Currently some howitzer and rocket artillery units from 291st Brigade, 58th Army, Southern Military District (military unit 64670, stationed in Troitskaya, Ingushetia) are being observed again in Rostov region on the Ukrainian border (along Sea of Azov).
It is known that at the end of the summer and the beginning of the fall, the brigade’s artillery, as well as assets of other artillery units of Russian forces, were actively used in shelling of Ukrainian territory.
This summer, one of the artillery battalions of the 291st brigade was used as the core of a new artillery regiment, permanently deployed in the occupied Crimea in Simferopol, under the command of Black Sea Fleet.
Among others, in the selection of photos of the “tour of duty” there are some that show Smerch MRLS, which could belong to the 439th rocket brigade (military unit 69673, stationed in Znamensk, Astrakhan region).
See also the following topics:
– Identification of troops and weapons of artillery units participating in Russian invasion;
– Russian occupants starting to organize new military units in Crimea – 8th separate artillery regiment;
– Smetch MRLS of 439th rocket brigade as part of the Russian invasion force.
–Process of deployment of weapons and vehicles into Donbass: how it’s done and what is being transferred.
Процесс переброски российского вооружения и техники на Донбасс: как это происходит и что туда везут
Aurhor Ираклий Комахидзе
Translated by Roman Vlasov
Edited by Max Alginin
(с)The information was prepared specially for “InformNapalm” site, it is mandatory to refer to the author and our project when copying and using this material.
23 Responses to “291st artillery brigade’s “Tour of duty” from Crimea to Donbass”
The Tour of Duty of the 200th Special Purpose Separate Motor Rifle Brigade of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy in Rostov Region and in Ukraine. -[…] – 291st artillery brigade’s “Tour of duty” from Crimea to Donbass; – About flying ”Grad” MLRS […]
The Tour of Duty of the 200th Special Purpose Separate Motor Rifle Brigade of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy in Rostov Region and in Ukraine. - (English) (English)[…] – 291st artillery brigade’s “Tour of duty” from Crimea to Donbass; – About flying ”Grad” MLRS […]
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Un officier de la 28e brigade d’artillerie de Russie a reçu une médaille pour avoir tué des Ukrainiens - (Français)[…] Gebiet, Russland), 7. Stützpunkt (Einheit Nr. 09332, Gudauta, okkupiertes Abchasien, Georgien) und 291. Artilleriebrigade (Einheit Nr. 64670, Satins Troizkaja, Inguschetien), die das Territorium der Ukraine beschossen […]
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