This is Part 7 of InformNapalm’s political thriller, #FrolovLeaks, where Sean Townsend, a Ukrainian Cyber Alliance (UCA) activist, describes how the top Russian officials, the Russian Orthodox Church led by the Patriarch and fringes of all kinds were working to undermine the sovereignty of Ukraine. This material was prepared on the basis of the intercepted correspondence of Kirill Frolov, an analyst of the Institute of the CIS Countries, working for Sergey Glazyev and Vladislav Surkov, aides to the President of the Russian Federation.
In the end of this article, you can find the link for downloading the complete dump of Frolov’s correspondence in 2014 (the archive contains 10,892 messages and is 3.3 Gb large).
In the previous section Kazya-Bazya (Frolov’s nickname from his hippie youth) raptly agreed to Sergey Glazyev’s offer to “work under Surkov“, and the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation began building its own agent network in Ukraine. After President Yanukovych fled Ukraine and the Russian regular army started its treacherous invasion in Crimea (let’s forget the “little green men” euphemism), it was the time for the Russian dormant assets of the first wave to come on stage. The separatists of the South-East, who are they?
For the Russian Orthodox Church, the year 2014 began with another homosexual scandal in the Kazan eparchy. The scandal was started by Andrey Kuraev which cost him his position in the Moscow Theological Academy. Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, Chairman of the Synodal Department for Church Relations with Society and Mass Media, and Kirill Frolov immediately joined the hate campaign distributing unsophisticated gay dirt on Kuraev. Chaplin even coined the “porn deacon” expression in this connection:
By the way, about the label for Kuku [Kuraev – Author’s note]. There is a new word – “porn deacon”. You can even attribute it to me. Who can we use to spread it? We can also say: if he is so fixated on gay/anal complexes, why doesn’t he take a closer look in the mirror? (Chaplin to Frolov, January 16, 2014)
It does not really matter what turns the holy fathers on, but this message very well illustrates their morality. We also came across an interesting comment by Alexander Posadsky:
But “it’s the talk at all the state security agencies that Kuraev is the Patriarch’s project designed to bring the Church to order with an iron fist and to establish a dictatorship” (sic) (Posadsky to Frolov, January 16, 2014)
The Byzantine experts are so well informed about what is going on “in all state security agencies” and the security agencies are so concerned about the affairs of the church that we cannot help but ask: isn’t that one and the same organization, for God’s sake?
Setting aside the pearls of the Orthodox sexual wisdom, let us return to the main subject – how these “Orthodox analysts” and bishops interfered with the Ukrainian politics.
While Frolov was working for Putin’s Presidential Administration, there was a period when Boris Rappoport was Deputy Head of Directorate:
Two monasteries in Ukraine spoke against the disgraceful “address of the Ukrainian churches” in the “Mazepa and Eurosodomite” style – Monastery of St. Jonas in Kyiv and Svyato-Uspensʹkyy Mykolo-Vasylivsʹkyy Monastery in Donbas.
In a message to Rappoport’s office on December 24, 2013 Frolov suggests supporting the “powerful and up-and-coming leader of the South-East” Oleg Tsaryov along with the already existing agents (Frolov in a message to Oleg Kostin, the World Russian People’s Council, on December 23, 2013).
Since the information war in Ukraine was waged by different Russian authorities that often competed with each other, Russia’s general stance seemed a bit schizophrenic swinging from labeling Ukrainians “bloodthirsty Nazis” to “we are brothers forever” slogans with all flavors in between. In early 2014, on January 18, Frolov assisted in organizing a “brotherly” event – the Council of Slavic People (dedicated to the 360th anniversary of the Pereyaslav Council which was regarded by the Soviet history as the “unification of the brotherly peoples”).
Such “councils” have been held in Ukraine since 2004. Frolov refers to the Pereyaslav Council as the “the great irredenta of the Russian people”. The word “irredenta” means annexation of the “historical” territories. On January 1, a separatist from Odesa Anton Davydchenko (leader of Kolokol NGO, Odesa) proposed to address the Presidents of Ukraine and Russia on behalf of twenty NGOs with a request of celebrating the “Day of Friendship” on January 18. Some dumber irredentists, such as Igor Pashmenov, gave a plainer explanation to the “Friendship” as follows: “to forget the nice and once correct words about brotherhood and to prepare to divide the failed state under a weird name “okraina” [derogatory name of Ukraine roughly meaning the “periphery” – Translator’s note].
