justify EU’s main complaint – the “elective justice” in Ukraine. On the other hand, it will be also logical to use the diplomatic channels to mobilize the EU against Ukraine on the basis of this list of complaints.
- The election of 5 majoritarian deputies to the Verkhovna Rada in May must be held in such a way for the EU not to like it. These deputies must become a “team of discord” between the EU and Ukraine.
- The Orthodox civilization factor should be involved in the propaganda against the European integration of Ukraine: EU means the “tolerasty”, “mandatory gay pride parades”, people being fired for wearing baptismal crosses, as well as other things unacceptable for the Orthodox Ukraine. For this purpose, we should use such dates as the 1150th anniversary of the Slavic alphabet (May), the 1025th anniversary of the Christianization of Rus, Patriarch Kirill’s visit to Ukraine (July)”. (Frolov to S. Glazyev, February 27, 2013)
In March, the pro-Russian groups get more active. The Synod has already put together a committee on the preparations for celebrating the Christianization of Rus that Frolov considers a “breakthrough” of sorts. His rhetoric is full of slogans like “Let’s pit the Christianization against the ‘European integration’ of Ukraine!” (April 03, 2013). Frolov suggests involving the “manageable Kinchev”, a Russian rock singer infamous for his chauvinistic and anti-Ukrainian views, to stand up against the “European tolerasty”. Frolow also wants to note all visitors for future targeting, engaging the best IT professionals and media support…
“… millions rallying for the Patriarch, the unity of the Church and of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus must make the Ukrainian government understand that the people are with Russia, and that the European integration is as much a failure, as the attempts of the Party of Regions to flirt with the Svoboda Party…” (Frolov to S. Tkachuk, April 08, 2013).
During the preparations for the “celebrations”, the thugs are lined up. Among them, the Oplot gang of Yevhen Zhylin which later on became a prominent illegal armed group in the Donbas hostilities. A number of non-public events featuring president, Victor Yanukovych have been scheduled:
“On the final measures of obstructing the “European integration” of Ukraine. The opposition is beginning to denounce V. Klitschko for non-participation in the voting for N. Azarov’s dismissal. We need to use this factor to split the opposition and to snatch Klitschko from it as well as from the presidential race by offering him the position of the mayor of Kyiv, now that the mayor election has been postponed to 2015. Currently, P. Poroshenko is trying to become the “single opposition candidate” for that position. He is not that important, we can blackmail him with his business in Russia, or offer him something else, in the worst case. The main thing is to remove Klitschko from the presidential race. Then it will be Yanukovych against Tyahnybok which will allow Yanukovych to play the “anti-Banderite” card, even make it inevitable. This is exactly what we need! The main thing is to prevent Yanukovych from releasing Tymoshenko either before the Easter or the elections. If she goes out as a “martyr”, she will become a realistic candidate for the Presidency and that will be the end of Yanukovych. Yes, if Yanukovych keeps Tymoshenko in jail, he will be forced to abandon the “European integration” and join the Customs Union with Russia, but he will keep the power – this is what we must make him understand. In our fight against the European integration, here and now, we need to use the resolution of the French Parliament legalizing same-sex marriages which caused a liberal hysteria in France with harassing of the “homophobe” priests, etc. Is this what the Orthodox Ukraine wants? No, its way is only with Russia! We must totally hammer these points in, to the degree of NLP. And, since it is the year of the 1025th anniversary of the Christianization of Rus, this topic will work to the max!” (memo from Frolov to Marina Isaeva, councilor of the director of the Institute for Economic Strategies April 25, 2013).
Then, the things get into full swing: the “Orthodox activists” block an LGBT event in Kyiv, Druz says that the plans are ready and it’s time to make cost estimates, Frolov asks Oleg Karamazov to prepare an estimate of the concert scheduled for July 28, separatist periodicals, such as Donetsky Kryazh (Donets Ridge) are getting more active, and finally:
“The Tsar himself reached out to me [!] and via the least possible number of intermediaries told me to gather a mass Orthodox rally against the EU-Ukraine Association and in honor of the 1025th anniversary prior to Patriarch Kirill’s visit. He wants such speeches to be made at the rock concert attended by Patriarch Kirill.
Thus, I think, we need to hold the rally on the 25th or around it. We have the resources. What we need is people.
If I fail, it will mean not only the end of me but also the end of the factor of Patriarch Kirill and of the Russian World.
