As you can see, the 15th Motorized Brigade from Samara (Central Military District) of the Russian invasion forces (the brigade has a somewhat cynical name “Peacekeeping”) has recovered from the combat losses it suffered over the summer.
After the recent statements of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on launching criminal investigations into “genocide of Russian-speaking people living in the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics”, the soldiers began to erase “DPR” and “LPR” marks from their Armored Personnel Carriers and put on “МС” (“peacekeeping forces”) insignia:
The “peacekeeping” brigade are deployed in a field camp near the A-260 highway to the south of Popovka village (Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy District, Rostov Region, Russian Federation). Its units are on combat alert, and political officers actively carry out indoctrination work with the soldiers. At the same time inspections and tests of personnel, weapons, and equipment are performed.
By Irakli Komakhidze; edited by Larry Field
22 Responses to “Back to Basics: Russian Mercenaries Pretend to Be Peacekeepers”
Возвращение к истокам. Как российские войска из бойцов ДНР/ЛНР снова облачаются в миротворцев - Inform Napalm[…] English: Back to Basics: Russian Mercenaries Pretend to Be Peacekeepers […]
Units of the Russian Armed Forces Which Have Been Deployed to Fight in Eastern Ukraine - BurkoNews.info[…] 15th Separate Motorized Brigade (part of the so-called “Peacekeeping forces”), Roschinskyy (Samara). Unit has combat losses. […]
Russische Menschenrechtsaktivistin: Bis zu 4360 gefallene russische Soldaten | EUROMAIDAN PRESS | News and Opinion from Across Ukraine[…] Die 15. Friedenstruppen-Brigade “Berlin” – Verluste allein im September und Oktober. […]
Einheit der 15.'Friedens'brigade aus Samara ist nun in Millerowo. - InformNapalm.org (Deutsch)[…] – “Zurück zu den Wurzeln. Wie die Russischen Truppen aus Kämpfern der DVR/LVR mal wieder in di…; (englisch) […]
From Severomorsk to Donbas. ‘Vacation Photos’ by Marine of the 61st Brigade, Russian Northern Fleet in Ukraine - InformNapalm.org (English)[…] We should emphasize photos from the base camp in Millerovo and the transit camp in Kamensky District of Rostov oblast near Ukraine’s border. Earlier we have tracked movement of military columns from this camp. Hence, the Russian tactical groups (including 61st Marine Brigade, 15th Motorized Rifle Brigade, 76th Guards Air Assault Division) were transferred to Donbas through these camps in Summer and Autumn 2014. Links in Russian: – 61th Marine Brigade of the Northern Fleet as Part of the Invasion Force – Back to Basics: Russian Mercenaries Pretend to Be Peacekeepers […]
Die Mimikry russischer 15. Brigade zu "einheimischen Donbass-Bergarbeitern" - InformNapalm.org (Deutsch)[…] motorisierte Schützenbrigade der „Friedenstruppen“ an der Grenze zur Ukraine“ – „Back to Basics: Russian Mercenaries Pretend to Be Peacekeepers“ – „Zurück zu den Wurzeln 2 – Wie russische Soldaten sich aus Kämpfern im Donbass […]
La 15e brigade russe se transforme en mineurs du Donbass - InformNapalm.org (Français)[…] „Back to Basics: Russian Mercenaries Pretend to Be Peacekeepers“ – „Mourning ‘Peacekeepers’ of the 15th […]
Kriegsverbrecher aus der 15. "Friedensstifter"- Brigade. Ineditum. - InformNapalm.org (Deutsch)[…] Back to Basics: Russian Mercenaries Pretend to Be Peacekeepers […]
The War Criminals of the 15th ‘Peacekeeping’ Brigade: Unpublished Story - InformNapalm.org (English)[…] Back to Basics: Russian Mercenaries Pretend to Be Peacekeepers […]