Frolov recommends the following persons to be invited on the Ukraine side: Mykola Azarov, Metropolitan Agaphangel of Odesa, Nataliya Vitrenko, head of the State Archive Volodymyr Voronin, Andrei Vorobyov, Russian Chargés d’affaires ad interim to Ukraine, Igor Druz, Andriy Klyuyev, Vadym Kolesnychenko, Vladimir Konstantinov, Viktor Medvedchuk, Vadym Novynskyi, Dmytro Tabachnyk and other less known Russian agents of influence and separatists (list).
At the last minute, Frolov requests that the list includes Dmytro Shentsev, the “quiet” MP of the Party of Regions (now Opposition Bloc) who is implicated in the murder of ex-governor of Kharkiv region Yevhen Kushnaryov, as well as the Orthodox motorbiker Alexander Zaldostanov aka. Surgeon and no less Orthodox “businessman” Malofeev:
“Dear Sergey Yurievich! I invited the Surgeon and Malofeev to the dinner at the Patriarch’s! We do need them, besides, we need to talk more about the 360th anniversary in the Patriarch’s presence. Kostya supports this decision, and since we will be using your aircraft, take them on board, please” (Frolov to Glazyev January 07, 2014, we invite interested readers to call Mr Glazyev for comment at +79857687453).
While Ukraine was still in shock after the adoption of the anti-protest laws also known as the “January 16 Laws”, a tight group of traitors and Kremlin officials celebrated the “360th Anniversary of the Unity”. Administered the last rites, we may say. In Donetsk, the anniversary was celebrated with the Russian anthem playing and with the participation of Soyuz Grazhdan Ukrainy (Alliance of the Citizens of Ukraine), NOD-Ukraina (NOD-Ukraine), Donbasskaya Rus (Donbas Rus), Russkiy Bloc (Russian Bloc) and the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (Sergej Buntovskij to Frolov, January 18, 2014), in Odesa – with the participation of Molodezhnoe Edinstvo (Young Unity), Dozor (Watch), Igor Markov’s Rodina (Motherland), the Communist Party of Ukraine and Cossack organizations. His Holiness Kirill Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in an official greeting urged attendees to “preserve peace and concord in the land of the historical Russia”. The Patriarch did it upon S. Glazyev’s request (scan). Such inconspicuous events were the breeding grounds for conspiracies and sorry memes, such as “three countries – one people”.
In February, other things became important. Yanukovych was gradually losing his grip on power. “Either Russia supports tomorrow’s Congress of the Deputies of the South-East, or it is the end” (Frolov to Glazyev, February 21, 2014). As we know, you can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone. As early as in February, Frolov suggested to use Officer Corps as militants for which the budget estimate reached as high as two million US dollars, where $750,000 were to finance the creation of five training camps and over one million – for the information warfare (Frolov to Rappoport’s office, December 24, 2013, “for official use only”). The same people were supposed to fight for Bashar al-Assad in Syria but did not make it there.
The Kremlin wanted the Ukrainians to destroy their country with their own hands. In January and February, Frolov received multiple complaints against poor financing and the “silent South-East”:
The portal stopped working again, and nobody helped me with anything, you included… What I get is promises and empty blah-blah. Tsaryov cannot help, either, because he is the Party of Region’s errand boy using his own funds, too. Igor [Markov – author’s note] seems to have gone nuts after becoming a MP… Are we pulling the plug? Or are we helping the Banderites to bring down the Party of Regions and build something new on its ruins? (Kaurov to Frolov, February 19, 2014).
Who can honestly call Kaurov a Ukrainian citizen? (“tomorrow, I will appeal to the Consulate General for protection and the Russian citizenship for myself and my family. I need urgent help with this, as well as the maximum noise about this. Then, we’ll see HOW they will try to put pressure on me” (Kaurov to Frolov, 04.03.2014).
Having failed to stir up a civil war, Moscow starts to act more aggressively.
Had a meeting with the big bosses. NO objections to sending the troops. But we need to mobilize the regions to the maximum. I became the supervisor over the Odesa and Mykolaiv regions. I personally heard KFZ [Russian MP Konstantin Zatulin – author’s note] arranging assistance for Odesa (04.03.2014).