Frolov is rushing around, interacting with the priest Dmitry Smirnov and Russian maverick scholar and politician Sergey Kurginyan, trying to get into the administration. The rally participants are to be brought to Kyiv from Pochaiv, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Berdiansk, Odesa, Sevastopol and Simferopol. The total costs amount to about $ 125,000: “Igor Druz’s estimate of the mass rally against the European integration of Ukraine. Glazyev has not responded yet, I think, we need to push him a bit”. (June 13, 2013)
There are certain holdups, of course:
“What are our next moves? What am I to say to the Orthodox Christians who are prepared to take part in the rally against the Association with the EU? What about Donetsk? What am I to say to the Patriarch who said that “we need to get together with Glazyev?” Could it be somebody’s scheme? But we don’t care – the people are ready to go out against the EU, and his Holiness is waiting” (Frolov to Glazyev, June 20, 2013).
But what does Medvedchuk have to do with it?
“Soon. On Tuesday, there will be the key conversation. Simultaneously, you will be contacted by somebody from Medvedchuk’s team. They will help. However, this by no means cancels our agreement. Don’t tell him anything about the other source of support, just say that many people are ready to go out, but we need support. If we get support from both sides, we will have to gather even more people, as we both are Orthodox Christians, aren’t we?” (Frolov to Druz, June 23, 2013).
On June 28, Frolov sends the full text of the Association Agreement (the original and the translation) to Glazyev. The final shape of rallies against the “Eurosodom” is to be approved by the governmental compound at Staraya Square which is often referred to in the correspondence. (July 01, 2013).
Let us break the monotony of the endless Russian meddling in the politics of Ukraine with some good old bigoted Orthodox humor. Here is a “treatment schedule” that Frolov sends to his ailing wife Polina:
“1) Order a prayer to the Most Holy Mother of God every 2 weeks
2) Drink oil consecrated on this icon on an empty stomach every day except the days of uncleanness according to the following pattern:
1 teaspoonful of the holy water (better baptismal water) with a drop of oil + a wafer
3) Read out the Canon to the Most Holy Mother of God for the ailing person, the wife and the children”.
The materials of Frolov’s correspondence are enough for three volumes of alternative history and a fundamental book on mental disorders. The dump is rife with subject lines like “Bees against the Federal Government of the United States”, “Christ has risen and happy Victory Day”, “Night Wolves for the erection of temporary churches” only contribute to this impression.
On July 10, Frolov suggests to involve Irina Bergseth, a Russian émigré to Norway, the author of the famous line “They dressed my little son in a Putin costume and raped”:
“Project of the Russian Mothers movement. Bergseth and Kislichenko. If the following topics get a sufficient popularity, we can influence the female population of Ukraine to stoke the hatred towards the “European integration” of Ukraine to a tremendous size when the “mothers of Ukraine” would get out on the streets to fight against the “European integration adepts” and “Eurosodom”.
Squabbles around the Russian Presidential Administration increase:
“According to the sources, Kurginyan’s attack on the Church was ordered by Surkov. That was a kind of revenge to V. Volodin who helped Patriarch Kirill fend off the attack in the previous year (the watch, the apartment, etc.). This is supported by the fact that another “Surkov’s kid” Ivan Demidov built a wall of silence around the Patriarch’s missionary rock concert on Vasilyevsky Spusk on July 25″.
Over the summer, Patriarch Kirill paid a “fraternal visit” to Kyiv arriving on an armored train, Medvedchuk orchestrated “Ukraine against the Eurosodom” rallies, and all that mayhem was directly supported by the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. The “Yanukovych voters’ protests” were planned for the autumn. Each such rally cost over $100,000, the cost of signature collections and media support – over $200,000. The plan was discussed under the message subject line “Living creativity of the masses. Our Orthodox masses” (Frolov to Glazyev, August 19, 2013).
Political strategist Volodymyr Granovsky was involved in all those projects. That’s the same Granovsky whose London properties will be discovered in March 2014 (London properties of the mastermind of the split of Ukraine).
“Upon the instruction of Sergey Yurievich [Glazyev – IN], I coordinate the rallies and concerts (together with Karamazov against the Ukraine-EU Association). He assigned me to work with you. About the wave of rallies – now I have reached out to all available Orthodox and pro-Russian groups in the regions of Ukraine and am receiving their plans for each region… By the way, Metropolitan Agaphangel will make an Address against the Association with the EU (Frolov to Granovsky, August 22, 2013).
The rallies are to be “enhanced” by political dinosaurs, such as Nataliya Vitrenko. Frolov continues distributing the “top priority”, “highly confidential” memos to everyone, from the Patriarch’s office and the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation to Donetsk separatists. In the middle of September, Frolov and Alexey Komov (Malofeev’s aide) organize a meeting between Glazyev and Konstantin Malofeev (owner of Marshall Capital, a shareholder of Rostelecom and Svyazinvest, Tsargrad TV, a sponsor of the Luhansk and Donetsk separatist IAGs) upon the initiative of Father Dmitry Smirnov:
“LET’S DO IT. I will provide more details later today.