Units of the Russian Armed Forces Which Have Been Deployed to Fight in Eastern Ukraine - InformNapalm.org (English)[…] 15th Separate Motorized Brigade (part of the so-called “Peacekeeping forces”), Roschinskyy (Samara). Unit has combat losses. […]
Militärangehörige der 15. "Friedensbrigade" der russischen Streitkräfte im Donbass - InformNapalm.org (Deutsch)[…] motorisierte Schützenbrigade der “Friedenstruppen” an der Grenze zur Ukraine” “Back to Basics: Russian Mercenaries Pretend to Be Peacekeepers” “Возвращение к истокам – 2. Очередное […]
Un ocupante ruso de la 232a REABr de las Fuerzas Armadas rusas fue visto paseando con la familia por el Parque de Donetsk - InformNapalm.org (Español)[…] Back to Basics: Russian Mercenaries Pretend to Be Peacekeepers […]
Russian occupier from the 232nd Rocket Artillery Brigade caught on a stroll with his family in Donetsk park - InformNapalm.org (English)[…] Back to Basics: Russian Mercenaries Pretend to Be Peacekeepers […]
Rysk ockupant från 232:a raketartilleribrigaden på promenad med sin familj i Donetsk - InformNapalm på svenska[…] 15th Motorized Rifle Brigade as intel unit and peacekeepers simultaneously 10.09.2014 ◊ Russian mercenaries acting as peacekeepers 03.10.2014 ◊ Proof of reincarnation of Russian soldiers – from militants into […]
el contratista de la 15ª OMSB de las Fuerzas Armadas de RF fue liquidado en la región de Donetsk.[…] Back to Basics: Russian Mercenaries Pretend to Be Peacekeepers […]
Establecidos los 10 militares de la 15a Brigada OMSBr de las Fuerzas Armadas de Rusia que participaron en la captura de Crimea y la invasión de Donbass (Infografía) - InformNapalm.org (Español)[…] de acuerdo con la imagen de 2014 del álbum del contratista de la 15º OMSBr Aleksey Kozlov (ver 1, 2). Recordemos que el comandante de la rama de Kozlov, logró “iluminarse” en Donbass […]
Volver a lo básico-2. Otra evidencia de la reencarnación del ejército ruso de la milicia DRN / LNR en los "pacificadores" - InformNapalm.org (Español)[…] Back to Basics: Russian Mercenaries Pretend to Be Peacekeepers […]
Se establecieron los datos de los 5 militares 15a OMBR de la Federación Rusa, que trataron de ocultar su participación en la agresión - InformNapalm.org (Español)[…] Back to Basics: Russian Mercenaries Pretend to Be Peacekeepers […]
Warum Kommandeure der 15. SMSBr. der Streitkräfte RF bereit waren, den verbrecherischen Befehlen von Kreml Folge zu leisten - InformNapalm (Deutsch)[…] „Back to Basics: Russian Mercenaries Pretend to Be Peacekeepers“ […]
Identified: 10 servicemen from the Russian 15th Brigade who participated in annexation of Crimea and invasion of Donbas (Infographics) - InformNapalm.org (English)[…] taken in 2014 from the album of Alexey Kozlov (a contract serviceman of the 15th MRB) (see 1, 2). Let us remind you that squad leader Kozlov was spotted in the Donbas twice. The second time he […]
Tio yrkessoldater från ryska Mek IB 15 som har deltagit i ockupationen av Krim och Donbass[…] Alexei Kozlovs fotoalbum 2014. Han är yrkessoldat i den 15:e Mek infanteribrigaden (länk 1, 2). Låt oss påminna om att Kozlov har observerats två gånger i Donbass. Den andra gången han […]
Zehn Militärangehörige der 15. SMSBr, die an der Krim-Besetzung und der Invasion in den Donbas beteiligt waren, identifiziert - InformNapalm (Deutsch)[…] von einem Bild aus dem Jahr 2014 aus dem Album des Zeitsoldaten der 15. SMSBr Alexej Koslow (s.1, 2), durchgeführt. Zur Erinnerung: Der Befehlshaber der Einheit Koslow schaffte es bereits zwei […]