The InformNapalm international volunteer community has prepared a summarized information about the officers – Russian pilots and navigators – who may be involved in killing of more than 1380 civilians (including 322 children) which died in result of the Russian air strikes in Syria.
Conducting a deep investigation and gathering the information found in the open sources (Russian propaganda footages and publications in media), our volunteers identified 32 officers from 20 crews of the Russian warplanes carrying out combat operations in Syria.
Investigation, analytics and infographics by InformNapalm. Click to see the hi-res graphics.
The infographic includes data gathered based on our own OSINT investigations:
- Su-24M, side No. ‘white 04’, tail No. RF-90943
- Su-24M, side No. ‘white 05’, tail No. RF-90942
- Su-24M, side No. ‘white 16’, tail No. RF-93812
- Su-24M, side No. ‘white 26’, tail No. RF-90932
- Su-24M, Serial No. 0715323
- Su-30SM, side No. ‘red 27’, tail No. RF-93686
- Su-24M2, side No. ‘white 72’, tail No. RF-95103
- Su-24M2, side No. ‘white 74’, tail No. RF-95105
- Su-25SM, side No. ‘red 22’
- Su-25SM, side No. ‘red 26’, tail No. RF-91956
- Tu-160 ‘Valery Chkalov’, tail No. RF-94110
- Tu-160 ‘Aleksandr Golovanov’, tail No. RF-94104
- Tu-95MS ‘Vorkuta’ (RF-94127), ‘Izborsk’ (RF-94117), ‘Krasnoyarsk’ (RF-94123)
- An-124
- Tu-23M3, side No. ‘red 24’ and ‘red 42’
- Il-20, electronic warfare and surveillance plane
Publication of these materials is the response to the terrorist and occupation activities of the Russian Federation in both Syria and Ukraine. Each war crime must be answered.
Please share this information!
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Together we win!
(CC BY 4.0)
Original article translated by Stepan Grishin
8 Responses to “Crews of the Russian Air Forces Group in Syria. Infographics for War Crimes Tribunal”
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