Thursday, September 12, 2013, 10:41 +04:00 from “Alexey Komov”
Hi, Kirill,
Let’s organize a meeting between Glazyev and Konstantin Malofeev about saving Ukraine from the homo-Euro integration – he has some specific proposals and resources. Can we arrange the meeting some time next week?” (Komov to Frolov, September 12, 2013). The meeting took place on September 16 in the Moscow office of Marshall Capital on Novinskiy Boulevard.
Frolov’s anti-Ukrainian activities are turning systemic. Glazyev suggests that Frolov get under Surkov’s supervision and he is happy to agree (although Frolov’s correspondence is generally sloppy, he seldom screams with CAPS):
I will send the cost estimate on Monday after Karamazov finalizes it over the weekend.
Friday, September 13, 2013, 9:45 +04:00 from Sergey Glazyev <glaziev@bk.ru>:
- Please also send the summarized cost estimate for your participation in the propaganda concert tour in Ukraine. Are you still willing to work in the Administration (this time, with Surkov under my supervision)?” (Glazyev to Frolov, September 13, 2013)
Malofeev’s role in sponsoring the terrorists will become clear only in 2014. For the first time, it will be mentioned by Bloomberg with a reference to the Security Service of Ukraine. And in autumn, the Anonymous International (another Kremlin Tower, there is competition, too) will leak Komov’s correspondence as well as the correspondence of others within the “Orthodox businessman’s” entourage on the robberies, looting and violence by the thugs sponsored by Malofeev.
Apparently, separatist and anti-Ukrainian events were sponsored not only by the Presidential Administration and Malofeev, but by Gazprom, too. However, Gazprom is not in a hurry to pay for Vitrenko’s “legitimate hysterics”.
“Karamazov. The situation is critical – there have been no phone calls from Gazprom, you need to interfere strongly. As soon as they call, he requested that you meet with the rock musicians and speakers. I support that. The Sagan-Virtenko-Mazur group makes interesting proposals. Vitrenko is prepared to hold daily rallies, she is good at making legitimate hysterics. By the way, about Vydrin. If he jumps at you again, I will tell everybody that he has been trying to sell a porn collection at all political expert parties, that he used to be an adviser to Saakashvili, Tymoshenko and Yanukovych at the same time. This fact will be supported by Yuri Boldyrev, ex-Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the leader of the Put Pravoslavnykh (The Orthodox Way) movement. He despises Vydrin and has a lot of dirt on him” (Frolov to Glazyev, September 22, 2013).
Let this sink in. It is September of 2013. The Euromaidan protests are still two months away, and the hot phase of the Russian war against Ukraine, which Russia tried to portray with all its media muscle as the “internal civil conflict in Ukraine” is still farther. However Russia is fiercely building and mobilizing its agent network. It is setting up separatist media and is systematically working towards the dismantling of the Ukrainian sovereignty. Here we deal with the activities happening along the “Orthodox line” only. However the building at Staraya Square was a source of many other subversive projects in Ukraine…
In September, while Glazyev is meeting Sergey Ivanov (head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation) and Surkov is getting familiar with the Ukrainian sector, Frolov’s gang (Druz, Sagan, Granovsky and others) are hyping up one of Russia’s favorite talking points “without Russia, it will be the end of Ukraine” and engaging the directors of large Ukrainian enterprises to chime in. The RTR channel is planning a series of interviews about the disasters of the EU Association. The machine of propaganda and fabrications is not yet well tuned, it jolts and splutters. It is largely fueled by the enthusiasm of the “village idiots” (as Tkachuk called Frolov once). There are leaks and inconsistencies, even the Russian media are making fun of the projects of Glazyev and Surkov. The ratings are plummeting, and different pro-Russian groups cannibalize each other’s work:
Sagan: “I was told nobody believes us that we have millions of views. I am attaching a shot of the analytics of 2 of our 5 channels showing that the Novosti Novostey (News of the News) has 1,065,048 views in several months. At the same time, another YouTube channel, Partisan Partisanov (The Guerilla of the Guerillas) has 969,336 views in 3 months, while there are 5 channels in total… Even though we have been banned 4 times. If we can do this without any money, what are the Medvedchuks doing then with ratings lower than ours but spending millions?