Already on February 27, Frolov contacts Alexander “the Surgeon” Zaldostanov about “all these things”:
“Sasha, please prepare your version by 22:00, I am flying to Odesa. This way, we will not have to wait until Sunday”. The budget estimate of $423 thousand US dollars included the following items: flags, windbreakers, field kitchen trailer, banners, loudspeakers, St. George ribbons for the amount of $25 thousand. In addition, $200 thousand are intended to purchase weapons and another 150 thousand – for “special operations” (Frolov to Zaldostanov, February 27, 2014, screenshot).
Frolov is getting into a euphoric frenzy while the separatist network of the South-Eastern Ukraine is becoming increasingly active: Denis Yatsyuk, Valeriy Kaurov, assistant to the Metropolitan Agaphangel of Odesa Andrey Novikov, Georgiy Neustroyev, Alyona Boyeva (Odesa), Konstantin Dolgov, Sergei Moiseev (Kharkiv), Yuriy Riske, Yevheniya Bondarenko (Mykolaiv), Iryna Shablovska (Luhansk), Tetyana Gromova (Poltava), Pavel Gubarev (Donetsk), Petro Getsko (Transcarpathia), Anna Vlayeva (Kherson), Vladimir Rogov, Andriy Plygunov (Zaporizhia). The plans are quite ambitious and any the ideas destabilizing Ukraine are welcome:
- Short-term goal (to be achieved within one month) – to ensure the presence of Russia in the region (the media space, activities over the territory, direct communications, flags, tents, mass events).
- Active efforts in the media space and in communication with the people, propaganda of the following ideas by all available means: together forever, Customs Union, Eurasian Union, regionalism, federalism, parliamentary republic, Russian language, eventually – Collective Security Treaty Organization, free Novorossia, free Malorossia, Carpathian Ruthenia, etc.)
- Work with experts in the above-mentioned field. (By the way, check my draft Constitution of the Ukrainian Federation – we are going to organize a wide discussion of it as we intended to with “Ukrainskiy Vybor” (Ukrainian Choice) and “Rodina” (Motherland).
- Posting. Demoralization of the enemy and encouragement of the potential allies. This is extremely important. Spreading of information with its further correct interpretation. Sometimes, we need to spread fake news that are needed here and now. Later, nobody will remember them anyway. We need to misdirect the audience in the right way. From the tactical point of view, perverted meanings are sometimes useful and even necessary.
(Frolov to Tkachuk, March 08, 2014)
The plan was prepared by Andrei Plygunov (Russkoye Edinstvo (Russian Unity)) for Zaporizhia (it also includes a budget estimate), and again proved that falseness is the common style for the entire “Russian world”. It seemed a good idea to use the “legitimate” president for the “tactical perversion of meanings”:
We believe that Yanukovych should sign this address to the people of Ukraine as if it was written by him. We think it will expand Russia’s moral right to … a lot of things. We should squeeze from Yanukovych all he’s good for, especially now when there is gossip about the deterioration of his health. Persuade S.Yu. [Glazyev – Author] to listen to us, we believe that it is going to be a strong move. For us, it is very important that Russia brings the situation under control and then we may be confident that many things will be resolved in Moldova, too (Bishop Markel to Frolov, March 09, 2014).
Some “Orthodox activists” in Ukraine started to get shifty, apparently conscious of the criminal implications of their activity, here is an outpouring of Sergei Moiseev, a separatist from Kharkiv in response to Frolov’s request for lists of collaborants:
– Sergey, these lists contain the names of people who are to be in power in the future. We have been mobilized, our working day is from 9 am to 9 pm, the first task is to make the list of those who did not surrender. Do not forget Kanevskyi, all White Russians, everyone in 1503 and the church in Borki. EVERYONE. Names, occupations, brief profiles, contact details. (Frolov to Moiseev, March 03, 2014)
They look like hit lists, don’t they? The bad thing is that everything happened so quickly and even those among my friends who were against the Maidan are not prepared to find themselves in Russia all of a sudden. Many people are already panicking (Moiseev to Frolov, March 03, 2014).
Moiseev must have been already used to Frolov’s inclination to leak information. On February 22, he sent his message urging Russia to intervene in Ukraine to Frolov (“We, residents of Kharkiv, are suffering terrible times. Ukraine is being torn apart!..) with the following note: “Kirill, launch this but not openly and do not name any names and organizations, we might be killed for this“ (Moiseev to Frolov, February 22, 2014). Naturally, it was “launched” with all the names and organizations disclosed.
