In the course of detection and identification of Russian units and the armament of artillery elements of the Russian invasion forces concentrated along the border with Ukraine, we were able to acquire evidence of another artillery element, which has not shown up previously.
In the forest near Ekaterinovka village of the Matveev Kurgan district of the Rostov region (Russian Federation), there is an artillery element situated several kilometers away from the border with Ukraine. Presumably this is a battery consisting of up to 6 units of 152.4 mm 2S3 “Akatsiya” self-propelled artillery. The battery is part of the artillery division of the 7th Military Base of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (based in Gudauta, occupied Abkhazia, Georgia).
With high probability we can assume that there are also multiple launch rocket system elements of the 7th Military Base along with self-propelled artillery gun elements in the Rostov region.
Judging by comments and photos, the artillery periodically shell targets in the territory of Ukraine.
Note my previous report in September that troop elements of the 7th Occupation Base were transferred from Abkhazia to the Rostov region.
The post is based on our observations and information from various sources and is backed with photos (from multiple sources): photos from the 7th Base in Gudauta, photos showing the transfer of an artillery division, and photos from the Rostov region.
See also:
- Combat Crews of MLRS BM-21 “Grad” of the 19th Motorized Brigade Identified along the Border with Ukraine
- Identification of Military Units and the Armament of Artillery Elements of the Russian Invasion Forces
- Units of the Russian Armed Forces Which Have Been Deployed to Fight in Eastern Ukraine
By Irakli Komakhidze; edited by Larry Field
41 Responses to “Combat Crews of 2S3 “Akatsiya” of the 7th Military Base Identified along the Border with Ukraine”
Боевые расчеты САУ "Акация" 7-й военной базы, "партизанящие" в лесах вдоль границы с Украиной - Inform Napalm[…] English: Combat Crews of 2S3 “Akatsiya” of the 7th Military Base Identified along the Border with Ukraine […]
Units of the Russian Armed Forces Which Have Been Deployed to Fight in Eastern Ukraine - BurkoNews.info[…] 7th Military Base, occupied Abkhazia, Georgia. Unit has combat losses. […]
Medical Detachment of the 7th Military Base from Abkhazia Identified near the Border with Ukraine - BurkoNews.info[…] from the 7th Military Base deployed to the Rostov region. In particular, it was established that an artillery detachment (presumably a battery of 152.4 mm 2S3 “Akatsiya” self-propelled artillery) had been situated […]
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