I was summoned to Medvedchuk’s deputies three times, and my projects were robbed of payment three times. Yesterday, I had a call from the 5th Channel of St. Petersburg who told me that they had contacted my enterprises already. Thus, I have been screwed again. They knew nothing about the fees and did not even want to talk about it. What did I write all that for? Granovsky was surprised and also took the list of enterprises. I told him how the directors should speak at Karamazov’s concerts and how to make them pay.
I am working honestly just for the sake of it and promoting the boss, but we will kick the bucket soon”. (Sagan to Frolov, September 2013)
Nevertheless, the events continue and begin to draw the attention of the Security Service of Ukraine. Glazyev finances the gang of rabble rousers. Frolov is typing away like a crazy printer so that Glazyev’s office reminds him that messages to Sergey Yurievich should not contain grammar mistakes. Ukrainian communists are getting actively spurred by their Russian colleagues:
“Kirill, we will hand the invitation to Petro Mykolayovych Symonenko tomorrow, he is coming to the Council together with G.A. Zyuganov” (Shalunov to Frolov, October 30, 2013).
The severe inadequacy of the amateur PR experts irritates even Granovsky, as Igor Druz complains of censorship:
“The political strategy geniuses forbade us to use the words “Orthodox Christianity” and “Eurosodom”. The maître [Granovsky – IN] claimed that everything we say is nonsense and that there are no same-sex marriages in Germany, for example. Though, they are just around the corner and the “same-sex partnerships” have already been introduced which is almost the same. They think we should speak not against the EU, but for the Eurasian Union. We can only speak in slogans like: “we are for the Eurasian Union”, etc. I had a very hard time persuading him to let us use “Russia, Ukraine, Belarus make the Holy Russia” (Druz to Frolov, November 08, 2013). Frolov forwards the message to Glazyev and asks to interfere.
Another Orthodox march ended with a provocation, that later became a hallmark for the Russian media reports. There was no troll factory yet to create a systemic hype about “repressions” and they had to blow out of the proportion just one scandal, although a noisy one, that was being whipped up by Oleg Tsaryov.
“An hour after being arrested and having their banners torn up, the Orthodox Christians came to the concert again. There were fewer of them, but still, there were enough. So, we have accomplished everything. Now, it’s time for photo and video reports, press conferences, making shows of “totalitarian European Association adepts” and “hundreds of thousands of EU Association opponents who gathered on Khreshchatyk. Oleg Tsaryov has already hyped up the incident with the arrest of the Orthodox Christians and their banners torn up, he did well there. Please pay attention – before the arrest and banner destruction the Orthodox Christians stood for about three minutes with a lot of banners, including those AGAINST THE EUROSODOM. They must get on the record of the Russian TV channels.” (Glazyev, Tkachuk, 09.11.2013).
Glazyev is the supervisor of the anti-European, pseudo-Christian hysteria, but it is Surkov who is the real instigator:
“Sergey, the boss told me to prepare a memo for Surkov. I am sending a copy to you, as while I am trying to make it as brief as possible, I cannot omit what is important in the context of the specific topic. Everything needs to be explained at length. The only thing we may leave out is the list of persons proposed for the Patriarch’s working group on Ukraine. But we cannot throw it out altogether, either. And the threats of the situation, the recommended actions, what Russia needs to do – all those things must remain”. (Glazyev, Tkachuk, 09.11.2013).
On November 20, Frolov brings up the issue of Rusyn separatism: “As I have been professionally dealing with the Rusyn matters for about 20 years, I consider it necessary to prepare a memo for V. Surkov or to higher officials about this matter. I will undertake this commitment”.
I do not want to describe the Revolution of Dignity as seen through the eyes of the enemy. Anyway, Kirill Frolov is too petty to serve as the lens for events of such magnitude. At the same time, a determined reader would find a lot of curious details in the 2013 email dump. The rapid whirlwind of events sucked in our enemies, too, who at times did not know what they were doing. In December 2013 Ukraine was entering a period of turbulence, desperation and hope. There would be grief of the losses and then joy of the victory when on February 22, Verkhovna Rada, the parliament of Ukraine, passed the resolution “On Self-Removal of the President of Ukraine from his Constitutional Authority and Early Elections of the President of Ukraine”.
And tomorrow was the war…
PS The cover photo shows much younger version of Frolov with a punker friend. That was the time when a religious jihad on Ukraine was probably unthinkable to him.
Evidence data was exclusively provided to InformNapalm by the hacktivists of the Ukrainian Cyber Alliance for analysis and processing. InformNapalm Community bears no responsibility for the sources and origin of the data.
This publication was prepared by Sean Townsend
Translated by InformNapalm English
(CC BY) Information specially prepared for InformNapalm.org site, an active link to the authors and our project is obligatory for any reprint or further use of the material.
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