“In Donetsk, they did everything as instructed by Russia, as Sergey Glazyev told us to. Are you trying to make a criminal out of me? While Gubarev is in jail, I am withdrawing from the project“ (Novikov to Frolov, March 06, 2014).
“Following the meeting in Kerch, Lavrov said that “Russia has no intention to invade the South-East of Ukraine, and can never have one” – ???? – it’s OK. The troops have arrived. This flight is just a formality, they will not see anything that cannot be seen by satellites” (Frolov to Novikov, March 12, 2014).
Father Andrey had reasons to worry: he was the one the Kremlin used to bring cash to the Odesa separatists. The amounts could be as high as several hundred thousand dollars; they were distributed between several groups of Odesa separatists.
“The required financing is $400 thousand. It will be used to purchase 2000 sets of good quality gear.” (Novikov to Glazyev, 13.03.2014).
On April 10, 2014 the Security Service of Ukraine summoned Novikov for an interrogation and he departed to Moscow with the last flight.
On May 2, 2014 violent clashes started in Odesa culminating in the bloody standoff at the Trade Unions building. The clashes claimed over 40 lives. Apparently, this tragedy was caused by the Kremlin’s focus on Odesa after having lost Kharkiv. Moscow financed and equipped several disparate groups of militants. They were referred to with that very name “militants” in Frolov’s mail.
The Agreement with the EU was not forgotten, either. Tkachuk asks Frolov to assist in passing the following resolution in the regional councils:
- To establish that the draft Ukraine-EU Association Agreement… does not conform to the fundamental principles of the Constitution of Ukraine…
- To establish the lack of competence of the officials… of Ukraine to sign international agreements…
- To appeal to the international community requesting to prevent the signing of the Association Agreement or to refuse to recognize it, if signed…
The draft should be signed on behalf of Donetsk (“where people fight for federalization”) by A. Shyshatskyi, on behalf of Kharkiv – by S. Chernov, on behalf of Luhansk – by V. Golenko, on behalf of Mykolaiv – by T. Kremin. Similar drafts were prepared for all regions. The resolutions were to be pushed through by local separatists (Shablovska, Bondarenko et al) (Tkachuk to Frolov, March 16, 2014).
In Kharkiv, Volodymyr Osipov (like Kaurov, he became a citizen of Russia receiving passport 51 No. 4821593) was training the militants: “we can mobilize 1700 dedicated fighters with combat experience, 200 of them will form the core team. The only problem is arranging weapons and logistics for them” (Osipov to Frolov, April 11, 2014).
That was when the Russian subversion and reconnaissance groups were already operating in Donetsk:
“You said that the Donetsk airport is under our control. Did you mean the Donetsk militia or the green men? – the polite green militia – What do you mean? Together with the Russians? – Yes…” (April 19, 2014).
Slavyansk. “They are not self-defense forces or the guard or the militia. They are special forces” (Markov to Frolov, April 13, 2014).
Odesa again, and Frolov is at the heart of the separatist activity: “Tomorrow at 2 pm the announcement about the creation of Odesa-Novorossia People’s Republic will be made on Kulykove Pole in Odesa. Please arrange the mass media”. (Frolov to Glazyev, Batchikov, Tkachuk, April 19, 2014).
Sergey Batchikov (head of Sergey Glazyev’s 2004 election campaign) was responsible for the “resources”, i.e. funding. And he is the one to whom Frolov appeals for the most “sacred” thing – his salary: “Sergey Yurievich, please ask S. Batchikov to pay my salary – I am embarrassed to beg for it myself” (Frolov to Glazyev, April 21, 2014).
Oleksandr Yakymenko received $40,000 for the “Orthodox guard” which took part in the clashes in Odesa (report) from the same source.
Prokhanov, Dugin’s association with the church, Kurginyan, Irina Bergseth with her story about “the child dressed in Putin’s costume and raped”, rallies for the Patriarch, Kusturica’s tour “in support of Tsaryov”, Orthodox social networks, the military doctrine of Novorossia – this endless bigoted delirium is mixed with truly important things. The innumerable budget estimates, the “resources” lavishly disbursed on destabilizing forces in Ukraine…
The Orthodox camp in Odesa absorbs three thousand dollars per day. April 30, 2014:
“From the Coordination Board of the Representatives of the South-East – to NOVOROSSIA. The list of invitees includes representatives of the opposition to the Kyiv Junta from the Luhansk, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Zaporizhia regions, as well as from the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Transnistria) and the Carpathian Ruthenia”. “Here is the link to …I can provide the diagrams too, if needed… The financing is only about $9,000 per month there”. (May 30, 2014). At the same time – $11,000 were spent for leaflets and balloons, not on terrorist attacks yet (June 03,2014), $115,000 were given to Kaurov “in support to the Orthodox faith” (Frolov to Chaplin, June 05, 2014).
The Kremlin and Danilov Monastery pay for everything, from flights and accommodations to dead bodies: “we need the names, photos and facts on the injured, wounded and killed. That should be sent to Gromov’s people urgently” (Glazyev to Frolov, April 09, 2014). There is a premium on women, children and elderly people – this is what the archpriest from Kamianske recommends to Frolov:
Christ has risen! Kirill, we need to publish the lists of people who were burned with their names and ages. We need to specifically focus on the age to emphasize that they burned an Orthodox chapel with elderly people inside, women among them (archpriest Yevgeniy Maksimenko to Frolov, May 03, 2014).
The tragedy in Odesa would later on prove to be one of the most powerful propaganda tools for stoking anti-Ukrainian fear and loathing in Donetsk and Luhansk as well as across Russia.
At the same time, the Patriarch of Moscow sponsored the gang of Igor Girkin aka. Strelkov, one of the commanders of the Russian forward reconnaissance and subversive groups who would later on boast “I started the war in Donbas”:
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill requested Balashov and father Andrey Novikov to send the aid to Slavyansk to be received by Ruslan Pavlov, assistant to Strelkov and Ponomaryov. He has been in the shadows so far but is important enough there. The aid was gathered by the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society. Balashov is going out of his way trying to redirect the humanitarian aid to the National Guard, of all things, Novikov fights back, and Balashov is trying to make him look crazy (Frolov to V. Chaplin, May 19, 2014). Malofeev is also mentioned: “Valeriy Kaurov met Konstantin Malofeev. Malofeev promised his support if His Holiness says “yes” (May 26, 2014).
The craze deepens over encouragement and cash flows from Moscow, the correspondents are no longer recognizing Ukraine as a sovereign state. In their mail exchange, our country is referred to as “ex-Ukraine”, “the territory of the USSR”. Pavel Gubarev went as far as suggesting:
“the negotiations on dividing the ex-Ukraine peacefully” (Gubarev to Frolov, June 23, 2014); “I fully agree. About the division of Ukraine – I think we should push it to the max, and I agree to everything else, too” (Glazyev to Frolov, August 01, 2014); the official spokesperson of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate Vsevolod Chaplin receives Denis Pushilin the Ponzi scheme master and one of the leaders of Donetsk People’s Republic: “TOMORROW IS THE PRAYER SERVICE. BRING PUSHILIN. FATHER VSEVOLOD IS READY TO RECEIVE HIM, TOO” (Shabayev to Frolov, July 02, 2014).
The war is already raging on in Donbas, trucks with rough markings “Cargo 200” take human remains of the Russian militants and servicemen to Rostov in a steady flow. At the same time aides and advisors to the President of the Russian Federation are discussing the “peaceful division of Ukraine”, whereas Russia’s diplomats publicly deny “its involvement in the Ukrainian conflict”. Behind their backs heads of the church are taking active part in the logistics chain providing the hybrid army with everything they need, including moral and “spiritual” support:
… together with Maksim Markov they are taking the icon to Donetsk again, with nobody to accompany them. From the previous experience, when a “provocation with the seizure” of the icon at the LPR checkpoint occurred on July 10 and later the icon was retrieved by Bezler, we see that it was done for the sole purpose of creating a hype for Tsypko and Bezler. With the high spiritual value of the icon, and the fact that the icon had already been in Donetsk and that the icon retrieval initiative was not approved by anyone, please stop Maria Tsypko’s main protector, a person who is anything but spiritual, a member of the Federal Security Service (according to himself) Dmitry Fomichev (Shabayev to Frolov, July 18, 2014).
Maria Tsypko is also an interesting character. A professional weeper actress who posed in numerous Russian fake propaganda videos aimed at stoking hate in Russia and Ukraine. From autumn 2013 till late summer 2014, she was very active taking turns as a “refugee from Kyiv”, a “humanitarian worker in Debaltseve”, a tearful “mother from Donetsk”, a terrified “survivor of Odesa massacre”. These are but a few of her roles. In 2018, she resurfaced at pro-Russian rallies in Latvia.
The war was not turning the way Frolov and his network had aspired. In the summer 2014, the Ukrainian Army and volunteer battalions were pressing on towards the Russian border, and Igor Druz suddenly got melancholic begging for more “help to Novorossia”:
I knew it and told you so – the situation is lousy. We may very well die here… The circle has closed. The city shelling has never been so intense. We have 60 wounded over the night and I do not know about the fatalities yet. Speak to all influential people about the support to Novorossia. Otherwise we will fall. The forces are very unequal. They have enough ammunition to shell us for six months. But I am not sorry about anything… (Druz to Frolov, July 04, 2014).
Every night, Donetsk hears the artillery, it is impossible to sleep, the gunpowder smell is felt even in the center. As it always happens in hotspots, the rich were the first to flee and the boutiques were the first to close down. They were followed by large electronics and furniture stores, now, large supermarkets are beginning to close down, too. I hope the situation does not get to the level of Slavyansk during the war – no electricity, water, mobile communication and food. But we are getting close to that… Half of the people have moved out already. We need serious help (Druz to Frolov, July 26, 2014).
The calls for “more help” were eventually answered and Russia sent in “humanitarian convoys” by day. And convoys of tanks, IFVs, MLRS and other military hardware through the uncontrolled portions of the border by night. Eventually regular Russian troops were deployed to counteract the Ukrainian offensive.
As for our main subject, he went on scheming in the Ukrainian clerical and political life. In July, Frolov wanted a pro-Russian Metropolitan in Ukraine at all cost:
“For Onufriy to be elected, we need 13 votes. If we motivate 13 eparchs well enough, they are sure to become friends of Russia.” (Frolov to Andrey Tretyakov, July 24, 2014).
Russian Orthodox Church supported the Russia’s hybrid force in Ukraine, and Patriarch Kirill was fully in the know. In August, Frolov also asks him for a personal meeting with Igor Druz, the emissary of Igor Girkin aka. Strelkov:
Your Holiness! Igor Strelkov sent his representative, Igor Druz, to you with confidential requests. Please see him, he is already in Moscow (Frolov to Patriarch Kirill, August 07, 2014).
Russia made another switch from military action to political pressure after Ilovaysk, Strelkov was dismissed, as his military zeal was unwanted, and Frolov had to reassure the Patriarch:
To the Leader. I. Strelkov’s dismissal is a purely tactical move, there is no treason. Moreover, now single command over NOVOROSSIA is being established. More details will be provided in a personal conversation (to the secretary of Patriarch Kirill, nun Varvara (Merkulova), August 15, 2014).
The Russian Orthodox Church acted as a versatile unit in Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine, using its clergy and “Orthodox activists” as intelligence and subversion assets, and its laity as militants.
More details can be found in Kirill Frolov’s 2014 email dump (3,3 Gigabytes when expanded, 10,892 messages, ImportExportTools plugin and Thunderbird required, the full archive is over 17 Gigabytes).
In August, Russia deployed its regular army units in Ukraine to reinforce the terrorist gangs of Novorossia. There were the battles for Ilovaisk, Savur Mohyla and Luhansk Airport. Despite Moscow’s sabotage, Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Kherson, Mykolaiv and Odesa remained under Ukraine’s control, and the Ukrainian Army managed to contain the enemy in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The Kremlin’s aggressive plans of dividing Ukraine never came true. There was no “rapid march on Kyiv”. Minsk negotiations were not far off, heralding personnel changes in the “young republics”. The separatists and prominent “Russian volunteers” of the first wave would soon be mostly out of the picture, dumped, jailed or eliminated by Russia as soon as it no longer needed them…
For other parts of #FrolovLeaks series follow these links:
FrolovLeaks: church-going Kremlin influence expert in Ukraine. Episode 1
FrolovLeaks: anathema as instrument of influence on the Ukrainian politics. Episode II
FrolovLeaks: Church Scheming. Episode III
FrolovLeaks: hounding of Pussy Riot and Patriarch’s “dusty case”. Episode V
FrolovLeaks: Tomorrow Was the War. Episode VI
Evidence data was exclusively provided to InformNapalm by the hacktivists of the Ukrainian Cyber Alliance for analysis and processing. InformNapalm Community bears no responsibility for the sources and origin of the data.
This publication was prepared by Sean Townsend
Translated by InformNapalm English
(CC BY) Information specially prepared for site, an active link to the authors and our project is obligatory for any reprint or further use of the material.
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